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- learning-spark Public
This is sample project for learning spark by examples. This project have many working examples of RDD, DataFrame, DataSet.
- postgres2S3 Public
- spring-microservice Public
A simple example of setting up a microservices system using Eureka, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
- learning-reactjs Public
- play-slick-example Public
This is a sbt sample project providing a seed for starting with Play & Slick, how to write functional test, unit test and how to use mocking for unit testing.
- fs2-kafka-app Public
A basic application to explain the use of Functional Kafka Streams with Scala using fs2-kafka library.
- campaign-api Public
It is sbt sample project for building restful marketing campaigns(specially for Online Travel Agency) with maintaining code quality and writing unit + integration test. It is build top of Akka HTTP.
- akka-http-reactivemongo-guice Public
A reactive, asynchronous and non-blocking REST API implementation using Scala, AkkaHTTP, ReactiveMongo driver & Google Guice.
- fp-cassandra Public
A functional Scala application and library on top of Functors, Applicatives and Monads using Cassandra datastax Java Driver.
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