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BootstrapTable Props



Tells react-bootstrap-table2 which column of the data is unique. This should be the name of a property that is unique for each item in your dataset

Provides data for your table. It accepts a single Array object.

Each item in this array is an object that represents a row in the table. Each "Row" object should have a key-value pair for each column in the table, whose key matches that column's dataField value.

For example, if your column definitions look like:

columns = [
  { dataField: 'id', text: 'Id' },
  { dataField: 'name', text: 'Name' },
  { dataField: 'animal', text: 'Animal' },

Then your data might look like:

data = [
  { id: 1, name: 'George', animal: 'Monkey' }
  { id: 2, name: 'Jeffrey', animal: 'Giraffe' }
  { id: 3, name: 'Alice', animal: 'Giraffe' }
  { id: 4, name: 'Alice', animal: 'Tiger' }

And your "keyField" would be id

Accepts a single Array object, please see columns definition for more detail.

Default is false, if enableremote, you are suppose to handle all the table change events, like: pagination, insert, filtering etc. This is a chance that you can connect to your remote server or database to manipulate your data.
For flexibility reason, you can control what functionality should be handled on remote via a object return:

remote={ {
  filter: true,
  pagination: true,
  filter: true,
  sort: true,
  cellEdit: true
} }

In above case, only column filter will be handled on remote.

Note: when remote is enable, you are suppose to give onTableChange prop on BootstrapTable It's the only way to communicate to your remote server and update table states.

A special case for remote pagination:

remote={ { pagination: true, filter: false, sort: false } }

There is a special case for remote pagination, even you only specified the pagination need to handle as remote, react-bootstrap-table2 will handle all the table changes(filter, sort etc) as remote mode, because react-bootstrap-table2 only know the data of current page, but filtering, searching or sort need to work on overall data.

true to indicate your bootstrap version is 4. Default version is 3.

Telling if table is loading or not, for example: waiting data loading, filtering etc. It's only valid when remote is enabled. When loading is true, react-bootstrap-table2 will attend to render a overlay on table via overlay prop, if overlay prop is not given, react-bootstrap-table2 will ignore the overlay rendering.

overlay accept a factory function which should returning a higher order component. By default, react-bootstrap-table2-overlay can be a good option for you:

$ npm install react-bootstrap-table2-overlay
import overlayFactory from 'react-bootstrap-table2-overlay';

  data={ data }
  columns={ columns }
  loading={ true }  //only loading is true, react-bootstrap-table will render overlay
  overlay={ overlayFactory() }

Actually, react-bootstrap-table-overlay is depends on react-loading-overlay and overlayFactory just a factory function and you can pass any props which available for react-loading-overlay:

    spinner: true,
    styles: {
      overlay: (base) => ({...base, background: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'})

Same as HTML caption tag, you can set it as String or a React JSX.

Same as bootstrap .table-striped class for adding zebra-stripes to a table.

Same as bootstrap .table-bordered class for adding borders to a table and table cells.

Same as bootstrap .table-hover class for adding mouse hover effect (grey background color) on table rows.

Same as bootstrap .table-condensed class for making a table more compact by cutting cell padding in half.

Customize id on table element.

Enable the tabIndex attribute on <td> element.

Customize class on table element.

Customize class on the outer element which wrap up the table element.

Customize class on the header row(tr).

Customize class on the thead.

Makes table cells editable, please see cellEdit definition for more detail.

Makes table rows selectable, please see selectRow definition for more detail.

Makes table rows expandable, please see expandRow definition for more detail.

Custom the style of table rows:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } rowStyle={ { backgroundColor: 'red' } } />

This prop also accept a callback function for flexible to custom row style:

const rowStyle = (row, rowIndex) => {
  return { ... };

<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } rowStyle={ rowStyle } />

Custom the style of table rows:

<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } rowClasses="custom-row-class" />

This prop also accept a callback function for flexible to custom row style:

const rowClasses = (row, rowIndex) => {
  return 'custom-row-class';

<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } rowClasses={ rowClasses } />

Custom the events on row:

const rowEvents = {
  onClick: (e, row, rowIndex) => {
<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } rowEvents={ rowEvents } />

Hide rows, this props accept an array of row keys:

const hiddenRows = [1, 4];
<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } hiddenRows={ hiddenRows } />

Two cases you probably need to configure sort prop:

Manage sorting state

You can give dataField and order to specify the sorting state in table, For example

<BootstrapTable sort={ { dataField: 'price', order: 'asc' } }>

One-time sorting configuration

In earily version, we only can configure sortCaret and sortFunc per column. But they are same in most of cases.
So here we give you a chance to just setup these prop in one time.

<BootstrapTable sort={ {
  sortCaret: ...
  sortFunc: ...
} }>

defaultSorted accept an object array which allow you to define the default sort columns when first render.

const defaultSorted = [{
  dataField: 'name', // if dataField is not match to any column you defined, it will be ignored.
  order: 'desc' // desc or asc

Note: Only the first column is sorted currently, see #1083.

Default sort direction when user click on header column at first time, available value is asc and desc. Default is desc.

pagination allow user to render a pagination panel on the bottom of table. But pagination functionality is separated from core of react-bootstrap-table2 so that you are suppose to install react-bootstrap-table2-paginator additionally.

$ npm install react-bootstrap-table2-paginator --save

After installation of react-bootstrap-table2-paginator, you can enable pagination on react-bootstrap-table2 easily:

import paginator from 'react-bootstrap-table2-paginator';

// omit...

<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } pagination={ paginator() } />

paginator is a function actually and allow to pass some pagination options, following we list all the available options:

  page, // Specify the current page. It's necessary when remote is enabled
  sizePerPage, // Specify the size per page. It's necessary when remote is enabled
  totalSize, // Total data size. It's necessary when remote is enabled
  pageStartIndex: 0, // first page will be 0, default is 1
  paginationSize: 3,  // the pagination bar size, default is 5
  showTotal: true, // display pagination information
  sizePerPageList: [ {
    text: '5', value: 5
  }, {
    text: '10', value: 10
  }, {
    text: 'All', value: products.length
  } ], // A numeric array is also available: [5, 10]. the purpose of above example is custom the text
  withFirstAndLast: false, // hide the going to first and last page button
  alwaysShowAllBtns: true, // always show the next and previous page button
  firstPageText: 'First', // the text of first page button
  prePageText: 'Prev', // the text of previous page button
  nextPageText: 'Next', // the text of next page button
  lastPageText: 'Last', // the text of last page button
  nextPageTitle: 'Go to next', // the title of next page button
  prePageTitle: 'Go to previous', // the title of previous page button
  firstPageTitle: 'Go to first', // the title of first page button
  lastPageTitle: 'Go to last', // the title of last page button
  hideSizePerPage: true, // hide the size per page dropdown
  hidePageListOnlyOnePage: true, // hide pagination bar when only one page, default is false
  onPageChange: (page, sizePerPage) => {}, // callback function when page was changing
  onSizePerPageChange: (sizePerPage, page) => {}, // callback function when page size was changing
  paginationTotalRenderer: (from, to, size) => { ... }  // custom the pagination total

filter allow user to filter data by column. However, filter functionality is separated from core of react-bootstrap-table2 so that you are suppose to install react-bootstrap-table2-filter firstly.

$ npm install react-bootstrap-table2-filter --save

After installation of react-bootstrap-table2-filter, you can configure filter on react-bootstrap-table2 easily:

import filterFactory, { textFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';

// omit...
const columns = [ {
  dataField: 'id', 
  text: 'Production ID'
}, {
  dataField: 'name',
  text: 'Production Name',
  filter: textFilter()  // apply text filter
}, {
  dataField: 'price',
  text: 'Production Price'
} ];
<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />

This callback function will be called when remote enabled only.

const onTableChange = (type, newState) => {
  // handle any data change here
<BootstrapTable data={ data } columns={ columns } onTableChange={ onTableChange } />

There's only two arguments will be passed to onTableChange: type and newState:

type is tell you what kind of functionality to trigger this table's change: available values at the below:

  • filter
  • pagination
  • sort
  • cellEdit

Following is a shape of newState

  page,  // newest page
  sizePerPage,  // newest sizePerPage
  sortField,  // newest sort field
  sortOrder,  // newest sort order
  filters, // an object which have current filter status per column
  data, // when you enable remote sort, you may need to base on data to sort if data is filtered/searched
  cellEdit: {  // You can only see this prop when type is cellEdit

Available value is inline, top and bottom, default is inline. This prop decide where react-bootstrap-table render column filter.

This callback function will be called only when data size change by search/filter etc. This function have one argument which is an object contains below props:

  • dataSize: The new data size
handleDataChange = ({ dataSize }) => {
  this.setState({ rowCount: dataSize });

  onDataSizeChange={ handleDataChange }