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A customizable React Native TextInput with its placeholder always shown. Includes masks, global styles, character count, and a bunch else.


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This is a React-Native TextInput component, containing a floating placeholder, visible even after filled in, that you can freely modify its styles 💅🎉


To install just input the following command:

npm i react-native-floating-label-input


yarn add react-native-floating-label-input

⚠ Important

  • If you are using version 1.3.5 or higher, follow instructions below.
  • If not, just install:
npm i react-native-reanimated@1.13.2


yarn add react-native-reanimated@1.13.2

Version 1.3.5 or higher - react-native-reanimated v2

  • All animations now are using react-native-reanimated v2, as it was officially released recently. Please follow the Software Mansion guide installation for the react-native-reanimated v2:

  • OBS.: if during Software Mansion installation guide your project won't build or builds but crashes on start, try removing node_modules folder.

  • OBS. 2: if you don't want to use the new react-native-reanimated v2, do not upgrade to this version, install version 1.3.4 and react-native-reanimated@1.13.2

Version 1.3.4 or lower - react-native-reanimated v1

  • Last stable version of this lib with Software-Mansion react-native-reanimated v1.

Just install by running:

npm i react-native-reanimated@1.13.2


yarn add react-native-reanimated@1.13.2


Prop Type Default Description
labelProps TextProps undefined Set props to the label as TextProps
mask string undefined Set a custom mask to your input
maskType 'currency'
undefined Set the mask type
staticLabel boolean false Set this to true if you want the label to be always at a set position. Commonly used with hint for displaying both label and hint for your input. For changing the position of the label with this prop as true, use the customLabelStyles topFocused and leftFocused to adjust the wanted position.
hint string undefined Hint displayed when label is focused or staticLabel prop is being used
hintTextColor string '#ccc' Set hint text color
currency string undefined Set currency on input
currencyDivider ','
',' Set currency thousands divider
maxDecimalPlaces number 2 Set maximum decimal places
isFocused boolean undefined If you override the onFocus/onBlur props, you must handle this prop as an state variable
customLabelStyles Object leftFocused?: number
leftBlurred?: number
topFocused?: number
topBlurred?: number
fontSizeFocused?: number
fontSizeBlurred?: number
colorFocused?: string
colorBlurred?: string
Custom styles for the floating label
customShowPasswordImage image source path undefined Set the image source to set your custom show image
customHidePasswordImage image source path undefined Set the image source to set your custom hide image
labelStyles TextStyle undefined Set styles to the floating label component. For changing the text color of the label, use the customLabelStyles colorFocused and colorBlurred.
showPasswordImageStyles ImageStyle undefined Set styles to the default show password component
showPasswordContainerStyles ViewStyle undefined Set styles to the default show password container component
containerStyles ViewStyle undefined Set styles to the input container component
inputStyles TextStyle undefined Set styles to the input component
isPassword boolean false Set to true if your input is a password
darkTheme boolean false Change color of the default show/hide password image
multiline boolean false Set this to true to enable multiline support
maxLength number false Set maximum number of characters input will accept. Value overridden by mask if present
showCountdown boolean false Set this to true to show the allowed number of characters remaining
showCountdownStyles TextStyle undefined Set your styles to the countdown label
countdownLabel string undefined Set the label to be shown after the allowed number of characters remaining
customShowPasswordComponent JSX.Element undefined Set your own JSX.Element to be the show password element
customHidePasswordComponent JSX.Element undefined Set your own JSX.Element to be the hide password element
rightComponent JSX.Element undefined Add right component to your input. Be aware if using the input as password this component is positioned before the show/hide component
leftComponent JSX.Element undefined Add left component to your input. Usually used for displaying icon
togglePassword boolean undefined Prop for force toggling show/hide password. When set to true, shows the password, and when set to false hides it
animationDuration number 300 The duration of the animation in milliseconds

togglePassword : boolean

  • Prop for force toggling show/hide password. When set to true, shows the password, and when set to false hides it

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';
import { FloatingLabelInput } from 'react-native-floating-label-input';

export default function App() {
  const [cont, setCont] = useState('');
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);
    return () => clearTimeout(timeout);
  }, [show]);

  return (
    <View style={{ padding: 50, flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff' }}>
        onChangeText={value => setCont(value)}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',

staticLabel : boolean

  • Set this to true if you want the label to be always at a set position. Commonly used with hint for displaying both label and hint for your input. For changing the position of the label with this prop as true, use the customLabelStyles topFocused and leftFocused to adjust the wanted position. Default false.

hint : string

  • Hint displays only when staticLabel prop is set to true. This prop is used to show a preview of the input to the user.

hintTextColor : string

  • Set the color to the hint


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { FloatingLabelInput } from 'react-native-floating-label-input';

const app: React.FC = () => {
  const [phone, setPhone] = useState('');

  return (
    <View style={{ padding: 50, flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff' }}>
        mask="99 (99) 99999-9999"
        hint="55 (22) 98765-4321"
          borderWidth: 2,
          paddingHorizontal: 10,
          backgroundColor: '#fff',
          borderColor: 'blue',
          borderRadius: 8,
          colorFocused: 'red',
          fontSizeFocused: 12,
          backgroundColor: '#fff',
          paddingHorizontal: 5,
          color: 'blue',
          paddingHorizontal: 10,
        onChangeText={value => {
export default app;

setGlobalStyles : Object

// index.js or any other root file
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import App from './App';
import { name as appName } from './app.json';
import './globalStyles';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);

// globalStyles.js
import { setGlobalStyles } from 'react-native-floating-label-input';

setGlobalStyles.containerStyles = {
  backgroundColor: '#eeddee',
  // any styles you want to generalize to your input container
setGlobalStyles.labelStyles = {
  color: '#f98f68',
  // any styles you want to generalize to your floating label
setGlobalStyles.inputStyles = {
  color: '#383',
  // any styles you want to generalize to your input

Input mask

Props relating mask:

  • mask: 'string';
  • maskType?: 'currency' | 'phone' | 'date' | 'card';
  • currencyDivider: ',' | '.';
  • Currency

    Currently the mask will take effect in all maskTypes, except 'currency', wich is made automatically when maskType is set as currency. The reason is because currency is dynamic within the input value. If you want to change the thousands divider to other pattern, just insert the prop currencyDivider with one of: ',' or '.'.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { ScrollView } from 'react-native';
import { FloatingLabelInput } from 'react-native-floating-label-input';

const app: React.FC = () => {
  const [birthday, setBirthday] = useState('');
  const [phone, setPhone] = useState('');
  const [price, setPrice] = useState('');

  return (
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'stretch',
        margin: 30,
        onChangeText={value => setBirthday(value)}
        onChangeText={value => setPhone(value)}
        currencyDivider="." // which generates: 9.999.999,99 or 0,99 ...
        onChangeText={value => setPrice(value)}
export default app;

customShowPasswordImage or customHidePasswordImage

  • If you want to use the "customShowPasswordImage" prop or "customHidePasswordImage" prop, provide a image path, for example:
import showPassword from '../assets/images/yourImage';
import hidePassword from '../assets/images/yourImage2';
// ...
  onChangeText={text => setPassword(text)}


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.