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Parmys (Partial Mapper for Yosys) Plugin

This repository contains intellignet partial mapper plugin from Odin-II for Yosys.

The project build skeleton is based on Yosys F4PGA Plugins project.

It is highly recommended to utilize this plugin through the Verilog to Routing (VTR) project.

Build as a plugin

  • Clone, make, and install Yosys
  • Clone, make, and install VTR
  • Build and install Parmys
make VTR_INSTALL_DIR=`path to VTR build/install directory` plugins -j`nproc`
sudo make install


Available parameters are:

        VTR FPGA architecture description file (XML)

        Configuration file

    -top top_module
        set the specified module as design top module

        No additional passes will be executed.

    -exact_mults int_value
        To enable mixing hard block and soft logic implementation of adders

    -mults_ratio float_value
        To enable mixing hard block and soft logic implementation of adders

        loads vtr primitives as modules, if the design uses vtr prmitives then this flag is mandatory for first run

Usage (without VTR)

Example for simple partial mapping with parmys:

# run yosys

# load the plugin
plugin -i parmys

# read verilog files
read_verilog my_verilog.v

# use parmys to read the architecture file and partial mapping
parmys -a simple_vtr_fpga_architecture.xml

Usage (within VTR flow)

  • Clone VTR
  • Set up the Environment
  • Build with the following command to enable both Yosys as the frontend and Parmys as the partial mapper:
  • Run vtr flow
cd vtr_flow/scripts/

# this command runs the vtr flow [yosys+parmys, abc, vpr]
./ my_verilog.v fpga_architecture.xml -start yosys -end vpr

For detailed information please refer to the VTR documentation.

Detailed help on the supported command(s) can be obtained by running help parmys in Yosys.