This directory contains examples of how to use ADIOS2 in different scenarios. The examples are written mostly in C++, but also C, Fortran, Python, and Julia.
They can be found in the following subdirectories, and they should be explored in the order that they are listed:
- hello: The hello examples are meant to introduce you to ADIOS2's IO capabilities and engines.
- basics: The basics examples are meant to introduce you to basic concepts of ADIOS2, such as global/joined/local arrays, values, and variables shapes.
- useCases: The useCases examples are meant to demonstrate how to use ADIOS2 in different scenarios, such as in situ visualization, and fides schema.
- plugins: The plugins examples are meant to introduce you to the plugin capabilities of ADIOS2, such as how to develop your own engine or operators.
- simulations: The simulations examples are meant to demonstrate how to integrate ADIOS2 within your simulation code to read, write and/or stream your simulation data.