This project is an API for managing an order book. It uses TypeScript with Express for the backend and Prisma for database management. The project also incorporates tools to work with Ethereum smart contracts using Ethers.js.
Node.js (v14 or higher) npm or yarn
git clone [Repository URL]
cd orderbook-api
npm install
# or
yarn install
Build: Compile TypeScript to JavaScript.
npm run build
Run the server in development mode with hot-reloading.
npm run dev
Format the code according to Prettier rules.
npm run prettier
Check types without compiling the code.
npm run typecheck
Pull schema from database:
npm run prisma:pull
npm run prisma:generate
npm run prisma:studio
npm run dev-bot
npm start
Copy .env.example to .env and fill in the necessary variables.
Express.js for the web server. Prisma for ORM and database management.
Ethers.js to interact with Ethereum.
TypeScript for static typing. Jest for unit testing. Prettier and TSLint for code formatting and linting. Discord.js for Discord integration.
This project is licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE).
Please adapt or complete this file according to the specifics of your project, such as adding sections on API documentation, usage examples, or security information.