This application launches a registered task definition using the Data Flow Server REST API.
Launch request args including:
the task name (required and created as a task with the target Data Flow Server)
deployment properties (key value pairs, optional).
program arguments for the task (a list, optional).
N/A (launches task on the SCDF server’s task platform).
The Spring Cloud Data Flow Task Launcher sink supports the following configuration properties:
- platform-name
The Spring Cloud Data Flow platform to use for launching tasks. (String, default:
) -
OAuth2 Access Token. (String, default:
) -
The login password. (String, default:
) -
The login username. (String, default:
) -
OAuth2 Client Id. (String, default:
) -
OAuth2 Client Secret. (String, default:
) -
OAuth2 Scopes. (Set<String>, default:
) -
OAuth2 Token Uri. (String, default:
) -
Enable Data Flow DSL access. (Boolean, default:
) -
Skip Ssl validation. (Boolean, default:
) -
The Data Flow server URI. (String, default:
) - retry.initial-delay
The initial delay in milliseconds. (Integer, default:
) - retry.max-period
The maximum polling period in milliseconds. Will be set to period if period > maxPeriod. (Integer, default:
) - retry.multiplier
The multiplied for exponential back-off. (Double, default:
) - retry.max-attempts
The number of attempts at launching the task before failing. 0 or less is regarded as infinite. (Integer, default:
The Dataflow tasklauncher is a sink that consumes TaskLaunchRequest
messages, as described above, and launches a task using the configured Spring Cloud Data Flow server (given by
The task launcher sink provides a consumer that will determine if the platform has capacity to launch a task and then invokes the launch request API. If the API fails the message will end up in the error channel.
If the system doesn’t have capacity to launch the message will be retried using the configured RetryTemplate according to the properties with the retry
The SCDF server may be configured to launch tasks on multiple platforms.
Each task launcher instance is configured for a single platform, given by the platformName
property (default
if not specified).
This limitation is enforced because if the server has multiple task platforms configured, it may be the case that some of its task platforms are at the limit and some are not.
In this situation, we can only consume the next launch request if we know for which task platform it is targeted.
For this reason, if the SCDF server is configured for multiple task platforms (or a single non-default platform), we assume that all launch requests are targeted for that platform.
The task launcher will set the required deployment property
if the request does not provide it.
If the request includes the deployment property , and the value is not the same as the tasklauncher’s platformName , the task launcher will throw an exception.
To launch tasks on multiple platforms, you must configure a task launcher instance per platform and use a router sink, or partitioning strategy, to route requests to the correct instance.
When the poller is paused it puts pressure on the message broker so some tuning will be necessary in extreme cases to balance resource utilization. |
If the SCDF server requires authentication, the client must pass credentials with authorization to launch a task. The Data Flow client supports both basic and OAuth2 authentication.
For basic authentication set the username and password:<username><password>
For OAuth2 authentication, set the client-id
, client-secret
, and token-uri
at a minimum. These values correspond to values set in the SCDF server’s OAuth2 configuration.
For more details, see the Security section in the Data Flow reference.<client-id><client-secret> <token-uri>
$ ./mvnw clean install
Register a task app and create a task, the timestamp sample provides a simple demonstration.
dataflow:>app register --name timestamp --type task --uri ...
dataflow:>task create timestamp --definition timestamp
dataflow:>stream create http --server.port=9000 | task-launcher-dataflow-sink --deploy
Send a launch request,
$curl http://localhost:9000 -H"Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"timestamp"}'
dataflow:>task execution list
║Task Name│ID│ Start Time │ End Time │Exit Code║
║timestamp│1 │Fri Aug 10 08:48:05 EDT 2018│Fri Aug 10 08:48:05 EDT 2018│0 ║