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Asynchronous image loading from remote or local destination. It has two layers of configurable cache system: RAM and Disk.


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Unity Image Loader

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Async image loader with two caching layers for Unity. It supports loading images from web or local paths and provides memory and disk caching to optimize performance. The package includes features for automatic image setting, cancellation handling, error handling, and lifecycle management.

Wait for image get loaded then set:

image.sprite = await ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL);

Don't wait, use callback to set loaded image later:


Use callback to set image and still wait for the completion:

await ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image);


  • ✔️ Async loading from Web or Local ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL);
  • ✔️ Memory and Disk caching - tries to load from memory first, then from disk
  • ✔️ Dedicated thread for disk operations
  • ✔️ Supports loading of Texture2D and Sprite
  • ✔️ Avoids loading same image multiple times simultaneously, a new load task waits for completion of existed task
  • ✔️ Uses UnityWebRequest to load data which works smooth across all platforms including WebGL
  • ✔️ Cache supported on at WebGL. Memory cache works, Disk cache isn't allowed by the platform
  • ✔️ Set into Image ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image);
  • ✔️ Set into RawImage ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(rawImage);
  • ✔️ Set into Material ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume("_MainTex", material);
  • ✔️ Set into SpriteRenderer ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(spriteRenderer);
  • ✔️ Set into anything
  • ✔️ Cancellation ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Cancel();
  • ✔️ Cancellation callback ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Cancelled(() => ...);
  • ✔️ Error callback ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Failed(exception => ...);
  • ✔️ Debug level for logging ImageLoader.settings.debugLevel = DebugLevel.Error;
  • ✔️ Debug level per each task ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).SetLogLevel(DebugLevel.Trace);



openupm add extensions.unity.imageloader


In the main thread somewhere at the start of the project need to call ImageLoader.Init(); once to initialize static properties in the right thread. It is required to make in the main thread. Then you can use ImageLoader from any thread and at any time.

ImageLoader.Init(); // just once from the main thread

Events lifecycle

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ImageLoader.LoadSprite returns IFuture<Sprite>. This instance provides all range of callbacks and API to modify it. Understanding IFuture<T>.

ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // loading process started
    // ┌──────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
    // │ Loading lifecycle events │                                                                        │
    // └──────────────────────────┘                                                                        │
    .LoadedFromMemoryCache(sprite => Debug.Log("Loaded from memory cache")) // on loaded from memory cache │
    .LoadingFromDiskCache (()     => Debug.Log("Loading from disk cache"))  // on loading from disk cache  │
    .LoadedFromDiskCache  (sprite => Debug.Log("Loaded from disk cache"))   // on loaded from disk cache   │
    .LoadingFromSource    (()     => Debug.Log("Loading from source"))      // on loading from source      │
    .LoadedFromSource     (sprite => Debug.Log("Loaded from source"))       // on loaded from source       │
    // ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

    // ┌──────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────┐
    // │ Success lifecycle events │                                           │
    // └──────────────────────────┘                                           │
    .Loaded(sprite => Debug.Log("Loaded")) // on successfully loaded          │
    //               ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
    //               │ Set/Consume sprite [placeholder, successfully loaded]  │
    //               └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
    .Consume(sprite => Debug.Log("Consumed"))                              // │
    .Consume(image)                                                        // │
    // ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

    // ┌───────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────┐
    // │ Negative lifecycle events │                                          │
    // └───────────────────────────┘                                          │
    .Canceled(() => Debug.Log("Canceled"))              // on canceled        │
    .Failed(exception => Debug.LogException(exception)) // on failed to load  │
    // ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

    // ┌──────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
    // │ The end of lifecycle │                                                                          │
    // └──────────────────────┘                                                                          │
    .Completed(isLoaded => Debug.Log($"Completed, isLoaded={isLoaded}")) // on completed                 │
    //                                                                   // [loaded, failed or canceled] │
    // ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

    .Forget(); // removes the compilation warning, does nothing else

Load Sprite then set into Image

Full sample source code

// Load a sprite from the web and cache it for faster loading next time
image.sprite = await ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL);

// Load a sprite from the web and set it directly to the Image component
await ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image);

Load Texture2D then set into Material

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// Load a Texture2D from the web and cache it for faster loading next time
material.mainTexture = await ImageLoader.LoadTexture(imageURL);

// Load a Texture2D from the web and set it directly to the Material
await ImageLoader.LoadTexture(imageURL).Consume(material);

Load Sprite then set into multiple Image

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ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image1, image2).Forget();

Error handling

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ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // Attempt to load a sprite
    .Consume(image) // If successful, set the sprite to the Image component
    .Failed(exception => Debug.LogException(exception)) // If an error occurs, log the exception
    .Forget(); // Forget the task to avoid compilation warning

ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // Attempt to load a sprite
    .Consume(image) // If successful, set the sprite to the Image component
    .Then(sprite => image.gameObject.SetActive(true)) // If successful, activate the GameObject
    .Failed(exception => image.gameObject.SetActive(false)) // If an error occurs, deactivate the GameObject
    .Forget(); // Forget the task to avoid compilation warning

Async await and Forget

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// Load image and wait
await ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL);

// Load image, set image and wait
await ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image);

// Skip waiting for completion.
// To do that we can simply remove 'await' from the start.
// To avoid compilation warning need to add '.Forget()'.


While the target image is loading it would be a good idea to set placeholder image. Also, it works well for setting image if loading fails.

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    // set placeholder in all conditions

    // set placeholder in a specific conditions
    .SetPlaceholder(placeholderLoadingFromSource, PlaceholderTrigger.LoadingFromSource)
    .SetPlaceholder(placeholderFailedToLoad, PlaceholderTrigger.FailedToLoad)

    // set consumer


Cancellation is helpful if target image consumer doesn't exist anymore. For example the Image was destroyed because another level had been loaded. The is not much sense to continue to load the image. It would safe some network traffic, CPU resources, and RAM. IFuture<T> provides wide range of options to cancel the ongoing loading process.

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Cancel by MonoBehaviour events

    .CancelOnEnable(this)   // cancel on OnEnable event of current MonoBehaviour
    .CancelOnDisable(this)  // cancel on OnDisable event of current MonoBehaviour
    .CancelOnDestroy(this); // cancel on OnDestroy event of current MonoBehaviour

Explicit cancellation

var future = ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image);

Cancellation Token

var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

// loading with attached cancellation token
ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL, cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token)

cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); // canceling
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    .Register(cancellationTokenSource.Token) // registering cancellation token

cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); // canceling

Cancellation by using

using (var future = ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL).Consume(image))
    // future would be canceled and disposed outside of the brackets
ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // load sprite
    .Consume(image) // if success set sprite into image
    .CancelOnDestroy(this) // cancel OnDestroy event of current gameObject

ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // load sprite
    .Consume(image) // if success set sprite into image
    .Failed(exception => Debug.LogException(exception)) // if fail print exception
    .CancelOnDestroy(this) // cancel OnDestroy event of current gameObject

ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // load sprite
    .Consume(image) // if success set sprite into image
    .Then(sprite => image.gameObject.SetActive(true)) // if success activate gameObject
    .Failed(exception => image.gameObject.SetActive(false)) // if fail deactivate gameObject
    .Canceled(() => Debug.Log("ImageLoading canceled")) // if cancelled
    .CancelOnDisable(this) // cancel OnDisable event of current gameObject


Timeout triggers IFuture<T> cancellation.

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Set global timeout in the settings:

ImageLoader.settings.timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

Set timeout for a specific loading request (IFuture<T>):

ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // load sprite
    .Consume(image) // if success set sprite into image
    .Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) // set timeout duration 10 seconds


Cache system based on the two layers. The first layer is Memory cache, second is Disk cache. Each layer could be enabled or disabled. Could be used without caching at all. By default both layers are enabled. WebGL doesn't support Disk cache, because it doesn't have access to disk.

Setup Cache

  • ImageLoader.settings.useMemoryCache = true; default value is true
  • ImageLoader.settings.useDiskCache = true; default value is true

Change Disk cache folder

By default it uses Application.persistentDataPath + "/ImageLoader"

ImageLoader.settings.diskSaveLocation = Application.persistentDataPath + "/myCustomFolder";

Override for a specific loading task

It overrides global ImageLoader.settings


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Manually read / write into cache

// Override Memory cache for specific image
ImageLoader.SaveToMemoryCache(url, sprite);

// Take from Memory cache for specific image if exists

Check cache existence

// Check if any cache contains specific image

// Check if Memory cache contains specific image

// Check if Disk cache contains specific image

Clear cache

// Clear memory Memory and Disk cache for all images

// Clear only Memory and Disk cache for specific image

// Clear only Memory cache for all images

// Clear only Memory cache for specific image

// Clear only Disk cache for all images

// Clear only Disk cache for specific image

Memory cache could be cleared automatically if to use Reference<T> and the heavy Texture2D memory would be released as well. Read more at Texture Memory Management.

Texture Memory Management

Texture2D objects consume a lot of memory. Ignoring it may impact performance or even trigger OutOfMemory crash by operation system. To avoid it, let's dig deeper into tools the package provides. We worry less about Disk cache, because it doesn't impact game performance directly. Let's focus on the Memory cache.

Manual Memory cache cleaning

It is simple, just executing this line of code would release memory of a single Texture2D in the case if no other Reference pointing on it exists. Before doing that please make sure that no Unity component is using the texture.


Under the hood it calls UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(texture).

⚠️ Releasing Texture2D from memory while any Unity's component uses it may trigger native app crash or even Unity Editor crash

Automatic Memory cache cleaning

ImageLoader can manager memory releasing of loaded textures. To use it need to call ImageLoader.LoadSpriteRef instead of ImageLoader.LoadSprite. It returns Reference<Sprite> object which contains Sprite and Url. When Reference<Sprite> object is not needed anymore, call reference.Dispose() method to release memory, or just don't save the reference on it. It is IDisposable and it will be disposed by Garbage Collector. Each new instance of Reference<Sprite> increments reference counter of the texture. When the last reference is disposed, the texture memory releases. Also, if any reference is alive, calling ImageLoader.ClearMemoryCache or ImageLoader.ClearCache would have zero effect for only referenced textures. It prints warning messages about it.

// Load sprite image and get reference to it
var reference = await ImageLoader.LoadSpriteRef(imageURL);

// Take from Memory cache reference for specific image if exists
var reference = ImageLoader.LoadSpriteRefFromMemoryCache(url);

// Dispose `reference` when you don't need the texture anymore

// You may also nullify the reference to let Garbage Collector at some point to Dispose it for you
reference = null;

⚠️ Releasing Texture2D from memory while any Unity's component uses it may trigger native app crash or even Unity Editor crash. Please pay enough attention to manage Reference<T> instances in a proper way. Or do not use them.

Load Reference

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Future<Reference<T>>.Consume has a unique feature to attach the reference to the target consumer if consumer is UnityEngine.Component. The reference would be disposed as only the consumer gets destroyed.

ImageLoader.LoadSpriteRef(imageURL) // load sprite using Reference
    .Consume(image) // if success set sprite into image, also creates binding to `image`

Dispose Reference<T> on Component destroy event

It automatically dispose the reference as only this.gameObject gets OnDestroy callback.

ImageLoader.LoadSpriteRef(imageURL) // load sprite using Reference
    .Then(reference => reference.DisposeOnDestroy(this))
    .Then(reference =>
        var sprite = reference.Value;
        // use sprite

Get references count

var count = ImageLoader.GetReferenceCount(imageURL); // get count of references


Understanding IFuture<T>

The IFuture<T> interface represents an asynchronous operation that will eventually produce a result of type T. It provides a range of methods and properties to handle the lifecycle of the asynchronous operation, including loading, success, failure, and cancellation events.

Key Properties of IFuture<T>

  • Id: Unique identifier for the future.
  • Url: URL associated with the future.
  • IsCancelled: Indicates if the operation has been cancelled.
  • IsLoaded: Indicates if the operation has successfully loaded the result.
  • IsCompleted: Indicates if the operation has completed (either successfully or with an error).
  • IsInProgress: Indicates if the operation is currently in progress.
  • Status: Current status of the future.
  • CancellationToken: Token used to cancel the operation.
  • Value: The result of the operation.
  • LogLevel: The logging level for the operation.

Key Methods of IFuture<T>

  • Then(Action<T> onCompleted): Registers a callback to be executed when the operation successfully completes and produces a result.
  • Failed(Action<Exception> action): Registers a callback to be executed if the operation fails with an exception.
  • Completed(Action<bool> action): Registers a callback to be executed when the operation completes, regardless of success or failure. The boolean parameter indicates whether the operation was successful.
  • Canceled(Action action): Registers a callback to be executed if the operation is canceled.
  • SetUseDiskCache(bool value = true): Configures whether the operation should use disk caching.
  • SetUseMemoryCache(bool value = true): Configures whether the operation should use memory caching.
  • SetLogLevel(DebugLevel value): Sets the logging level for the operation.
  • Cancel(): Cancels the operation if it is still in progress.
  • Forget(): Ignores the result of the operation, useful for avoiding compilation warnings about unawaited tasks.
  • AsUniTask(): Converts the IFuture<T> instance to a UniTask<T>.
  • AsTask(): Converts the IFuture<T> instance to a Task<T>.
  • AsReference(DebugLevel logLevel = DebugLevel.Trace): Converts the IFuture<T> instance to a Future<Reference<T>> instance.
  • GetAwaiter(): Returns an awaiter for the IFuture<T> instance, allowing it to be awaited using the await keyword.
  • PassEvents(IFutureInternal<T> to, bool passCancelled = true): Passes events to another future.
  • PassEvents<T2>(IFutureInternal<T2> to, Func<T, T2> convert, bool passCancelled = true): Passes events to another future with conversion.
  • Register(CancellationToken cancellationToken): Registers a new cancellation token to cancel the future with it.
  • Timeout(TimeSpan duration): Sets a timeout duration for the future. If the duration is reached, it fails the future with a related exception.

Example Usage of IFuture<T>

ImageLoader.LoadSprite(imageURL) // Start loading the sprite
    .Then(sprite => Debug.Log("Loaded")) // On successful load
    .Failed(exception => Debug.LogException(exception)) // On failure
    .Completed(isLoaded => Debug.Log($"Completed, isLoaded={isLoaded}")) // On completion
    .Canceled(() => Debug.Log("Canceled")) // On cancellation
    .Forget(); // Avoid compilation warnings

Understanding Reference<T>

The Reference<T> class is used to manage the lifecycle of loaded resources, such as Texture2D or Sprite, in a memory-efficient manner. It helps to automatically release memory when the resource is no longer needed, preventing memory leaks and optimizing performance.

Key Properties of Reference<T>

  • Value: The actual resource (e.g., Sprite or Texture2D) that is being referenced.
  • Url: The URL associated with the resource.
  • IsDisposed: Indicates whether the reference has been disposed.

Key Methods of Reference<T>

  • Dispose(): Disposes the reference, releasing the associated resource from memory. This should be called when the resource is no longer needed.
  • DisposeOnDestroy(Component component): Automatically disposes the reference when the specified Component is destroyed. This is useful for ensuring that resources are released when the associated GameObject is destroyed.
  • DisposeOnDisable(Component component): Automatically disposes the reference when the specified Component is disabled.
  • DisposeOnEnable(Component component): Automatically disposes the reference when the specified Component is enabled.

Example Usage of Reference<T>

// Load a sprite using Reference
var reference = await ImageLoader.LoadSpriteRef(imageURL);

// Use the sprite
var sprite = reference.Value;

// Dispose the reference when the sprite is no longer needed
// Alternatively, automatically dispose the reference when the GameObject is destroyed
    .Then(reference => reference.DisposeOnDestroy(this))
    .Then(reference =>
        var sprite = reference.Value;
        // use sprite

Understanding Future<Reference<T>>

The Future<Reference<T>> class combines the functionality of IFuture<T> and Reference<T>, providing a powerful tool for managing the lifecycle of asynchronous operations that produce resources such as Texture2D or Sprite. This combination allows you to handle the loading process and the resource management in a memory-efficient manner.

Why It Is Needed

The Future<Reference<T>> class is needed to ensure that resources are loaded asynchronously and managed efficiently. By using this class, you can:

  1. Load Resources Asynchronously: Start loading resources such as Texture2D or Sprite without blocking the main thread.
  2. Manage Resource Lifecycle: Automatically release resources when they are no longer needed, preventing memory leaks and optimizing performance.
  3. Handle Loading Events: Register callbacks for various events such as success, failure, and cancellation during the loading process.
  4. Bind Resources to Components: Automatically dispose of resources when the associated UnityEngine.Component is destroyed, ensuring that resources are released when the GameObject is destroyed.