We built Data Grid as the basis for the Glide Data Editor. It's a React component built on top of HTML Canvas.
- It scales to millions of rows. Cells are rendered lazily on demand for memory efficiency.
- Scrolling is extremely fast. Native scrolling keeps everything buttery smooth.
- Fully Free & Open Source. MIT licensed so you can use Grid in commerical projects.
To add Grid to your own project:
$ npm install @glideapps/glide-data-grid
# Install peer dependencies
$ npm install direction marked react-responsive-carousel styled-components
First you need to define your columns:
const columns: GridColumn[] = [
{ title: "Number", width: 100 },
{ title: "Square", width: 100 },
Next you need a function which, given column and row indexes, returns a cell to display. Here we have two columns, the first of which shows the index of the row, and the second the square of that number:
function getData([col, row]: readonly [number, number]): GridCell {
let n: number;
if (col === 0) {
n = row;
} else if (col === 1) {
n = row * row;
} else {
throw new Error("This should not happen");
return {
kind: GridCellKind.Number,
data: n,
displayData: n.toString(),
allowOverlay: false,
Now you can use Data Grid:
<DataEditorContainer width={500} height={300}>
<DataEditor getCellContent={getData} columns={columns} rows={1000} />
The full API documentation is in the API.md
Nothing shows up!
Please read the Prerequisites section in the docs.
It crashes when I try to edit a cell!
Please read the Prerequisites section in the docs.