docs: enhance code documentation with comprehensive PHPDoc comments
docs: enhance code documentation with comprehensive PHPDoc comments
Add PR template and auto-close PR on subtree split repositories
Add PR template and auto-close PR on subtree split repositories
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.1.1
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.1.1
chore: add Symfony Profiler integration for PHPFlasher
chore: add Symfony Profiler integration for PHPFlasher
add palestine banner support to nested repositories
add palestine banner support to nested repositories
chore: remove pr auto_closer github action
chore: remove pr auto_closer github action
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.0.1
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.0.1
chore: update composer.json keywords section
chore: update composer.json keywords section
composer: update packages description and keywords
composer: update packages description and keywords
chore: follow symfony best practices for bundle names
chore: follow symfony best practices for bundle names
chore: allow symfony bundles to be detected by symfony flex
chore: allow symfony bundles to be detected by symfony flex
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.0
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.0
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.x-dev
chore: bump flasher dependency to v2.x-dev
chore: bump flasher dependency to v1.15.14
chore: bump flasher dependency to v1.15.14
chore: bump flasher dependency to v1.15.13
chore: bump flasher dependency to v1.15.13
chore: bump flasher dependency to v1.15.12
chore: bump flasher dependency to v1.15.12
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.9
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.9
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.8
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.8
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.5
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.5
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.4
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.4
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.3
chore: bump flasher interdepency to v1.15.3
add ImJustToNy to code contributors
add ImJustToNy to code contributors
fix: loading flasher styles correctly
fix: loading flasher styles correctly