This repository shows a procedure to construct Statistical Movement Elements (StaMEs) from animal movement track. Movement data itself is in the form of a relocation time-sequence, given by a walk
Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning procedure which finds an optimum partition of a set of points with two or more variables into subsets (or clusters) of similar points. Here I've used hierarchical clustering approach, which results in a tree structure called dendrogram having a single cluster at the root, with leaf nodes representing data points in the set. Cluster analysis is performed on the segment level data (i.e., with
Hierarchical agglomerative algorithms implement bottom-up clustering methodology, which starts with each point of
To perform clustering, I make use of
The dendrogram thus produced can also be understood as a weighted graph, with leaf nodes representing data points, and each internal node representing the cluster of its descendent leaves. The dissimilarity between clusters is represented by edge weights. The Dendrogram can be cut at the required number of clusters.
This algorithm has a time complexity of
- 01_step-length_turning-angle_barn-owl.R: Computation of step length (or speed) and turning angle time series starting from the multi-DAR relocation time-series data for a barn owl individual obtained using the ATLAS reverse GPS system in north-eastern Israel.
- 01_step-length_turning-angle_ANIMOVER1.R: Computation of step length and turning angle time series starting from 2-mode simulated multi-DAR relocation data generated from Numerus ANIMOVER_1.
- 02_segmentation.R: Parsing of multi-DAR speed and turning angle series into segments of
points each to construct a representation using a set of statistics for each segment for barn owl and ANIMOV data. - 03_clustering_visualisation.R: Clustering analysis on the representation previously obtained to perform StaME extraction along with visualisation of results for barn owl and ANIMOV data.
StaMEs obtained from 10-point and 30-point segmentation of the simulation data.
StaMEs obtained by clustering segments from the tracks of two different barn owls.