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114 lines (78 loc) · 2.49 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (78 loc) · 2.49 KB


An example repository to demonstrate Pants's experimental Golang support.

See the Golang blog post for some unique benefits Pants brings to Golang repositories, and see for more detailed documentation.

This is only one possible way of laying out your project with Pants. See for some other example layouts.

Running Pants

You run Pants goals using the pants launcher binary, which will bootstrap the version of Pants configured for this repo if necessary.

See here for how to install the pants binary.


Pants commands are called goals. You can get a list of goals with

pants help goals

Most goals take arguments to run on. To run on a single directory, use the directory name with : at the end. To recursively run on a directory and all its subdirectories, add :: to the end.

For example:

pants lint cmd: internal::

You can run on all changed files:

pants --changed-since=HEAD lint

You can run on all changed files, and any of their "dependees":

pants --changed-since=HEAD --changed-dependees=transitive test

Example Goals

Try these out in this repo!

Run Gofmt

pants fmt ::  # Format all packages.
pants fmt cmd/greeter_en:  # Format only this package.
pants lint pkg::  # Check that all packages under `pkg` are formatted.

Check compilation

pants check ::  # Compile all packages.
pants check cmd/greeter_en:  # Compile only this package and its transitive dependencies.

Run tests

pants test ::  # Run all tests in the repository.
pants test pkg/uuid:  # Run all the tests in this package.
pants test pkg/uuid: -- -run TestGenerateUuid  # Run just this one test.

Create a binary file

Writes the result to the dist/ folder.

pants package cmd/greeter_en:
pants package cmd::  # Create all binaries.

Run a binary

pants run cmd/greeter_en:
pants run cmd/greeter_es: -- --help

Determine dependencies

pants dependencies cmd/greeter_en:
pants dependencies --transitive cmd/greeter_en:

Determine dependees

That is, find what code depends on a particular package(s).

pants dependees pkg/uuid:
pants dependees --transitive pkg/uuid: 

Count lines of code

pants count-loc '**/*'