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OpenVPN 3 D-Bus API: Configuration manager

The configuration manager is responsible for storing VPN profiles/configuration. There are two types of profiles, persistent and non-persistent. The persistent profiles are saved to disk. The non-persistent are only available in memory, so when the configuration manager stops running the configuration will not be available.

D-Bus destination: net.openvpn.v3.configuration - Object path: /net/openvpn/v3/configuration

node /net/openvpn/v3/configuration {
  interface net.openvpn.v3.configuration {
      Import(in  s name,
             in  s config_str,
             in  b single_use,
             in  b persistent,
             out o config_path);
      FetchAvailableConfigs(out ao paths);
      LookupConfigName(in  s config_name,
                       out ao config_paths);
      SearchByTag(in  s tag,
                  out ao paths);
      SearchByOwner(in  s owner,
                    out ao paths);
      TransferOwnership(in  o path,
                        in  u new_owner_uid);
      Log(u group,
          u level,
          s message);
          readonly s version;

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.Import

This method imports a configuration profile. The configuration must be represented as a string blob containing everything.


Direction Name Type Description
In name string User friendly name of the profile. To be used in user front-ends
In config_str string Content of config file. All files must be embedded inline
In single_use boolean If set to true, it will be removed from memory on first use
In persistent boolean If set to true, the configuration will be saved to disk
Out config_path object path A unique D-Bus object path for the imported VPN configuration profile

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.FetchAvailableConfigs

This method will return an array of object paths to configuration objects the caller is granted access to.


Direction Name Type Description
Out paths object paths An array of object paths to accessbile configuration objects

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.LookupConfigName

This method will return an array of object paths to configuration objects the caller is granted access with the configuration name provided to the method.


Direction Name Type Description
In config_name string String containing the configuration name for the configuration path lookup
Out config_paths object paths An array of object paths to accessible configuration objects

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.SearchByTag

This method will return an array of object paths to configuration objects the caller is granted access to which is tagged with the specified tag name.


Direction Name Type Description
In tag string String containing the tag name to search for
Out config_paths object paths An array of object paths of matching and available configuration objects

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.SearchByOwner

This method will return an array of object paths to configuration objects the caller is granted access to which is owned by the specified user.


Direction Name Type Description
In owner string String containing the owner to search for
Out paths object paths An array of object paths of matching and available configuration objects

Method: net.openvpn3.v3.configuration.TransferOwnership

This method transfers the ownership of a configuration profile to the given UID value. This feature is by design restricted to the root account only and is only expected to be used by openvpn3-autoload and similar tools.

This method is also placed in the main configuration manager object and not the configuration object itself by design, to emphasize this being a special case feature. This also makes it easier to control this feature in the D-Bus policy in addition to the hard-coded restriction in the configuration manager code.


Direction Name Type Description
In path object path Configuration object path where to modify the owner property
In new_owner_uid unsigned int UID value of the new owner of the configuration profile

Signal: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.Log

Whenever the configuration manager want to log something, it issues a Log signal which carries a log group, log verbosity level and a string with the log message itself. See the separate logging documentation for details on this signal.


Name Type Read/Write Description
version string readonly Version of the currently running service

D-Bus destination: net.openvpn.v3.configuration - Object path: /net/openvpn/v3/configuration/${UNIQUE_ID}

node /net/openvpn/v3/configuration/${UNIQUE_ID} {
  interface net.openvpn.v3.configuration {
      Fetch(out s config);
      FetchJSON(out s config_json);
      SetOption(in  s option,
                in  s value);
      SetOverride(in  s name,
                  in  v value);
      UnsetOverride(in  s name);
      AddTag(in  s tag);
      RemoveTag(in  s tag);
      AccessGrant(in  u uid);
      AccessRevoke(in  u uid);
      readonly u owner;
      readonly au acl;
      readonly s name;
      readwrite b public_access;
      readonly b persistent;
      readonly t import_timestamp;
      readonly t last_used_timestamp;
      readwrite b locked_down;
      readonly a{sv} overrides;
      readonly b readonly;
      readonly b single_use;
      readonly as tags;
      readwrite b transfer_owner_session;
      readonly u used_count;
      readwrite b dco;
      readonly b valid;

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.Validate

This runs a validation check on the configuration profile to check if it is expected to be functional when used to start a VPN session.

On success, this will just return. If there are issues with the profile, it will return with an error containing a brief description of what the issue is.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.Fetch

This method will return a string of the stored configuration profile as it is stored. This should be contain the same information which was imported. It will not necessarily be an identical copy of what was imported, as it has been processed during the import.


Direction Name Type Description
Out config string The configuration file as a plain string blob.

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.FetchJSON

This is a variant of Fetch, which returns the configuration profile formatted as a JSON string blob. The intention of this is for user front-ends to have a simple API to retrieve the complete configuration profile in a format which can easily be parsed and presented in a user interface.


Direction Name Type Description
Out config string The configuration file as a JSON formatted string blob.

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.SetOption

This method allows manipulation of a stored configuration. This is targeted at user front-ends to be able to easily manipulate imported configuration files.

** WARNING: ** This method is currently not implemented!


Direction Name Type Description
In option string String containing the name of the option to be modified
In value string String containing the new value of the option

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.SetOverride

Configuration profile can have override settings changing slightly how the connection to the server should happen, DNS settings or other related settings. The overrides available are defined in src/configmgr/overrides.hpp.


Direction Name Type Description
In name string The name of the override value to modify
In value string The value of the override setting

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.UnsetOverride

Unsets an override setting, restoring the behaviour to the configuration default. The overrides available are defined in src/configmgr/overrides.hpp.


Direction Name Type Description
In name string The name of the override value to modify

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.AddTag

A configuration profile can be assigned tag values, to be used by front-ends to categorize or group configuration profiles. These tags does not influence the VPN session in any way.

Tag values cannot be empty and must be no longer than 128 characters.


Direction Name Type Description
In tag string The name of the tag to add to the profile

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.RemoveTag

This removes an assigned tag from a configuration profile.


Direction Name Type Description
In tag string The name of the tag to remove from the profile

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.AccessGrant

By default, only the user ID (UID) who imported the configuration have access to it. This method used to grant other users access to the configuration.


Direction Name Type Description
In uid unsigned int The UID to the user account which is granted access

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.AccessRevoke

This revokes access to a configuration object for a specific user. Please note that the owner (the user which imported the configuration) cannot have its access revoked.


Direction Name Type Description
In uid unsigned int The UID to the user account which gets the access revoked

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.Seal

This method makes the configuration read-only. That means it can no longer be manipulated, nor removed.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.configuration.Remove

Removes a VPN profile from the configuration manager. If the configuration is persistent, it will be removed from the disk as well. This method takes no arguments and does not return anything on success. If an error occurs, a D-Bus error is returned.


(No arguments)


Name Type Read/Write Description
owner unsigned integer Read-only The UID value of the user which did the import
acl array(integer) Read-only An array of UID values granted access
name string Read-only Contains the user friendly name of the configuration profile
public_access boolean Read/Write If set to true, access control is disabled. But only owner may change this property, modify the ACL or delete the configuration
persistent boolean Read-only If set to true, this configuration will be saved to disk by the configuration manager. The location of the file storage is managed by the configuration manager itself and the configuration manager will load persistent profiles each time it starts
import_timestamp uint64 Read-only Unix Epoch timestamp of the import time
last_used_timestamp uint64 Read-only Unix Epoch timestamp of the last time it Fetch was called [1]
locked_down boolean Read/Write If set to true, only the owner and openvpn user can retrieve the configuration file. Other users granted access can only use this profile to start a new tunnel
overrides dictionary Read-only Contains all the override settings enabled. This is stored as a key/value based dictionary, where value can be any arbitrary data type
readonly boolean Read-only If set to true, the configuration have been sealed and can no longer be modified
single_use boolean Read-only If set to true, this configuration profile will be automatically removed after the first Fetch call. This is intended to be used by command line clients providing a similar user experience as the OpenVPN 2.x versions provides.
tags array(string) Read-only Array of strings with tag values assigned to the profile
transfer_owner_session boolean Read/Write If set to true, another user granted access to this profile will transfer the VPN session ownership back to the profile owner at start up
used_count unsigned integer Read-only Number of times Fetch has been called [1]
dco boolean Read/Write If set to true, the VPN tunnel will make use of the kernel accellerated Data Channel Offload feature (requires kernel support)
valid boolean Read-only Contains an indication if the configuration profile is considered functional for a VPN session

[1] It will track/count Fetch usage only if the calling user is openvpn