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Building zip archives

Run mvn clean install -Pjanusgraph-release -Dgpg.skip=true -DskipTests=true -Pjava-11.
This command can be run from either the root of the JanusGraph repository (the parent of the janusgraph-dist directory) or the janusgraph-dist directory. Running from the root of the repository is recommended. Running from janusgraph-dist requires that JanusGraph's jars be available on either Sonatype, Maven Central, or your local Maven repository (~/.m2/repository/) depending on whether you're building a SNAPSHOT or a release tag.

This command writes one archive:

  • janusgraph-dist/target/janusgraph-$

It's also possible to leave off the -DskipTests=true. However, in the absence of -DskipTests=true, the -Pjanusgraph-release argument causes janusgraph-dist to run several automated integration tests of the zipfiles and the script files they contain. These tests require unzip and expect, and they'll start and stop Cassandra, ES, and HBase in the course of their execution.

Building documentation

To convert the markdown sources in $JANUSGRAPH_REPO_ROOT/docs/ to chunked, run mvn install -DskipTests=true -pl janusgraph-doc -am and mkdocs build.

The documentation output appears in:

  • site/

Upgrade cassandra-server version

Following files have to be updated, if you update Cassandra server version in the default JanusGraph distribution:

  • src/assembly/static/cassandra/bin/cassandra
  • src/assembly/static/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
  • src/assembly/static/cassandra/conf/jvm-server.options
  • src/assembly/static/cassandra/conf/logback.xml

These files contains just small changes which allows us to include Cassandra into our distribution. Changed locations are marked using JanusGraph change:.