index d0d510dc68..4ba9e3c943 100644
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ yarn test --watch
 - Create a new feature branch based off the `master` branch.
 - Make sure all tests pass and there are no linting errors.
 - Submit a pull request, referencing any issues it addresses.
-- If you changed external-facing types, make sure to also build the project locally and include the updated API report file etc/redux-toolkit.api.md in your pull request.
 Please try to keep your pull request focused in scope and avoid including unrelated commits.
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor-react.json b/packages/toolkit/api-extractor-react.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 35ed8b94dd..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor-react.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- * Config file for API Extractor.  For more info, please visit: https://api-extractor.com
- */
-  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
-  /**
-   * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from.  This provides a way for
-   * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects.
-   *
-   * If the path starts with "./" or "../", the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains
-   * the "extends" field.  Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be
-   * resolved using NodeJS require().
-   *
-   */
-  // "extends": "./shared/api-extractor-base.json"
-  // "extends": "my-package/include/api-extractor-base.json"
-  /**
-   * Determines the "<projectFolder>" token that can be used with other config file settings.  The project folder
-   * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined.
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting.
-   *
-   * The default value for "projectFolder" is the token "<lookup>", which means the folder is determined by traversing
-   * parent folders, starting from the folder containing api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder
-   * that contains a tsconfig.json file.  If a tsconfig.json file cannot be found in this way, then an error
-   * will be reported.
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <lookup>
-   * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-   */
-  "projectFolder": ".",
-  /**
-   * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis.  API Extractor
-   * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.
-   *
-   * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts".
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-   * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-   */
-  "mainEntryPointFilePath": "dist/react/index.d.ts",
-  //"mainEntryPointFilePath": "/home/weber/tmp/rtk-origin-master/dist/index.d.ts",
-  /**
-   * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
-   *
-   * For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project "library1",
-   * and another NPM package "library2" is embedded in this bundle.  Some types from library2 may become part
-   * of the exported API for library1, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly
-   * imports library2.  To avoid this, we can specify:
-   *
-   *   "bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
-   *
-   * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been
-   * local files for library1.
-   */
-  "bundledPackages": [],
-  /**
-   * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.
-   */
-  "compiler": {
-    /**
-     * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * Note: This setting will be ignored if "overrideTsconfig" is used.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json"
-     */
-    // "tsconfigFilePath": "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json",
-    /**
-     * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk.
-     * The object must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema:
-     *
-     * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig
-     *
-     * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will be read from the "projectFolder".
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: no overrideTsconfig section
-     */
-    // "overrideTsconfig": {
-    //   . . .
-    // }
-    /**
-     * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the --skipLibCheck option. This option is not recommended
-     * and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, but it may be required when
-     * dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine that API Extractor uses
-     * for its analysis.  Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than relying on skipLibCheck.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "skipLibCheck": true,
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.
-   */
-  "apiReport": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate an API report.
-     */
-    "enabled": true,
-    /**
-     * The filename for the API report files.  It will be combined with "reportFolder" or "reportTempFolder" to produce
-     * a full file path.
-     *
-     * The file extension should be ".api.md", and the string should not contain a path separator such as "\" or "/".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md"
-     */
-    "reportFileName": "redux-toolkit-react.api.md",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * The API report file is normally tracked by Git.  Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy,
-     * e.g. for an API review.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-     */
-    "reportFolder": "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the "reportFolder".
-     * If they are different, a production build will fail.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-     */
-    // "reportTempFolder": "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.
-   */
-  "docModel": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate a doc model file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * The output path for the doc model file.  The file extension should be ".api.json".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-     */
-    // "apiJsonFilePath": "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.
-   */
-  "dtsRollup": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false,
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming.
-     * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point.
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts"
-     */
-    "untrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/react/typings.d.ts"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public" or "@beta".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "betaTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-beta.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "public" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public".
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "publicTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-public.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as
-     * "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember".  Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the
-     * declaration completely.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "omitTrimmingComments": true
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.
-   */
-  "tsdocMetadata": {
-    /**
-     * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: true
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * The default value is "<lookup>", which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the "tsdocMetadata",
-     * "typings" or "main" fields of the project's package.json.  If none of these fields are set, the lookup
-     * falls back to "tsdoc-metadata.json" in the package folder.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-     */
-    // "tsdocMetadataFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
-   *
-   * There are three sources of messages:  compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
-   */
-  "messages": {
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing
-     * the input .d.ts files.
-     *
-     * TypeScript message identifiers start with "TS" followed by an integer.  For example: "TS2551"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "compilerMessageReporting": {
-      /**
-       * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.
-       */
-      "default": {
-        /**
-         * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log.  Note that
-         * the "addToApiReportFile" property may supersede this option.
-         *
-         * Possible values: "error", "warning", "none"
-         *
-         * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code.  Warnings cause a production build fail
-         * and return a nonzero exit code.  For a non-production build (e.g. when "api-extractor run" includes
-         * the "--local" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: "warning"
-         */
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        /**
-         * When addToApiReportFile is true:  If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),
-         * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to
-         * the "logLevel" option.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-         */
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "TS2551": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.
-     *
-     * API Extractor message identifiers start with "ae-".  For example: "ae-extra-release-tag"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings
-     */
-    "extractorMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      },
-      "ae-forgotten-export": {
-        "logLevel": "none",
-        "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.
-     *
-     * TSDoc message identifiers start with "tsdoc-".  For example: "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "tsdocMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "none"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.json b/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c931995350..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- * Config file for API Extractor.  For more info, please visit: https://api-extractor.com
- */
-  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
-  /**
-   * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from.  This provides a way for
-   * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects.
-   *
-   * If the path starts with "./" or "../", the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains
-   * the "extends" field.  Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be
-   * resolved using NodeJS require().
-   *
-   */
-  // "extends": "./shared/api-extractor-base.json"
-  // "extends": "my-package/include/api-extractor-base.json"
-  /**
-   * Determines the "<projectFolder>" token that can be used with other config file settings.  The project folder
-   * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined.
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting.
-   *
-   * The default value for "projectFolder" is the token "<lookup>", which means the folder is determined by traversing
-   * parent folders, starting from the folder containing api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder
-   * that contains a tsconfig.json file.  If a tsconfig.json file cannot be found in this way, then an error
-   * will be reported.
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <lookup>
-   * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-   */
-  "projectFolder": ".",
-  /**
-   * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis.  API Extractor
-   * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.
-   *
-   * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts".
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-   * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-   */
-  "mainEntryPointFilePath": "dist/index.d.ts",
-  //"mainEntryPointFilePath": "/home/weber/tmp/rtk-origin-master/dist/index.d.ts",
-  /**
-   * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
-   *
-   * For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project "library1",
-   * and another NPM package "library2" is embedded in this bundle.  Some types from library2 may become part
-   * of the exported API for library1, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly
-   * imports library2.  To avoid this, we can specify:
-   *
-   *   "bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
-   *
-   * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been
-   * local files for library1.
-   */
-  "bundledPackages": [],
-  /**
-   * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.
-   */
-  "compiler": {
-    /**
-     * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * Note: This setting will be ignored if "overrideTsconfig" is used.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json"
-     */
-    // "tsconfigFilePath": "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json",
-    /**
-     * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk.
-     * The object must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema:
-     *
-     * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig
-     *
-     * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will be read from the "projectFolder".
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: no overrideTsconfig section
-     */
-    // "overrideTsconfig": {
-    //   . . .
-    // }
-    /**
-     * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the --skipLibCheck option. This option is not recommended
-     * and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, but it may be required when
-     * dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine that API Extractor uses
-     * for its analysis.  Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than relying on skipLibCheck.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "skipLibCheck": true,
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.
-   */
-  "apiReport": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate an API report.
-     */
-    "enabled": true,
-    /**
-     * The filename for the API report files.  It will be combined with "reportFolder" or "reportTempFolder" to produce
-     * a full file path.
-     *
-     * The file extension should be ".api.md", and the string should not contain a path separator such as "\" or "/".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md"
-     */
-    "reportFileName": "redux-toolkit.api.md",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * The API report file is normally tracked by Git.  Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy,
-     * e.g. for an API review.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-     */
-    "reportFolder": "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the "reportFolder".
-     * If they are different, a production build will fail.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-     */
-    // "reportTempFolder": "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.
-   */
-  "docModel": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate a doc model file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * The output path for the doc model file.  The file extension should be ".api.json".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-     */
-    // "apiJsonFilePath": "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.
-   */
-  "dtsRollup": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false,
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming.
-     * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point.
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts"
-     */
-    "untrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/typings.d.ts"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public" or "@beta".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "betaTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-beta.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "public" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public".
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "publicTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-public.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as
-     * "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember".  Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the
-     * declaration completely.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "omitTrimmingComments": true
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.
-   */
-  "tsdocMetadata": {
-    /**
-     * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: true
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * The default value is "<lookup>", which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the "tsdocMetadata",
-     * "typings" or "main" fields of the project's package.json.  If none of these fields are set, the lookup
-     * falls back to "tsdoc-metadata.json" in the package folder.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-     */
-    // "tsdocMetadataFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
-   *
-   * There are three sources of messages:  compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
-   */
-  "messages": {
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing
-     * the input .d.ts files.
-     *
-     * TypeScript message identifiers start with "TS" followed by an integer.  For example: "TS2551"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "compilerMessageReporting": {
-      /**
-       * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.
-       */
-      "default": {
-        /**
-         * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log.  Note that
-         * the "addToApiReportFile" property may supersede this option.
-         *
-         * Possible values: "error", "warning", "none"
-         *
-         * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code.  Warnings cause a production build fail
-         * and return a nonzero exit code.  For a non-production build (e.g. when "api-extractor run" includes
-         * the "--local" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: "warning"
-         */
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        /**
-         * When addToApiReportFile is true:  If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),
-         * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to
-         * the "logLevel" option.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-         */
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "TS2551": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.
-     *
-     * API Extractor message identifiers start with "ae-".  For example: "ae-extra-release-tag"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings
-     */
-    "extractorMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      },
-      "ae-forgotten-export": {
-        "logLevel": "none",
-        "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.
-     *
-     * TSDoc message identifiers start with "tsdoc-".  For example: "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "tsdocMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "none"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.query-react.json b/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.query-react.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a86d387e..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.query-react.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- * Config file for API Extractor.  For more info, please visit: https://api-extractor.com
- */
-  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
-  /**
-   * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from.  This provides a way for
-   * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects.
-   *
-   * If the path starts with "./" or "../", the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains
-   * the "extends" field.  Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be
-   * resolved using NodeJS require().
-   *
-   */
-  // "extends": "./shared/api-extractor-base.json"
-  // "extends": "my-package/include/api-extractor-base.json"
-  /**
-   * Determines the "<projectFolder>" token that can be used with other config file settings.  The project folder
-   * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined.
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting.
-   *
-   * The default value for "projectFolder" is the token "<lookup>", which means the folder is determined by traversing
-   * parent folders, starting from the folder containing api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder
-   * that contains a tsconfig.json file.  If a tsconfig.json file cannot be found in this way, then an error
-   * will be reported.
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <lookup>
-   * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-   */
-  "projectFolder": ".",
-  /**
-   * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis.  API Extractor
-   * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.
-   *
-   * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts".
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-   * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-   */
-  "mainEntryPointFilePath": "dist/query/react/index.d.ts",
-  //"mainEntryPointFilePath": "/home/weber/tmp/rtk-origin-master/dist/index.d.ts",
-  /**
-   * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
-   *
-   * For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project "library1",
-   * and another NPM package "library2" is embedded in this bundle.  Some types from library2 may become part
-   * of the exported API for library1, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly
-   * imports library2.  To avoid this, we can specify:
-   *
-   *   "bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
-   *
-   * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been
-   * local files for library1.
-   */
-  "bundledPackages": [],
-  /**
-   * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.
-   */
-  "compiler": {
-    /**
-     * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * Note: This setting will be ignored if "overrideTsconfig" is used.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json"
-     */
-    // "tsconfigFilePath": "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json",
-    /**
-     * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk.
-     * The object must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema:
-     *
-     * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig
-     *
-     * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will be read from the "projectFolder".
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: no overrideTsconfig section
-     */
-    // "overrideTsconfig": {
-    //   . . .
-    // }
-    /**
-     * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the --skipLibCheck option. This option is not recommended
-     * and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, but it may be required when
-     * dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine that API Extractor uses
-     * for its analysis.  Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than relying on skipLibCheck.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "skipLibCheck": true,
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.
-   */
-  "apiReport": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate an API report.
-     */
-    "enabled": true,
-    /**
-     * The filename for the API report files.  It will be combined with "reportFolder" or "reportTempFolder" to produce
-     * a full file path.
-     *
-     * The file extension should be ".api.md", and the string should not contain a path separator such as "\" or "/".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md"
-     */
-    "reportFileName": "rtk-query-react.api.md",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * The API report file is normally tracked by Git.  Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy,
-     * e.g. for an API review.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-     */
-    "reportFolder": "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the "reportFolder".
-     * If they are different, a production build will fail.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-     */
-    // "reportTempFolder": "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.
-   */
-  "docModel": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate a doc model file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * The output path for the doc model file.  The file extension should be ".api.json".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-     */
-    // "apiJsonFilePath": "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.
-   */
-  "dtsRollup": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false,
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming.
-     * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point.
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts"
-     */
-    "untrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/query/react/typings.d.ts"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public" or "@beta".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "betaTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-beta.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "public" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public".
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "publicTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-public.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as
-     * "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember".  Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the
-     * declaration completely.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "omitTrimmingComments": true
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.
-   */
-  "tsdocMetadata": {
-    /**
-     * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: true
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * The default value is "<lookup>", which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the "tsdocMetadata",
-     * "typings" or "main" fields of the project's package.json.  If none of these fields are set, the lookup
-     * falls back to "tsdoc-metadata.json" in the package folder.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-     */
-    // "tsdocMetadataFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
-   *
-   * There are three sources of messages:  compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
-   */
-  "messages": {
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing
-     * the input .d.ts files.
-     *
-     * TypeScript message identifiers start with "TS" followed by an integer.  For example: "TS2551"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "compilerMessageReporting": {
-      /**
-       * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.
-       */
-      "default": {
-        /**
-         * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log.  Note that
-         * the "addToApiReportFile" property may supersede this option.
-         *
-         * Possible values: "error", "warning", "none"
-         *
-         * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code.  Warnings cause a production build fail
-         * and return a nonzero exit code.  For a non-production build (e.g. when "api-extractor run" includes
-         * the "--local" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: "warning"
-         */
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        /**
-         * When addToApiReportFile is true:  If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),
-         * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to
-         * the "logLevel" option.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-         */
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "TS2551": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.
-     *
-     * API Extractor message identifiers start with "ae-".  For example: "ae-extra-release-tag"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings
-     */
-    "extractorMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      },
-      "ae-forgotten-export": {
-        "logLevel": "none",
-        "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.
-     *
-     * TSDoc message identifiers start with "tsdoc-".  For example: "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "tsdocMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "none"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.query.json b/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.query.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c970908466..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/api-extractor.query.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- * Config file for API Extractor.  For more info, please visit: https://api-extractor.com
- */
-  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
-  /**
-   * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from.  This provides a way for
-   * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects.
-   *
-   * If the path starts with "./" or "../", the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains
-   * the "extends" field.  Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be
-   * resolved using NodeJS require().
-   *
-   */
-  // "extends": "./shared/api-extractor-base.json"
-  // "extends": "my-package/include/api-extractor-base.json"
-  /**
-   * Determines the "<projectFolder>" token that can be used with other config file settings.  The project folder
-   * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined.
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting.
-   *
-   * The default value for "projectFolder" is the token "<lookup>", which means the folder is determined by traversing
-   * parent folders, starting from the folder containing api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder
-   * that contains a tsconfig.json file.  If a tsconfig.json file cannot be found in this way, then an error
-   * will be reported.
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <lookup>
-   * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-   */
-  "projectFolder": ".",
-  /**
-   * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis.  API Extractor
-   * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.
-   *
-   * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts".
-   *
-   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-   * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-   *
-   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-   */
-  "mainEntryPointFilePath": "dist/query/index.d.ts",
-  //"mainEntryPointFilePath": "/home/weber/tmp/rtk-origin-master/dist/index.d.ts",
-  /**
-   * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
-   *
-   * For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project "library1",
-   * and another NPM package "library2" is embedded in this bundle.  Some types from library2 may become part
-   * of the exported API for library1, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly
-   * imports library2.  To avoid this, we can specify:
-   *
-   *   "bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
-   *
-   * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been
-   * local files for library1.
-   */
-  "bundledPackages": [],
-  /**
-   * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.
-   */
-  "compiler": {
-    /**
-     * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * Note: This setting will be ignored if "overrideTsconfig" is used.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json"
-     */
-    // "tsconfigFilePath": "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json",
-    /**
-     * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk.
-     * The object must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema:
-     *
-     * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig
-     *
-     * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will be read from the "projectFolder".
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: no overrideTsconfig section
-     */
-    // "overrideTsconfig": {
-    //   . . .
-    // }
-    /**
-     * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the --skipLibCheck option. This option is not recommended
-     * and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, but it may be required when
-     * dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine that API Extractor uses
-     * for its analysis.  Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than relying on skipLibCheck.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "skipLibCheck": true,
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.
-   */
-  "apiReport": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate an API report.
-     */
-    "enabled": true,
-    /**
-     * The filename for the API report files.  It will be combined with "reportFolder" or "reportTempFolder" to produce
-     * a full file path.
-     *
-     * The file extension should be ".api.md", and the string should not contain a path separator such as "\" or "/".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md"
-     */
-    "reportFileName": "rtk-query.api.md",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * The API report file is normally tracked by Git.  Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy,
-     * e.g. for an API review.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-     */
-    "reportFolder": "<projectFolder>/etc/"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
-     * the "reportFileName" setting.
-     *
-     * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the "reportFolder".
-     * If they are different, a production build will fail.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-     */
-    // "reportTempFolder": "<projectFolder>/temp/"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.
-   */
-  "docModel": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate a doc model file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * The output path for the doc model file.  The file extension should be ".api.json".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-     */
-    // "apiJsonFilePath": "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.
-   */
-  "dtsRollup": {
-    /**
-     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file.
-     */
-    "enabled": false,
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming.
-     * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point.
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts"
-     */
-    "untrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/query/typings.d.ts"
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public" or "@beta".
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "betaTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-beta.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "public" release.
-     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public".
-     *
-     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
-     */
-    // "publicTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-public.d.ts",
-    /**
-     * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as
-     * "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember".  Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the
-     * declaration completely.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-     */
-    // "omitTrimmingComments": true
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.
-   */
-  "tsdocMetadata": {
-    /**
-     * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file.
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: true
-     */
-    "enabled": false
-    /**
-     * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written.
-     *
-     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
-     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
-     *
-     * The default value is "<lookup>", which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the "tsdocMetadata",
-     * "typings" or "main" fields of the project's package.json.  If none of these fields are set, the lookup
-     * falls back to "tsdoc-metadata.json" in the package folder.
-     *
-     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
-     */
-    // "tsdocMetadataFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json"
-  },
-  /**
-   * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
-   *
-   * There are three sources of messages:  compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
-   */
-  "messages": {
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing
-     * the input .d.ts files.
-     *
-     * TypeScript message identifiers start with "TS" followed by an integer.  For example: "TS2551"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "compilerMessageReporting": {
-      /**
-       * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.
-       */
-      "default": {
-        /**
-         * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log.  Note that
-         * the "addToApiReportFile" property may supersede this option.
-         *
-         * Possible values: "error", "warning", "none"
-         *
-         * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code.  Warnings cause a production build fail
-         * and return a nonzero exit code.  For a non-production build (e.g. when "api-extractor run" includes
-         * the "--local" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: "warning"
-         */
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        /**
-         * When addToApiReportFile is true:  If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),
-         * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to
-         * the "logLevel" option.
-         *
-         * DEFAULT VALUE: false
-         */
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "TS2551": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.
-     *
-     * API Extractor message identifiers start with "ae-".  For example: "ae-extra-release-tag"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings
-     */
-    "extractorMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "warning"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      },
-      "ae-forgotten-export": {
-        "logLevel": "none",
-        "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      //
-      // . . .
-    },
-    /**
-     * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.
-     *
-     * TSDoc message identifiers start with "tsdoc-".  For example: "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text"
-     *
-     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
-     */
-    "tsdocMessageReporting": {
-      "default": {
-        "logLevel": "none"
-        // "addToApiReportFile": false
-      }
-      // "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text": {
-      //   "logLevel": "warning",
-      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
-      // },
-      //
-      // . . .
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/etc/redux-toolkit.api.md b/packages/toolkit/etc/redux-toolkit.api.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dcfe7462b0..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/etc/redux-toolkit.api.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
-## API Report File for "@reduxjs/toolkit"
-> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
-import type { Action } from 'redux'
-import type { ActionCreator } from 'redux'
-import type { UnknownAction } from 'redux'
-import type { CombinedState } from 'redux'
-import { default as createNextState } from 'immer'
-import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
-import { current } from 'immer'
-import type { Dispatch } from 'redux'
-import { Draft } from 'immer'
-import { freeze } from 'immer'
-import { isDraft } from 'immer'
-import type { Middleware } from 'redux'
-import { original } from 'immer'
-import { OutputParametricSelector } from 'reselect'
-import { OutputSelector } from 'reselect'
-import { ParametricSelector } from 'reselect'
-import type { PreloadedState } from 'redux'
-import type { Reducer } from 'redux'
-import type { ReducersMapObject } from 'redux'
-import { Selector } from 'reselect'
-import type { Store } from 'redux'
-import type { StoreEnhancer } from 'redux'
-import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'
-import { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk'
-import type { ThunkMiddleware } from 'redux-thunk'
-// @public
-export interface ActionCreatorWithNonInferrablePayload<
-  T extends string = string,
-> extends BaseActionCreator<unknown, T> {
-  <PT extends unknown>(payload: PT): PayloadAction<PT, T>
-// @public
-export interface ActionCreatorWithOptionalPayload<P, T extends string = string>
-  extends BaseActionCreator<P, T> {
-  (payload?: P): PayloadAction<P, T>
-// @public
-export interface ActionCreatorWithoutPayload<T extends string = string>
-  extends BaseActionCreator<undefined, T> {
-  (): PayloadAction<undefined, T>
-// @public
-export interface ActionCreatorWithPayload<P, T extends string = string>
-  extends BaseActionCreator<P, T> {
-  (payload: P): PayloadAction<P, T>
-// @public
-export interface ActionCreatorWithPreparedPayload<
-  Args extends unknown[],
-  P,
-  T extends string = string,
-  E = never,
-  M = never,
-> extends BaseActionCreator<P, T, M, E> {
-  (...args: Args): PayloadAction<P, T, M, E>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ActionMatchingAllOf<
-  Matchers extends [Matcher<any>, ...Matcher<any>[]],
-> = UnionToIntersection<ActionMatchingAnyOf<Matchers>>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ActionMatchingAnyOf<
-  Matchers extends [Matcher<any>, ...Matcher<any>[]],
-> = ActionFromMatcher<Matchers[number]>
-// @public
-export interface ActionReducerMapBuilder<State> {
-  addCase<ActionCreator extends TypedActionCreator<string>>(
-    actionCreator: ActionCreator,
-    reducer: CaseReducer<State, ReturnType<ActionCreator>>,
-  ): ActionReducerMapBuilder<State>
-  addCase<Type extends string, A extends Action<Type>>(
-    type: Type,
-    reducer: CaseReducer<State, A>,
-  ): ActionReducerMapBuilder<State>
-  addDefaultCase(reducer: CaseReducer<State, UnknownAction>): {}
-  addMatcher<A>(
-    matcher: TypeGuard<A> | ((action: any) => boolean),
-    reducer: CaseReducer<State, A extends Action ? A : A & Action>,
-  ): Omit<ActionReducerMapBuilder<State>, 'addCase'>
-// @public @deprecated
-export type Actions<T extends keyof any = string> = Record<T, Action>
-// @public
-export type AsyncThunk<
-  Returned,
-  ThunkArg,
-  ThunkApiConfig extends AsyncThunkConfig,
-> = AsyncThunkActionCreator<Returned, ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig> & {
-  pending: AsyncThunkPendingActionCreator<ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig>
-  rejected: AsyncThunkRejectedActionCreator<ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig>
-  fulfilled: AsyncThunkFulfilledActionCreator<
-    Returned,
-    ThunkArg,
-    ThunkApiConfig
-  >
-  typePrefix: string
-// @public
-export type AsyncThunkAction<
-  Returned,
-  ThunkArg,
-  ThunkApiConfig extends AsyncThunkConfig,
-> = (
-  dispatch: GetDispatch<ThunkApiConfig>,
-  getState: () => GetState<ThunkApiConfig>,
-  extra: GetExtra<ThunkApiConfig>,
-) => Promise<
-  | ReturnType<AsyncThunkFulfilledActionCreator<Returned, ThunkArg>>
-  | ReturnType<AsyncThunkRejectedActionCreator<ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig>>
-> & {
-  abort: (reason?: string) => void
-  requestId: string
-  arg: ThunkArg
-  unwrap: () => Promise<Returned>
-// @public
-export type AsyncThunkOptions<
-  ThunkArg = void,
-  ThunkApiConfig extends AsyncThunkConfig = {},
-> = {
-  condition?(
-    arg: ThunkArg,
-    api: Pick<GetThunkAPI<ThunkApiConfig>, 'getState' | 'extra'>,
-  ): MaybePromise<boolean | undefined>
-  dispatchConditionRejection?: boolean
-  serializeError?: (x: unknown) => GetSerializedErrorType<ThunkApiConfig>
-  idGenerator?: (arg: ThunkArg) => string
-} & IsUnknown<
-  GetPendingMeta<ThunkApiConfig>,
-  {
-    getPendingMeta?(
-      base: {
-        arg: ThunkArg
-        requestId: string
-      },
-      api: Pick<GetThunkAPI<ThunkApiConfig>, 'getState' | 'extra'>,
-    ): GetPendingMeta<ThunkApiConfig>
-  },
-  {
-    getPendingMeta(
-      base: {
-        arg: ThunkArg
-        requestId: string
-      },
-      api: Pick<GetThunkAPI<ThunkApiConfig>, 'getState' | 'extra'>,
-    ): GetPendingMeta<ThunkApiConfig>
-  }
-// @public
-export type AsyncThunkPayloadCreator<
-  Returned,
-  ThunkArg = void,
-  ThunkApiConfig extends AsyncThunkConfig = {},
-> = (
-  arg: ThunkArg,
-  thunkAPI: GetThunkAPI<ThunkApiConfig>,
-) => AsyncThunkPayloadCreatorReturnValue<Returned, ThunkApiConfig>
-// @public
-export type AsyncThunkPayloadCreatorReturnValue<
-  Returned,
-  ThunkApiConfig extends AsyncThunkConfig,
-> = MaybePromise<
-  | IsUnknown<
-      GetFulfilledMeta<ThunkApiConfig>,
-      Returned,
-      FulfillWithMeta<Returned, GetFulfilledMeta<ThunkApiConfig>>
-    >
-  | RejectWithValue<
-      GetRejectValue<ThunkApiConfig>,
-      GetRejectedMeta<ThunkApiConfig>
-    >
-// @public
-export type CaseReducer<S = any, A extends Action = UnknownAction> = (
-  state: Draft<S>,
-  action: A,
-) => S | void | Draft<S>
-// @public
-export type CaseReducerActions<CaseReducers extends SliceCaseReducers<any>> = {
-  [Type in keyof CaseReducers]: CaseReducers[Type] extends {
-    prepare: any
-  }
-    ? ActionCreatorForCaseReducerWithPrepare<CaseReducers[Type]>
-    : ActionCreatorForCaseReducer<CaseReducers[Type]>
-// @public @deprecated
-export type CaseReducers<S, AS extends Actions> = {
-  [T in keyof AS]: AS[T] extends Action ? CaseReducer<S, AS[T]> : void
-// @public
-export type CaseReducerWithPrepare<State, Action extends PayloadAction> = {
-  reducer: CaseReducer<State, Action>
-  prepare: PrepareAction<Action['payload']>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Comparer<T> = (a: T, b: T) => number
-// @public
-export type ConfigureEnhancersCallback = (
-  defaultEnhancers: readonly StoreEnhancer[],
-) => StoreEnhancer[]
-// @public
-export function configureStore<
-  S = any,
-  A extends Action = UnknownAction,
-  M extends Middlewares<S> = [ThunkMiddlewareFor<S>],
->(options: ConfigureStoreOptions<S, A, M>): EnhancedStore<S, A, M>
-// @public
-export interface ConfigureStoreOptions<
-  S = any,
-  A extends Action = UnknownAction,
-  M extends Middlewares<S> = Middlewares<S>,
-> {
-  devTools?: boolean | EnhancerOptions
-  enhancers?: StoreEnhancer[] | ConfigureEnhancersCallback
-  middleware?: ((getDefaultMiddleware: CurriedGetDefaultMiddleware<S>) => M) | M
-  preloadedState?: PreloadedState<CombinedState<NoInfer<S>>>
-  reducer: Reducer<S, A> | ReducersMapObject<S, A>
-// @public
-export function createAction<P = void, T extends string = string>(
-  type: T,
-): PayloadActionCreator<P, T>
-// @public
-export function createAction<
-  PA extends PrepareAction<any>,
-  T extends string = string,
-  type: T,
-  prepareAction: PA,
-): PayloadActionCreator<ReturnType<PA>['payload'], T, PA>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function createAsyncThunk<Returned, ThunkArg = void>(
-  typePrefix: string,
-  payloadCreator: AsyncThunkPayloadCreator<Returned, ThunkArg, {}>,
-  options?: AsyncThunkOptions<ThunkArg, {}>,
-): AsyncThunk<Returned, ThunkArg, {}>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function createAsyncThunk<
-  Returned,
-  ThunkArg,
-  ThunkApiConfig extends AsyncThunkConfig,
-  typePrefix: string,
-  payloadCreator: AsyncThunkPayloadCreator<Returned, ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig>,
-  options?: AsyncThunkOptions<ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig>,
-): AsyncThunk<Returned, ThunkArg, ThunkApiConfig>
-// @public
-export const createDraftSafeSelector: typeof createSelector
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function createEntityAdapter<T>(options?: {
-  selectId?: IdSelector<T>
-  sortComparer?: false | Comparer<T>
-}): EntityAdapter<T>
-// @public
-export function createImmutableStateInvariantMiddleware(
-  options?: ImmutableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions,
-): Middleware
-export { createNextState }
-// @public
-export function createReducer<S extends NotFunction<any>>(
-  initialState: S | (() => S),
-  builderCallback: (builder: ActionReducerMapBuilder<S>) => void,
-): ReducerWithInitialState<S>
-// @public
-export function createReducer<
-  S extends NotFunction<any>,
-  CR extends CaseReducers<S, any> = CaseReducers<S, any>,
-  initialState: S | (() => S),
-  actionsMap: CR,
-  actionMatchers?: ActionMatcherDescriptionCollection<S>,
-  defaultCaseReducer?: CaseReducer<S>,
-): ReducerWithInitialState<S>
-export { createSelector }
-// @public
-export function createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware(
-  options?: SerializableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions,
-): Middleware
-// @public
-export function createSlice<
-  State,
-  CaseReducers extends SliceCaseReducers<State>,
-  Name extends string = string,
-  options: CreateSliceOptions<State, CaseReducers, Name>,
-): Slice<State, CaseReducers, Name>
-// @public
-export interface CreateSliceOptions<
-  State = any,
-  CR extends SliceCaseReducers<State> = SliceCaseReducers<State>,
-  Name extends string = string,
-> {
-  extraReducers?:
-    | CaseReducers<NoInfer<State>, any>
-    | ((builder: ActionReducerMapBuilder<NoInfer<State>>) => void)
-  initialState: State | (() => State)
-  name: Name
-  reducers: ValidateSliceCaseReducers<State, CR>
-export { current }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface Dictionary<T> extends DictionaryNum<T> {
-  // (undocumented)
-  [id: string]: T | undefined
-export { Draft }
-// @public
-export interface EnhancedStore<
-  S = any,
-  A extends Action = UnknownAction,
-  M extends Middlewares<S> = Middlewares<S>,
-> extends Store<S, A> {
-  dispatch: Dispatch<A> & DispatchForMiddlewares<M>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface EntityAdapter<T> extends EntityStateAdapter<T> {
-  // (undocumented)
-  getInitialState(): EntityState<T>
-  // (undocumented)
-  getInitialState<S extends object>(state: S): EntityState<T> & S
-  // (undocumented)
-  getSelectors(): EntitySelectors<T, EntityState<T>>
-  // (undocumented)
-  getSelectors<V>(
-    selectState: (state: V) => EntityState<T>,
-  ): EntitySelectors<T, V>
-  // (undocumented)
-  selectId: IdSelector<T>
-  // (undocumented)
-  sortComparer: false | Comparer<T>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type EntityId = number | string
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface EntitySelectors<T, V> {
-  // (undocumented)
-  selectAll: (state: V) => T[]
-  // (undocumented)
-  selectById: (state: V, id: EntityId) => T | undefined
-  // (undocumented)
-  selectEntities: (state: V) => Dictionary<T>
-  // (undocumented)
-  selectIds: (state: V) => EntityId[]
-  // (undocumented)
-  selectTotal: (state: V) => number
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface EntityState<T> {
-  // (undocumented)
-  entities: Dictionary<T>
-  // (undocumented)
-  ids: EntityId[]
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface EntityStateAdapter<T> {
-  // (undocumented)
-  addMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  addMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: PayloadAction<readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  addOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(state: PreventAny<S, T>, entity: T): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  addOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    action: PayloadAction<T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  removeAll<S extends EntityState<T>>(state: PreventAny<S, T>): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  removeMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    keys: readonly EntityId[],
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  removeMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    keys: PayloadAction<readonly EntityId[]>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  removeOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(state: PreventAny<S, T>, key: EntityId): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  removeOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    key: PayloadAction<EntityId>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  setAll<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  setAll<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: PayloadAction<readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  setMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  setMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: PayloadAction<readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  setOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(state: PreventAny<S, T>, entity: T): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  setOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    action: PayloadAction<T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  updateMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    updates: ReadonlyArray<Update<T>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  updateMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    updates: PayloadAction<ReadonlyArray<Update<T>>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  updateOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    update: Update<T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  updateOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    update: PayloadAction<Update<T>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  upsertMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  upsertMany<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entities: PayloadAction<readonly T[] | Record<EntityId, T>>,
-  ): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  upsertOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(state: PreventAny<S, T>, entity: T): S
-  // (undocumented)
-  upsertOne<S extends EntityState<T>>(
-    state: PreventAny<S, T>,
-    entity: PayloadAction<T>,
-  ): S
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function findNonSerializableValue(
-  value: unknown,
-  path?: string,
-  isSerializable?: (value: unknown) => boolean,
-  getEntries?: (value: unknown) => [string, any][],
-  ignoredPaths?: readonly (string | RegExp)[],
-): NonSerializableValue | false
-export { freeze }
-// @public @deprecated
-export function getDefaultMiddleware<
-  S = any,
-  O extends Partial<GetDefaultMiddlewareOptions> = {
-    thunk: true
-    immutableCheck: true
-    serializableCheck: true
-  },
->(options?: O): MiddlewareArray<Middleware<{}, S> | ThunkMiddlewareFor<S, O>>
-// @public
-export function getType<T extends string>(
-  actionCreator: PayloadActionCreator<any, T>,
-): T
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type IdSelector<T> = (model: T) => EntityId
-// @public
-export interface ImmutableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions {
-  // (undocumented)
-  ignore?: string[]
-  ignoredPaths?: string[]
-  isImmutable?: IsImmutableFunc
-  warnAfter?: number
-// @public
-export function isAllOf<Matchers extends [Matcher<any>, ...Matcher<any>[]]>(
-  ...matchers: Matchers
-): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is UnionToIntersection<ActionFromMatcher<Matchers[number]>>
-// @public
-export function isAnyOf<Matchers extends [Matcher<any>, ...Matcher<any>[]]>(
-  ...matchers: Matchers
-): (action: any) => action is ActionFromMatcher<Matchers[number]>
-// @public
-export function isAsyncThunkAction(): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is UnknownAsyncThunkAction
-// @public
-export function isAsyncThunkAction<
-  AsyncThunks extends [AnyAsyncThunk, ...AnyAsyncThunk[]],
-  ...asyncThunks: AsyncThunks
-): (action: any) => action is ActionsFromAsyncThunk<AsyncThunks[number]>
-// @public
-export function isAsyncThunkAction(
-  action: any,
-): action is UnknownAsyncThunkAction
-export { isDraft }
-// @public
-export function isFulfilled(): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is UnknownAsyncThunkFulfilledAction
-// @public
-export function isFulfilled<
-  AsyncThunks extends [AnyAsyncThunk, ...AnyAsyncThunk[]],
-  ...asyncThunks: AsyncThunks
-): (action: any) => action is FulfilledActionFromAsyncThunk<AsyncThunks[number]>
-// @public
-export function isFulfilled(
-  action: any,
-): action is UnknownAsyncThunkFulfilledAction
-// @public
-export function isImmutableDefault(value: unknown): boolean
-// @public
-export function isPending(): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is UnknownAsyncThunkPendingAction
-// @public
-export function isPending<
-  AsyncThunks extends [AnyAsyncThunk, ...AnyAsyncThunk[]],
-  ...asyncThunks: AsyncThunks
-): (action: any) => action is PendingActionFromAsyncThunk<AsyncThunks[number]>
-// @public
-export function isPending(action: any): action is UnknownAsyncThunkPendingAction
-// @public
-export function isPlain(val: any): boolean
-// @public
-export function isPlainObject(value: unknown): value is object
-// @public
-export function isRejected(): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is UnknownAsyncThunkRejectedAction
-// @public
-export function isRejected<
-  AsyncThunks extends [AnyAsyncThunk, ...AnyAsyncThunk[]],
-  ...asyncThunks: AsyncThunks
-): (action: any) => action is RejectedActionFromAsyncThunk<AsyncThunks[number]>
-// @public
-export function isRejected(
-  action: any,
-): action is UnknownAsyncThunkRejectedAction
-// @public
-export function isRejectedWithValue(): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is UnknownAsyncThunkRejectedAction
-// @public
-export function isRejectedWithValue<
-  AsyncThunks extends [AnyAsyncThunk, ...AnyAsyncThunk[]],
-  ...asyncThunks: AsyncThunks
-): (
-  action: any,
-) => action is RejectedWithValueActionFromAsyncThunk<AsyncThunks[number]>
-// @public
-export function isRejectedWithValue(
-  action: any,
-): action is UnknownAsyncThunkRejectedAction
-// @public (undocumented)
-export class MiddlewareArray<
-  Middlewares extends Middleware<any, any>,
-> extends Array<Middlewares> {
-  // (undocumented)
-  static get [Symbol.species](): any
-  constructor(arrayLength?: number)
-  constructor(...items: Middlewares[])
-  // (undocumented)
-  concat<AdditionalMiddlewares extends ReadonlyArray<Middleware<any, any>>>(
-    items: AdditionalMiddlewares,
-  ): MiddlewareArray<Middlewares | AdditionalMiddlewares[number]>
-  // (undocumented)
-  concat<AdditionalMiddlewares extends ReadonlyArray<Middleware<any, any>>>(
-    ...items: AdditionalMiddlewares
-  ): MiddlewareArray<Middlewares | AdditionalMiddlewares[number]>
-  // (undocumented)
-  prepend<AdditionalMiddlewares extends ReadonlyArray<Middleware<any, any>>>(
-    items: AdditionalMiddlewares,
-  ): MiddlewareArray<AdditionalMiddlewares[number] | Middlewares>
-  // (undocumented)
-  prepend<AdditionalMiddlewares extends ReadonlyArray<Middleware<any, any>>>(
-    ...items: AdditionalMiddlewares
-  ): MiddlewareArray<AdditionalMiddlewares[number] | Middlewares>
-// @public
-export const miniSerializeError: (value: any) => SerializedError
-// @public (undocumented)
-export let nanoid: (size?: number) => string
-export { original }
-export { OutputParametricSelector }
-export { OutputSelector }
-export { ParametricSelector }
-// @public
-export type PayloadAction<
-  P = void,
-  T extends string = string,
-  M = never,
-  E = never,
-> = {
-  payload: P
-  type: T
-} & ([M] extends [never]
-  ? {}
-  : {
-      meta: M
-    }) &
-  ([E] extends [never]
-    ? {}
-    : {
-        error: E
-      })
-// @public
-export type PayloadActionCreator<
-  P = void,
-  T extends string = string,
-  PA extends PrepareAction<P> | void = void,
-> = IfPrepareActionMethodProvided<
-  PA,
-  _ActionCreatorWithPreparedPayload<PA, T>,
-  IsAny<
-    P,
-    ActionCreatorWithPayload<any, T>,
-    IsUnknownOrNonInferrable<
-      P,
-      ActionCreatorWithNonInferrablePayload<T>,
-      IfVoid<
-        P,
-        ActionCreatorWithoutPayload<T>,
-        IfMaybeUndefined<
-          P,
-          ActionCreatorWithOptionalPayload<P, T>,
-          ActionCreatorWithPayload<P, T>
-        >
-      >
-    >
-  >
-// @public
-export type PrepareAction<P> =
-  | ((...args: any[]) => {
-      payload: P
-    })
-  | ((...args: any[]) => {
-      payload: P
-      meta: any
-    })
-  | ((...args: any[]) => {
-      payload: P
-      error: any
-    })
-  | ((...args: any[]) => {
-      payload: P
-      meta: any
-      error: any
-    })
-export { Selector }
-// @public
-export interface SerializableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions {
-  getEntries?: (value: any) => [string, any][]
-  ignoredActionPaths?: (string | RegExp)[]
-  ignoredActions?: string[]
-  ignoredPaths?: (string | RegExp)[]
-  ignoreState?: boolean
-  isSerializable?: (value: any) => boolean
-  warnAfter?: number
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SerializedError {
-  // (undocumented)
-  code?: string
-  // (undocumented)
-  message?: string
-  // (undocumented)
-  name?: string
-  // (undocumented)
-  stack?: string
-// @public
-export interface Slice<
-  State = any,
-  CaseReducers extends SliceCaseReducers<State> = SliceCaseReducers<State>,
-  Name extends string = string,
-> {
-  actions: CaseReducerActions<CaseReducers>
-  caseReducers: SliceDefinedCaseReducers<CaseReducers>
-  getInitialState: () => State
-  name: Name
-  reducer: Reducer<State>
-// @public @deprecated
-export type SliceActionCreator<P> = PayloadActionCreator<P>
-// @public
-export type SliceCaseReducers<State> = {
-  [K: string]:
-    | CaseReducer<State, PayloadAction<any>>
-    | CaseReducerWithPrepare<State, PayloadAction<any, string, any, any>>
-export { ThunkAction }
-export { ThunkDispatch }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function unwrapResult<R extends UnwrappableAction>(
-  action: R,
-): UnwrappedActionPayload<R>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Update<T> = {
-  id: EntityId
-  changes: Partial<T>
-// @public
-export type ValidateSliceCaseReducers<
-  S,
-  ACR extends SliceCaseReducers<S>,
-> = ACR & {
-  [T in keyof ACR]: ACR[T] extends {
-    reducer(s: S, action?: infer A): any
-  }
-    ? {
-        prepare(...a: never[]): Omit<A, 'type'>
-      }
-    : {}
-export * from 'redux'
-// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/etc/rtk-query-react.api.md b/packages/toolkit/etc/rtk-query-react.api.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d6945f469b..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/etc/rtk-query-react.api.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-## API Report File for "@reduxjs/toolkit"
-> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
-import { ActionCreatorWithoutPayload } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
-import { batch } from 'react-redux'
-import { Context } from 'react'
-import { ReactReduxContextValue } from 'react-redux'
-import { ThunkDispatch } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
-import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
-import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
-import { useStore } from 'react-redux'
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Api<
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-  ReducerPath extends string,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  Enhancers extends ModuleName = CoreModule,
-> = Id<
-  Id<
-    UnionToIntersection<
-      ApiModules<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes>[Enhancers]
-    >
-  > & {
-    injectEndpoints<NewDefinitions extends EndpointDefinitions>(_: {
-      endpoints: (
-        build: EndpointBuilder<BaseQuery, TagTypes, ReducerPath>,
-      ) => NewDefinitions
-      overrideExisting?: boolean
-    }): Api<
-      BaseQuery,
-      Definitions & NewDefinitions,
-      ReducerPath,
-      TagTypes,
-      Enhancers
-    >
-    enhanceEndpoints<NewTagTypes extends string = never>(_: {
-      addTagTypes?: readonly NewTagTypes[]
-      endpoints?: ReplaceTagTypes<
-        Definitions,
-        TagTypes | NoInfer<NewTagTypes>
-      > extends infer NewDefinitions
-        ? {
-            [K in keyof NewDefinitions]?:
-              | Partial<NewDefinitions[K]>
-              | ((definition: NewDefinitions[K]) => void)
-          }
-        : never
-    }): Api<
-      BaseQuery,
-      ReplaceTagTypes<Definitions, TagTypes | NewTagTypes>,
-      ReducerPath,
-      TagTypes | NewTagTypes,
-      Enhancers
-    >
-  }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ApiModules<
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-  ReducerPath extends string,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-> {}
-// @public
-export function ApiProvider<A extends Api<any, {}, any, any>>(props: {
-  children: any
-  api: A
-  setupListeners?: Parameters<typeof setupListeners>[1]
-  context?: Context<ReactReduxContextValue | null>
-}): JSX.Element
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ApiWithInjectedEndpoints<
-  ApiDefinition extends Api<any, any, any, any>,
-  Injections extends ApiDefinition extends Api<infer B, any, infer R, infer E>
-    ? [Api<B, any, R, E>, ...Api<B, any, R, E>[]]
-    : never,
-> = Omit<ApiDefinition, 'endpoints'> &
-  Omit<Injections, 'endpoints'> & {
-    endpoints: ApiDefinition['endpoints'] &
-      Partial<UnionToIntersection<Injections[number]['endpoints']>>
-  }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type BaseQueryEnhancer<
-  AdditionalArgs = unknown,
-  AdditionalDefinitionExtraOptions = unknown,
-  Config = void,
-> = <BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn>(
-  baseQuery: BaseQuery,
-  config: Config,
-) => BaseQueryFn<
-  BaseQueryArg<BaseQuery> & AdditionalArgs,
-  BaseQueryResult<BaseQuery>,
-  BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>,
-  BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery> & AdditionalDefinitionExtraOptions
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type BaseQueryFn<
-  Args = any,
-  Result = unknown,
-  Error = unknown,
-  DefinitionExtraOptions = {},
-  Meta = {},
-> = (
-  args: Args,
-  api: BaseQueryApi,
-  extraOptions: DefinitionExtraOptions,
-) => MaybePromise<QueryReturnValue<Result, Error, Meta>>
-// @public
-export function buildCreateApi<Modules extends [Module<any>, ...Module<any>[]]>(
-  ...modules: Modules
-): CreateApi<Modules[number]['name']>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function copyWithStructuralSharing<T>(oldObj: any, newObj: T): T
-// @public
-export const coreModule: () => Module<CoreModule>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type CreateApi<Modules extends ModuleName> = {
-  <
-    BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-    Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-    ReducerPath extends string = 'api',
-    TagTypes extends string = never,
-  >(
-    options: CreateApiOptions<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes>,
-  ): Api<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes, Modules>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export const createApi: CreateApi<
-  typeof coreModuleName | typeof reactHooksModuleName
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface CreateApiOptions<
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-  ReducerPath extends string = 'api',
-  TagTypes extends string = never,
-> {
-  baseQuery: BaseQuery
-  endpoints(
-    build: EndpointBuilder<BaseQuery, TagTypes, ReducerPath>,
-  ): Definitions
-  keepUnusedDataFor?: number
-  reducerPath?: ReducerPath
-  refetchOnFocus?: boolean
-  refetchOnMountOrArgChange?: boolean | number
-  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean
-  serializeQueryArgs?: SerializeQueryArgs<unknown>
-  tagTypes?: readonly TagTypes[]
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type EndpointDefinition<
-  QueryArg,
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  ResultType,
-  ReducerPath extends string = string,
-> =
-  | QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>
-  | MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type EndpointDefinitions = Record<
-  string,
-  EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>
-// @public
-export function fakeBaseQuery<ErrorType>(): BaseQueryFn<
-  void,
-  ErrorType,
-  {}
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface FetchArgs extends CustomRequestInit {
-  // (undocumented)
-  body?: any
-  // (undocumented)
-  params?: Record<string, any>
-  // (undocumented)
-  responseHandler?: ResponseHandler
-  // (undocumented)
-  url: string
-  // (undocumented)
-  validateStatus?: (response: Response, body: any) => boolean
-// @public
-export function fetchBaseQuery({
-  baseUrl,
-  prepareHeaders,
-  fetchFn,
-  ...baseFetchOptions
-}?: FetchBaseQueryArgs): BaseQueryFn<
-  string | FetchArgs,
-  unknown,
-  FetchBaseQueryError,
-  {},
-  FetchBaseQueryMeta
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface FetchBaseQueryError {
-  // (undocumented)
-  data: unknown
-  // (undocumented)
-  status: number
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Module<Name extends ModuleName> = {
-  name: Name
-  init<
-    BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-    Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-    ReducerPath extends string,
-    TagTypes extends string,
-  >(
-    api: Api<BaseQuery, EndpointDefinitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes, ModuleName>,
-    options: Required<
-      CreateApiOptions<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes>
-    >,
-    context: ApiContext<Definitions>,
-  ): {
-    injectEndpoint(
-      endpointName: string,
-      definition: EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>,
-    ): void
-  }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type MutationDefinition<
-  QueryArg,
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  ResultType,
-  ReducerPath extends string = string,
-> = BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType> &
-  MutationExtraOptions<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery, ReducerPath>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type QueryDefinition<
-  QueryArg,
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  ResultType,
-  ReducerPath extends string = string,
-> = BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType> &
-  QueryExtraOptions<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery, ReducerPath>
-// @public
-export enum QueryStatus {
-  // (undocumented)
-  fulfilled = 'fulfilled',
-  // (undocumented)
-  pending = 'pending',
-  // (undocumented)
-  rejected = 'rejected',
-  // (undocumented)
-  uninitialized = 'uninitialized',
-// @public
-export const reactHooksModule: ({
-  batch,
-  useDispatch,
-  useSelector,
-  useStore,
-}?: ReactHooksModuleOptions) => Module<ReactHooksModule>
-// @public
-export const retry: BaseQueryEnhancer<
-  unknown,
-  StaggerOptions,
-  void | StaggerOptions
-> & {
-  fail: typeof fail_2
-// @public
-export function setupListeners(
-  dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, any>,
-  customHandler?: (
-    dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, any>,
-    actions: {
-      onFocus: typeof onFocus
-      onFocusLost: typeof onFocusLost
-      onOnline: typeof onOnline
-      onOffline: typeof onOffline
-    },
-  ) => () => void,
-): () => void
-// @public (undocumented)
-export const skipSelector: unique symbol
-// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/etc/rtk-query.api.md b/packages/toolkit/etc/rtk-query.api.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d43183d3de..0000000000
--- a/packages/toolkit/etc/rtk-query.api.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-## API Report File for "@reduxjs/toolkit"
-> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
-import type { ActionCreatorWithoutPayload } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
-import type { UnknownAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
-import type { SerializedError } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
-import type { ThunkDispatch } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Api<
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-  ReducerPath extends string,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  Enhancers extends ModuleName = CoreModule,
-> = UnionToIntersection<
-  ApiModules<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes>[Enhancers]
-> & {
-  injectEndpoints<NewDefinitions extends EndpointDefinitions>(_: {
-    endpoints: (
-      build: EndpointBuilder<BaseQuery, TagTypes, ReducerPath>,
-    ) => NewDefinitions
-    overrideExisting?: boolean
-  }): Api<
-    BaseQuery,
-    Definitions & NewDefinitions,
-    ReducerPath,
-    TagTypes,
-    Enhancers
-  >
-  enhanceEndpoints<NewTagTypes extends string = never>(_: {
-    addTagTypes?: readonly NewTagTypes[]
-    endpoints?: ReplaceTagTypes<
-      Definitions,
-      TagTypes | NoInfer<NewTagTypes>
-    > extends infer NewDefinitions
-      ? {
-          [K in keyof NewDefinitions]?:
-            | Partial<NewDefinitions[K]>
-            | ((definition: NewDefinitions[K]) => void)
-        }
-      : never
-  }): Api<
-    BaseQuery,
-    ReplaceTagTypes<Definitions, TagTypes | NewTagTypes>,
-    ReducerPath,
-    TagTypes | NewTagTypes,
-    Enhancers
-  >
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ApiModules<
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-  ReducerPath extends string,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-> {}
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type BaseQueryEnhancer<
-  AdditionalArgs = unknown,
-  AdditionalDefinitionExtraOptions = unknown,
-  Config = void,
-> = <BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn>(
-  baseQuery: BaseQuery,
-  config: Config,
-) => BaseQueryFn<
-  BaseQueryArg<BaseQuery> & AdditionalArgs,
-  BaseQueryResult<BaseQuery>,
-  BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>,
-  BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery> & AdditionalDefinitionExtraOptions
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type BaseQueryFn<
-  Args = any,
-  Result = unknown,
-  Error = unknown,
-  DefinitionExtraOptions = {
-    copyWithStructuralSharing?: boolean
-  },
-  Meta = {},
-> = (
-  args: Args,
-  api: BaseQueryApi,
-  extraOptions: DefinitionExtraOptions,
-) => MaybePromise<QueryReturnValue<Result, Error, Meta>>
-// @public
-export function buildCreateApi<Modules extends [Module<any>, ...Module<any>[]]>(
-  ...modules: Modules
-): CreateApi<Modules[number]['name']>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export function copyWithStructuralSharing<T>(oldObj: any, newObj: T): T
-// @public
-export const coreModule: () => Module<CoreModule>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type CreateApi<Modules extends ModuleName> = {
-  <
-    BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-    Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-    ReducerPath extends string = 'api',
-    TagTypes extends string = never,
-  >(
-    options: CreateApiOptions<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes>,
-  ): Api<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes, Modules>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export const createApi: CreateApi<typeof coreModuleName>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface CreateApiOptions<
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-  ReducerPath extends string = 'api',
-  TagTypes extends string = never,
-> {
-  baseQuery: BaseQuery
-  endpoints(
-    build: EndpointBuilder<BaseQuery, TagTypes, ReducerPath>,
-  ): Definitions
-  extractRehydrationInfo?: (
-    action: UnknownAction,
-    {
-      reducerPath,
-    }: {
-      reducerPath: ReducerPath
-    },
-  ) =>
-    | undefined
-    | CombinedState<
-        NoInfer<Definitions>,
-        NoInfer<TagTypes>,
-        NoInfer<ReducerPath>
-      >
-  keepUnusedDataFor?: number
-  reducerPath?: ReducerPath
-  refetchOnFocus?: boolean
-  refetchOnMountOrArgChange?: boolean | number
-  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean
-  serializeQueryArgs?: SerializeQueryArgs<unknown>
-  structuralSharing?: boolean
-  tagTypes?: readonly TagTypes[]
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type EndpointDefinition<
-  QueryArg,
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  ResultType,
-  ReducerPath extends string = string,
-> =
-  | QueryDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>
-  | MutationDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, TagTypes, ResultType, ReducerPath>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type EndpointDefinitions = Record<
-  string,
-  EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>
-// @public
-export function fakeBaseQuery<ErrorType>(): BaseQueryFn<
-  void,
-  ErrorType,
-  {}
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface FetchArgs extends CustomRequestInit {
-  // (undocumented)
-  body?: any
-  // (undocumented)
-  params?: Record<string, any>
-  // (undocumented)
-  responseHandler?: ResponseHandler
-  // (undocumented)
-  url: string
-  // (undocumented)
-  validateStatus?: (response: Response, body: any) => boolean
-// @public
-export function fetchBaseQuery({
-  baseUrl,
-  prepareHeaders,
-  fetchFn,
-  paramsSerializer,
-  ...baseFetchOptions
-}?: FetchBaseQueryArgs): BaseQueryFn<
-  string | FetchArgs,
-  unknown,
-  FetchBaseQueryError,
-  {},
-  FetchBaseQueryMeta
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type FetchBaseQueryError =
-  | {
-      status: number
-      data: unknown
-    }
-  | {
-      status: 'FETCH_ERROR'
-      data?: undefined
-      error: string
-    }
-  | {
-      status: 'PARSING_ERROR'
-      originalStatus: number
-      data: string
-      error: string
-    }
-  | {
-      status: 'CUSTOM_ERROR'
-      data?: unknown
-      error: string
-    }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type FetchBaseQueryMeta = {
-  request: Request
-  response?: Response
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Module<Name extends ModuleName> = {
-  name: Name
-  init<
-    BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-    Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions,
-    ReducerPath extends string,
-    TagTypes extends string,
-  >(
-    api: Api<BaseQuery, EndpointDefinitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes, ModuleName>,
-    options: WithRequiredProp<
-      CreateApiOptions<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, TagTypes>,
-      | 'reducerPath'
-      | 'serializeQueryArgs'
-      | 'keepUnusedDataFor'
-      | 'refetchOnMountOrArgChange'
-      | 'refetchOnFocus'
-      | 'refetchOnReconnect'
-      | 'tagTypes'
-      | 'structuralSharing'
-    >,
-    context: ApiContext<Definitions>,
-  ): {
-    injectEndpoint(
-      endpointName: string,
-      definition: EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>,
-    ): void
-  }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type MutationDefinition<
-  QueryArg,
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  ResultType,
-  ReducerPath extends string = string,
-> = BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType> &
-  MutationExtraOptions<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery, ReducerPath>
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type QueryDefinition<
-  QueryArg,
-  BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
-  TagTypes extends string,
-  ResultType,
-  ReducerPath extends string = string,
-> = BaseEndpointDefinition<QueryArg, BaseQuery, ResultType> &
-  QueryExtraOptions<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg, BaseQuery, ReducerPath>
-// @public
-export enum QueryStatus {
-  // (undocumented)
-  fulfilled = 'fulfilled',
-  // (undocumented)
-  pending = 'pending',
-  // (undocumented)
-  rejected = 'rejected',
-  // (undocumented)
-  uninitialized = 'uninitialized',
-// @public
-export const retry: BaseQueryEnhancer<
-  unknown,
-  RetryOptions,
-  void | RetryOptions
-> & {
-  fail: typeof fail_2
-// @public
-export function setupListeners(
-  dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, any>,
-  customHandler?: (
-    dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, any>,
-    actions: {
-      onFocus: typeof onFocus
-      onFocusLost: typeof onFocusLost
-      onOnline: typeof onOnline
-      onOffline: typeof onOffline
-    },
-  ) => () => void,
-): () => void
-// @public @deprecated (undocumented)
-export const skipSelector: symbol
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type SkipToken = typeof skipToken
-// @public
-export const skipToken: unique symbol
-// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/package.json b/packages/toolkit/package.json
index 7f3b530875..65c4ff70b7 100644
--- a/packages/toolkit/package.json
+++ b/packages/toolkit/package.json
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
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diff --git a/packages/toolkit/src/query/core/setupListeners.ts b/packages/toolkit/src/query/core/setupListeners.ts
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--- a/packages/toolkit/src/query/core/setupListeners.ts
+++ b/packages/toolkit/src/query/core/setupListeners.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import type {
-  ActionCreatorWithoutPayload, // Workaround for API-Extractor
 } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
 import { createAction } from './rtkImports'
diff --git a/packages/toolkit/tsup.config.ts b/packages/toolkit/tsup.config.ts
index 48955a54e8..1643501bd6 100644
--- a/packages/toolkit/tsup.config.ts
+++ b/packages/toolkit/tsup.config.ts
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ export interface EntryPointOptions {
   prefix: string
   folder: string
   entryPoint: string
-  extractionConfig: string
   externals?: string[]
@@ -92,27 +91,23 @@ const entryPoints: EntryPointOptions[] = [
     prefix: 'redux-toolkit',
     folder: '',
     entryPoint: 'src/index.ts',
-    extractionConfig: 'api-extractor.json',
     prefix: 'redux-toolkit-react',
     folder: 'react/',
     entryPoint: 'src/react/index.ts',
-    extractionConfig: 'api-extractor-react.json',
     externals: ['redux', '@reduxjs/toolkit'],
     prefix: 'rtk-query',
     folder: 'query',
     entryPoint: 'src/query/index.ts',
-    extractionConfig: 'api-extractor.query.json',
     externals: ['redux', '@reduxjs/toolkit'],
     prefix: 'rtk-query-react',
     folder: 'query/react',
     entryPoint: 'src/query/react/index.ts',
-    extractionConfig: 'api-extractor.query-react.json',
     externals: ['redux', '@reduxjs/toolkit'],
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   linkType: hard
-"uri-js@npm:^4.2.2, uri-js@npm:^4.4.1":
   version: 4.4.1
   resolution: "uri-js@npm:4.4.1"