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Add a New Instrumentation

Now we will step through adding a very basic instrumentation to the trace agent. The existing google-http-client instrumentation will be used as an example.

Clone the dd-trace-java repo

git clone

Name your instrumentation

Follow existing naming conventions for instrumentations. In this case, the instrumentation is named google-http-client. (see Naming)

Configuring Gradle

Add the new instrumentation to settings.gradle in alpha order with the other instrumentations in this format:

include ':dd-java-agent:instrumentation:$framework?:$framework-$minVersion'

In this case we added:

include ':dd-java-agent:instrumentation:google-http-client'

Create the Instrumentation class

  1. Choose an appropriate package name for the instrumentation like package datadog.trace.instrumentation.googlehttpclient. (see Naming)
  2. Create an appropriate directory structure for your instrumentation which agrees with the package name. ( see Files and Directories)
  3. Choose an appropriate class name like datadog.trace.instrumentation.googlehttpclient.GoogleHttpClientInstrumentation ( see Naming)
  4. Include the required @AutoService(InstrumenterModule.class) annotation.
  5. Choose InstrumenterModule.Tracing as the parent class.
  6. Since this instrumentation class will only modify one specific type, it can implement the Instrumenter.ForSingleType interface which provides the instrumentedType() method. ( see Type Matching)
  7. Pass the instrumentation name to the superclass constructor
public class GoogleHttpClientInstrumentation extends InstrumenterModule.Tracing implements Instrumenter.ForSingleType {
    public GoogleHttpClientInstrumentation() {
    // ...

Match the target class

In this case we target only one known class to instrument. This is the class which contains the method this instrumentation should modify. (see Type Matching)

public String instrumentedType() {
    return "";

Match the target method

We want to apply advice to the HttpRequest.execute() method. It has this signature:

public HttpResponse execute() throws IOException {/* */}

Target the method using appropriate Method Matchers and include the name String to be used for the Advice class when calling transformation.applyAdvice():

public void adviceTransformations(AdviceTransformation transformation) {
            GoogleHttpClientInstrumentation.class.getName() + "$GoogleHttpClientAdvice"

Add the HeadersInjectAdapter

This particular instrumentation uses a HeadersInjectAdapter class to assist with HTTP header injection. This is not required of all instrumentations. ( See InjectorAdapters).

public class HeadersInjectAdapter {
    public void set(final HttpRequest carrier, final String key, final
    String value) {
        carrier.getHeaders().put(key, value);

Create a Decorator class

  1. The class name should end in Decorator. GoogleHttpClientDecorator is good.
  2. Since this is an HTTP client instrumentation, the class should extend HttpClientDecorator.
  3. Override the methods as needed to provide behaviors specific to this instrumentation. For example getResponseHeader() and getRequestHeader() require functionality specific to the Google HttpRequest and HttpResponse classes used when declaring this Decorator class:
    1. public class GoogleHttpClientDecorator extends HttpClientDecorator<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> {/* */}
    2. Instrumentations of other HTTP clients would declare Decorators that extend the same HttpClientDecorator but using their own Request and Response classes instead.
  4. Typically, we create one static instance of the Decorator named DECORATE.
  5. For efficiency, create and retain frequently used CharSequences such as GOOGLE_HTTP_CLIENT and HTTP_REQUEST, etc.
  6. Add methods like prepareSpan() that will be called from multiple different places to reduce code duplication. Confining extensive tag manipulation to the Decorators also makes the Advice class easier to understand and maintain.

public class GoogleHttpClientDecorator
        extends HttpClientDecorator<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> {
    private static final Pattern URL_REPLACEMENT = Pattern.compile("%20");
    public static final CharSequence GOOGLE_HTTP_CLIENT =
    public static final GoogleHttpClientDecorator DECORATE = new
    public static final CharSequence HTTP_REQUEST =

    protected String method(final HttpRequest httpRequest) {
        return httpRequest.getRequestMethod();

    protected URI url(final HttpRequest httpRequest) throws URISyntaxException {
        final String url = httpRequest.getUrl().build();
        final String fixedUrl = URL_REPLACEMENT.matcher(url).replaceAll("+");
        return URIUtils.safeParse(fixedUrl);

    public AgentSpan prepareSpan(AgentSpan span, HttpRequest request) {
        DECORATE.onRequest(span, request);
        propagate().inject(span, request, SETTER);
        propagate().injectPathwayContext(span, request, SETTER,
        return span;

    protected int status(final HttpResponse httpResponse) {
        return httpResponse.getStatusCode();

    protected String[] instrumentationNames() {
        return new String[]{"google-http-client"};

    protected CharSequence component() {
        return GOOGLE_HTTP_CLIENT;

    protected String getRequestHeader(HttpRequest request, String headerName) {
        return request.getHeaders().getFirstHeaderStringValue(headerName);

    protected String getResponseHeader(HttpResponse response,
                                       String headerName) {
        return response.getHeaders().getFirstHeaderStringValue(headerName);

Add helper class names

The GoogleHttpClientDecorator and HeadersInjectAdapter class names must be included in helper classes defined in the Instrumentation class, or they will not be available at runtime. packageName is used for convenience but helper classes outside the current package could also be included.

public String[] helperClassNames() {
    return new String[]{
            packageName + ".GoogleHttpClientDecorator",
            packageName + ".HeadersInjectAdapter"

Add Advice class

  1. Add a new static class to the Instrumentation class. The name must match what was passed to the adviceTransformations() method earlier, here GoogleHttpClientAdvice.
  2. Create two static methods named whatever you like. methodEnter and methodExit are good choices. These must be static.
  3. With methodEnter:
    1. Annotate the method using @Advice.OnMethodEnter(suppress = Throwable.class) ( see Exceptions in Advice)
    2. Add parameter @Advice.This HttpRequest request. It will point to the target execute() method’s this reference which must be of the same HttpRequest type.
    3. Add a parameter, @Advice.Local("inherited") boolean inheritedScope. This shared local variable will be visible to both OnMethodEnter and OnMethodExit methods.
    4. Use activeScope() __to __see if an AgentScope is already active. If so, return that AgentScope, but first let the exit method know by setting the shared inheritedScope boolean.
    5. If an AgentScope was not active then start a new span, decorate it, activate it and return it.
  4. With methodExit:
    1. Annotate the method using @Advice.OnMethodExit(onThrowable=Throwable.class, suppress=Throwable.class). ( see Exceptions in Advice)
    2. Add parameter @Advice.Enter AgentScope scope. This is the AgentScope object returned earlier by methodEnter(). Note this is not the return value of the target execute() method.
    3. Add a parameter, @Advice.Local("inherited") boolean inheritedScope. This is the shared local variable created earlier.
    4. Add a parameter @Advice.Return final HttpResponse response. This is the HttpResponse returned by the instrumented target method (in this case execute()). Note this is not the same as the return value of methodEnter().
    5. Add a parameter @Advice.Thrown final Throwable throwable. This makes available any exception thrown by the target execute() method.
    6. Use scope.span() to obtain the AgentSpan and decorate the span as needed.
    7. If the scope was just created (not inherited), close it.
public static class GoogleHttpClientAdvice {
    @Advice.OnMethodEnter(suppress = Throwable.class)
    public static AgentScope methodEnter(
            @Advice.This HttpRequest request,
            @Advice.Local("inherited") boolean inheritedScope
    ) {
        AgentScope scope = activeScope();
        if (null != scope) {
            AgentSpan span = scope.span();
            if (HTTP_REQUEST == span.getOperationName()) {
                inheritedScope = true;
                return scope;
        return activateSpan(DECORATE.prepareSpan(startSpan(HTTP_REQUEST),

    @Advice.OnMethodExit(onThrowable = Throwable.class, suppress = Throwable.class)
    public static void methodExit(
            @Advice.Enter AgentScope scope,
            @Advice.Local("inherited") boolean inheritedScope,
            @Advice.Return final HttpResponse response,
            @Advice.Thrown final Throwable throwable) {
        try {
            AgentSpan span = scope.span();
            DECORATE.onError(span, throwable);
            DECORATE.onResponse(span, response);
        } finally {
            if (!inheritedScope) {


Debuggers include helpful features like breakpoints, watches and stepping through code. Unfortunately those features are not available in Advice code during development of a Java agent. You’ll need to add println() statements and rebuild the tracer JAR to test/debug in a traced client application. println() is used instead of log statements because the logger may not be initialized yet. Debugging should work as usual in helper methods that are called from advice code.

By default, advice code is inlined into instrumented code. In that case breakpoints can not be set in the advice code. But when a method is annotated like this:

@Advice.OnMethodExit(inline = false)


@Advice.OnMethodEnter(inline = false)

the advice bytecode is not copied and the advice is invoked like a common Java method call, making it work like a helper class. Debugging information is copied from the advice method into the instrumented method and debugging is possible.

It is not possible to use inline=false for all advice code. For example, when modifying argument values, @Argument(value = 0, readOnly = false) is impossible since the advice is now a regular method invocation which cannot be modified.

It is important to remove inline=false after debugging is finished for performance reasons.

( see inline)


Configure your environment as discussed in Make sure you have installed the necessary JDK versions and set all environment variables as described there.

If you need to clean all results from a previous build:

./gradlew -p buildSrc clean

Build your new tracer jar:

./gradlew shadowJar

You will find the compiled SNAPSHOT jar here for example:


You can confirm your new integration is included in the jar:

java -jar dd-java-agent.jar --list-integrations

If Gradle is behaving badly you might try:

./gradlew --stop ; ./gradlew clean assemble

Verifying Instrumentations

There are four verification strategies, three of which are mandatory.

All integrations must include sufficient test coverage. This HTTP client integration will include a standard HTTP test class and an async HTTP test class. Both test classes inherit from HttpClientTest which provides a testing framework used by many HTTP client integrations. ( see Testing)

Running Tests

You can run only the tests applicable for this instrumentation:

./gradlew :dd-java-agent:instrumentation:google-http-client:test