- App to chart historic stock prices from the FMP financial data API using the Ionic framework.
- Includes tutorial from Simon Grimm at Devdactic - see π Inspiration below. Changes added to show more API data using another http get request
- Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link
- Tutorial code changed to show example financial data on initialisation and clear the stock entry field (TSLA is shown) as I preferred this to initially seeing an empty graph.
- Tutorial code changed to avoid use of string literals -
const history = res['historical'];
caused a typescript error. - Note: I had to reverse both x and y array values (date & stock price) so data would not display backwards.
- Important note on versions: This only works with ng2-charts v2.4.2, chart.js v2.9.4 and chartjs-plugin-zoom v0.7.7. Updating to the latest versions of these chart-based dependencies will mean this app does NOT work without major reconfiguration.
- FMP financial data API free plan limited to 250 requests a day.
- Ionic v6 framework.
- Ionic/angular v6
- Angular framework v15
- rxjs library v7 reactive prrogramming.
- ng2-charts v2 line & bar charts.
- chart.js v2 datasets.
- chartjs-plugin-zoom v0.7.7
- FMP financial data API
- Install dependencies using
npm i
- API key: sign up with FMP financial data API to get an API key.
- Add API key to environments files
- To start the server on localhost://8100 type: 'ionic serve -o'
- Run
npm run build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in thedist/
- function to get data from API. Only stock variable is defined by user.
getData() {
${this.stock}?to=2022-02-02&from=2017-02-02`).subscribe(res => {
const history = res['historical'];
this.chartLabels = [];
this.chartData[0].data = [];
for (const entry of history) {
- ng2-charts has 10 types of charts: line, bar, doughnut, radar, pie, polarArea, bubble, scatter, dynamic & financial. In this app the user can choose between line (default) and bar charts.
- Status: Working
- To-do: Nothing
- Simon Grimm Devdactic Youtube video 'How to Build Ionic 4 Apps with Chart.js'
- Written version of tutorial: How to Build Ionic 4 Apps with Chart.js
- Github repo: antoinevulcain/Financial-Modeling-Prep-API
- JavaScript Array reverse() Method
- This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
- Repo created by ABateman, email: gomezbateman@yahoo.com