This project contains a small CLI tool to test Modbus connections.
Usage: modbus-client [OPTIONS] <serial-port>|<tcp-host>
Serial Port:
COM1, COM2, ... on Windows
/dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyUSB0, ... on Linux
TCP Host:
192.168.x.y as IPv4
fd00:1234:x:y::z as IPv6
General Options:
-h, --help
Shows this help message.
Waits for a debugger to attach before starting.
-m, --protocol <ascii|rtu|tcp>
Select which protocol to use.
-a, --address #
The slave/device address. 1-247 for serial, 0-255 for TCP. Default: 1
-r, --reference #
The start reference to read from. 0-65535. Default: 0
-c, --count #
The number of values to read. Default: 1
-t, --type <coil|discrete>
Reads a discrete value (bool): Coil or Discrete Input.
-t, --type input:<kind>
Reads an input register. Kind: (e.g. i32)
hex = print as HEX representation
i = signed integer (8, 16, 32, 64)
u = unsigned integer (8, 16, 32, 64)
f = floating point (32, 64)
-t, --type holding:<kind>
Reads a holding register. Kind: (e.g. i32)
hex = print as HEX representation
i = signed integer (8, 16, 32, 64)
u = unsigned integer (8, 16, 32, 64)
f = floating point (32, 64)
-t, --type id
Tries to read the device identification (Fn 43, Regular).
This option implies --once.
-i, --interval #
The polling interval in milliseconds. Default: 1000
-o, --timeout #
The timeout in milliseconds. Default: 1000
-1, --once
Just query once, no interval polling.
Serial Options:
-b, --baud #
The baud rate (e.g. 9600). Default: 19200
-d, --databits #
The number of data bits (7/8 for ASCII, otherwise 8). Default: 8
-s, --stopbits #
The number of stop bits (1/2). Default: 1
-p, --parity <none|odd|even>
The kind of parity. Default: even
Enables the RS485 software switch for serial adapters capable of RS232 and RS485.
TCP Options:
-p, --port #
The TCP port of the remote device. Default: 502
Published under MIT License (see choose a license)