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104 lines (77 loc) · 4.86 KB

Documentation for HFDIBDEMdict

bodyNames - required > List of body names (bodyName)

surfaceThreshold - required > Cutoff value for determining body presence in a cell (based on lambda fraction)

stepDEM - required > Fraction of timestep used as a sub timestep for DEM calculation

geometricD - optional > Define empty direction for pseudo 2D simulation

default value is taken from fvMesh i.e. empty patch is recognized.

recordSimulation - required > Should be particles recorded into bodiesInfo directory

Possible values: {true, false}

interpolationSchemes - optional > Interpolation settings used for velocity reconstruction near bodies

U - required > Scheme for velocity interpolation inside a cell. Values according to Foam::interpolation

Possible values: {cell, cellPoint, cellPointFace}

method - required > Method for interpolation point searching

Possible values: {line}

outputSetup - optional > Output settings. When not provided, everything is outputted

basic - required > Basic output

Possible values: {true, false}

iB - required > Detail output for bodies

Possible values: {true, false}

DEM - required > Output for DEM

Possible values: {true, false}

addModel - required > Output for body addition

Possible values: {true, false}

DEM - required > Input for DEM

materials - required > Input for materials

materialName - required > Custom name of material Multiple blocks possible (see example)

Y - required > Young's modulus
nu - required > Poisson ratio
eps - required > Viscoelastic damping constant
mu - required > Tangential force truncation
adhN - required > Adhesive force coefficient

interfaceAdh - optional > Truncation for adhesive for between materials

name - required > Custom id name

materials - required > Two names of affected materials
value - required > Value is used for both materials

collisionPatches - required > List of patches with which the bodies collide

patchName - required > Name of the patch

Possible values: materialName nVec: normal vector planePoint: *** point located on plane***

bodyName - required > Body name which correspond to value in bodyNames

bodyType - required > Type of body

Possible values:

  • staticBody > Body is static
  • prescribedTransBody > Body has prescribed translational movement

velocity - required > Translational velocity. (in subdictionary)

  • prescribedRotBody > Body has prescribed rotational movement

axis - required > Axis of rotation. (in subdictionary)
omega - required > Angular velocity . (in subdictionary)

  • prescribedTransRotBody > Body has prescribed translational and rotational movement

velocity - required > Translational velocity. (in subdictionary)
axis - required > Axis of rotation. (in subdictionary)
omega - required > Angular velocity . (in subdictionary)

  • prescribedTransFixedAxisRotBody > Body has prescribed translational movement. Rotational movement has fixed axis.

velocity - required > Translational velocity. (in subdictionary)
axis - required > Axis of rotation. (in subdictionary)

  • fullyCoupledBody > Body is fully coupled with fluid phase

velocity - optional > Translational velocity. (in subdictionary)

rho - required > Density of the body

U - required > Dictionary for boundary condition

BC - required > Name of boundary condition

Possible values: {noSlip}

material - required > Material of the body

Possible values: materialName

bodyGeom - required > Body geometry type

Possible values:

  • convex > Body is defined according to STL file: ./constant/triSurface/bodyName.stl. Solver is optimized for this type of geometry.
  • nonConvex > Body is defined according to STL file: ./constant/triSurface/bodyName.stl
  • sphere > Body is defined by center and radius. sphere - required

startPosition - required > Starting position of the center. (in subdictionary. May not be used in some addModel)
radius - required > Radius of the sphere. (in subdictionary)

updateTorque - optional > Should be rotational movement updated according to acting forces?

Possible values: {true, false}

interfaceSpan - optional > For sdBased algorithm. Best results with 1.0

startSynced - optional > Should be body movement sync with fluid movement when added? Default false

Possible values: {true, false}

timesToSetStatic - optional > Number of timesteps to set body as static. Value -1 means never. Default -1