Server Farmer
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- heartbeat-linux Public
Heartbeat is a Server Farmer subproject, aiming at extensible server monitoring, with or without Server Farmer installed.
- sf-log-monitor Public
sf-log-monitor extension provides syslog monitoring service for given Linux distribution.
- sf-detect-suspicious Public
Lightweight suspicious/unwanted activity detector, that alerts about cryptocurrency mining software, P2P file sharing software and ngrok tunnels.
- serverfarmer Public
Manage multiple servers with different operating systems, configurations, requirements etc. for many separate customers in an outsourcing model.
- sf-monitoring-snmpd Public
sf-monitoring-snmpd extension provides unified snmpd configuration to allow monitoring current server through SNMP protocol.
- sm-inspect-users Public
Create script that recreate existing groups/users/passwords on a clean system, for each server in the farm.