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Using Android Resources

String Resources

We use values/strings.xml file for ALL translatable strings including string arrays. Each element in a string array should be defined as separate string resource first and then the string array should be defined with translatable="false" flag. This is due to a GlotPress limitation where translating arrays directly could generate smaller arrays if some elements are not translated. Here is a basic example:

<string name="element1">Element 1</string>
<string name="element2">Element 2</string>
<string-array name="elements_array" translatable="false">

We also have string resources outside of strings.xml such as key_strings. These strings are not user-facing and should be used as static strings such as preference keys.

To help ease the translation process we ask that you mark alias string resources - as well as other strings where appropriate - as not translatable. For example <string name="foo" translatable="false">@string/bar</string>

Drawable Resources

Adding a vector drawable (to WordPress/src/main/res/drawable/) should be the first option when adding assets. Only if a vector drawable is not available should PNG files be added to the project. Make sure to use android:src in place of app:srcCompat in XML files. Use existing white 24dp variations of vector drawables (i.e. ic_*_white_24dp) and tint the drawables statically (i.e. XML) or dynamically (i.e. Java or Kotlin) as necessary. Set values for android:height and android:width attributes for views with icons to scale the 24dp icon for that view.

Some vector drawables may come from a SVG file and they are not the easiest file type to edit. If the SVG file is specific to the WPAndroid project (like a banner image or unlike a gridicon), then add the SVG source in WordPress/src/future/svg/. This will make sure we can find and edit the SVG file and then export it in vector drawable format.

Please use the following naming convention for drawables:

  • Use ic_ for icons (i.e. simple, usually single color, usually square shape) and img_ for images (i.e. complex, usually multiple colors).
  • Use the gridicon name if applicable (examples: ic_my_sites or ic_reply).
  • Use the color of the icon (example: ic_reply_white).
  • Use the width in dp (example: ic_reply_white_24dp).


ic_reply_white_24dp (white reply icon 24dp)
ic_stats_black_32dp (black stats icon 32dp)


reply_white (missing ic_ and width)
ic_confetti_284dp (uses ic_, but should use img_)
img_confetti_98dp (uses height, but should use width)