In this demo, the MultiTagging framework is tested using 6 smart contract analysis tools: MAIAN, Mythril, Semgrep, Slither, Solhint, and VeriSmart.
- The MultiTagging framework demo is available here: MultiTagging.ipynb
- For the Demo's output: check the Results directory.
- We have benefited from work published by Monika di Angelo and Gernot Salzer: Consolidated Ground Truth (CGT) for Weaknesses of Ethereum Smart Contracts
- For more details, see the Benchmarks Github Repository
For more details, read our publication: MultiTagging: A Vulnerable Smart Contract Labeling and Evaluation Framework, published in the Electronics Journal. Please cite our article if you use any part of our work.
title={MultiTagging: A Vulnerable Smart Contract Labeling and Evaluation Framework},
author={Alsunaidi, Shikah J and Aljamaan, Hamoud and Hammoudeh, Mohammad},