This is a Flutter plugin that implemented Branch SDK. helps mobile apps grow with deep links that power referral systems, sharing links and invites with full attribution and analytics.
Supports Android, iOS and Web.
- Android - Branch SDK Version >= 5.15.0 Android Version History
- iOS - Branch SDK Version >= 3.9.0 iOS Version History
Implemented functions in plugin:
Function | Android | iOS | Web |
Test Branch Integration | X | X | Not supported |
Track users | X | X | X |
Enable / Disable User Tracking | X | X | X |
Get First and Last Parameters | X | X | X |
Generate Deep Link for Branch Universal Object (BUO) | X | X | X |
Show Share Sheet for Branch Universal Object (BUO) | X | X | X |
List BUO on Search / Remove BUO from Search | X | ||
Register view | X | X | X |
Track User Actions and Events | X | X | X |
Init Branch Session and Deep Link | X | X | X |
Last Attributed Touch Data | X | X | X |
QR codes | X | X | X |
Share with LPLinkMetadata | X | ||
Handle Links in Your Own App | X | X | X |
- Register Your App
- Configure Branch Dashboard Branch Dashboard
For details see:
Follow only the steps:
Note: It is not necessary to perform the Branch Android SDK installation steps. The plugin performs these steps.
Follow only the steps:
Note: It is not necessary to perform the Branch iOS SDK installation steps. The plugin performs these steps.
Use iOS pasteboard to enable deferred deep linking via Branch NativeLink™, which enables 100% matching on iOS through Installs.
Follow the steps on the page, session NativeLink™ Deferred Deep Linking,
Note: Code implementation in Swift is not necessary. The plugin already implements the code, requiring only configuration on the Dashboard.
If you want to disable NativeLink™ Deferred Deep Linking, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to ios/Runner/Info.plist file.
- Add the following in
Flutter version 3.27 has a breaking change that alters the behavior of the Deep link default flag.
You must manually set the value to FALSE in the project, according to the instructions below.
- Navigate to ios/Runner/Info.plist file.
- Add the following in
- Navigate to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file.
- Add the following metadata tag and intent filter inside the tag with
<meta-data android:name="flutter_deeplinking_enabled" android:value="false" />
You need add Branch Javascript in your web\index.html
at the top of your <body>
tag, to be able to use this package.
// load Branch
(function(b,r,a,n,c,h,_,s,d,k){if(!b[n]||!b[n]._q){for(;s<_.length;)c(h,_[s++]);d=r.createElement(a);d.async=1;d.src="";k=r.getElementsByTagName(a)[0];k.parentNode.insertBefore(d,k);b[n]=h}})(window,document,"script","branch",function(b,r){b[r]=function(){b._q.push([r,arguments])}},{_q:[],_v:1},"addListener banner closeBanner closeJourney data deepview deepviewCta first init link logout removeListener setBranchViewData setIdentity track trackCommerceEvent logEvent disableTracking getBrowserFingerprintId crossPlatformIds lastAttributedTouchData setAPIResponseCallback qrCode setRequestMetaData setAPIUrl getAPIUrl setDMAParamsForEEA".split(" "), 0);
// init Branch
Change key_live_or_test_YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE
to match your Branch Dashboard
If branch.init()
fails, all subsequent Branch methods will fail.
Full example index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
If you are serving your web app in a path other than the root, change the
href value below to reflect the base path you are serving from.
The path provided below has to start and end with a slash "/" in order for
it to work correctly.
Fore more details:
<base href="/">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta content="IE=Edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
<meta name="description" content="Demonstrates how to use the flutter_branch_sdk plugin.">
<!-- iOS meta tags & icons -->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="flutter_branch_sdk_example">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icons/Icon-192.png">
<!-- Favicon -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png"/>
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
// load Branch
(function(b,r,a,n,c,h,_,s,d,k){if(!b[n]||!b[n]._q){for(;s<_.length;)c(h,_[s++]);d=r.createElement(a);d.async=1;d.src="";k=r.getElementsByTagName(a)[0];k.parentNode.insertBefore(d,k);b[n]=h}})(window,document,"script","branch",function(b,r){b[r]=function(){b._q.push([r,arguments])}},{_q:[],_v:1},"addListener banner closeBanner closeJourney data deepview deepviewCta first init link logout removeListener setBranchViewData setIdentity track trackCommerceEvent logEvent disableTracking getBrowserFingerprintId crossPlatformIds lastAttributedTouchData setAPIResponseCallback qrCode setRequestMetaData setAPIUrl getAPIUrl setDMAParamsForEEA".split(" "), 0);
// init Branch
<!-- This script installs service_worker.js to provide PWA functionality to
application. For more information, see: -->
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('flutter-first-frame', function () {
<script src="main.dart.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
To use the plugin, add flutter_branch_sdk
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
To initialize Branch:
import 'package:flutter_branch_sdk/flutter_branch_sdk.dart';
await FlutterBranchSdk.init(enableLogging: false, disableTracking: false);
The optional parameters are:
- enableLogging : Sets
turn on debug logging. Default value: false - disableTracking: Sets
to disable tracking in Branch SDK for GDPR compliant on start. Default value: false - branchAttributionLevel : The level of attribution data to collect.
: Full Attribution (Default) -
: Reduced Attribution (Non-Ads + Privacy Frameworks) -
: Minimal Attribution - Analytics Only -
: No Attribution - No Analytics (GDPR, CCPA)Read Branch documentation for details: Introducing Consumer Protection Preference Levels and Consumer Protection Preferences
Note: The disableTracking
parameter is deprecated and should no longer be used. Please use branchAttributionLevel
to control tracking behavior.
Initialization must be called from main
or at any time, for example after getting consent for GPDR.
To guarantee the success of this function, ensure you've called the below in the app's main function
Test your Branch Integration by calling:
Check logs to make sure all the SDK Integration tests pass.
Example of log for Android:
------------------- Initiating Branch integration verification --------------------------- ...
1. Verifying Branch instance creation ...
2. Checking Branch keys ...
3. Verifying application package name ...
4. Checking Android Manifest for URI based deep link config ...
5. Verifying URI based deep link config with Branch dash board. ...
6. Verifying intent for receiving URI scheme. ...
7. Checking AndroidManifest for AppLink config. ...
8. Verifying any supported custom link domains. ...
9. Verifying default link domains integrations. ...
10. Verifying alternate link domains integrations. ...
Successfully completed Branch integration validation. Everything looks good!
Great! Comment out the 'validateSDKIntegration' line in your app. Next check your deep link routing.
Append '?bnc_validate=true' to any of your app's Branch links and click it on your mobile device (not the Simulator!) to start the test.
For instance, to validate a link like:
click on:
Make sure to comment out or remove validateSDKIntegration
in your production build.
To listen to the clicks on the deep link and retrieve the data it is necessary to add the code below:
StreamSubscription<Map> streamSubscription = FlutterBranchSdk.listSession().listen((data) {
if (data.containsKey("+clicked_branch_link") &&
data["+clicked_branch_link"] == true) {
//Link clicked. Add logic to get link data
print('Custom string: ${data["custom_string"]}');
}, onError: (error) {
print('listSession error: ${error.toString()}');
When a deep link is clicked the above method will be called, with the app is open or closed.
If you ever want to access the original session params (the parameters passed in for the first install event only), you can use this line. This is useful if you only want to reward users who newly installed the app from a referral link.
Map<dynamic, dynamic> params = await FlutterBranchSdk.getFirstReferringParams();
Note: You must call this method on iOS
to obtain installation data if the return of the FlutterBranchSdk.listSession()
function is {+is_first_session: true, +clicked_branch_link: false}
These session parameters will be available at any point later on with this command. If no parameters are available then Branch will return an empty dictionary. This refreshes with every new session (app installs AND app opens).
Map<dynamic, dynamic> params = await FlutterBranchSdk.getLatestReferringParams();
Allow retrieval of our last attributed touch data (LATD) from the client. This results in an asynchronous call being made to Branch’s servers with LATD data returned when possible.
Last attributed touch data contains the information associated with that user's last viewed impression or clicked link.
BranchResponse response =
await FlutterBranchSdk.getLastAttributedTouchData();
if (response.success) {
More information here.
The Branch Universal Object encapsulates the thing you want to share.
BranchUniversalObject buo = BranchUniversalObject(
canonicalIdentifier: 'flutter/branch',
//canonicalUrl: '',
title: 'Flutter Branch Plugin',
imageUrl: '',
contentDescription: 'Flutter Branch Description',
keywords: ['Plugin', 'Branch', 'Flutter'],
publiclyIndex: true,
locallyIndex: true,
contentMetadata: BranchContentMetaData()..addCustomMetadata('custom_string', 'abc')
..addCustomMetadata('custom_number', 12345)
..addCustomMetadata('custom_bool', true)
..addCustomMetadata('custom_list_number', [1,2,3,4,5 ])
..addCustomMetadata('custom_list_string', ['a', 'b', 'c']),
parameter canonicalUrl: If your content lives both on the web and in the app, make sure you set its canonical URL (i.e. the URL of this piece of content on the web) when building any BUO. By doing so, we’ll attribute clicks on the links that you generate back to their original web page, even if the user goes to the app instead of your website! This will help your SEO efforts.
More information about the parameters, verify Android documentation and iOS documentation
- Generates the analytical properties for the deep link.
- Used for Create deep link and Share deep link.
BranchLinkProperties lp = BranchLinkProperties(
//alias: 'flutterplugin', //define link url,
channel: 'facebook',
feature: 'sharing',
stage: 'new share',
tags: ['one', 'two', 'three']
lp.addControlParam('url', '');
lp.addControlParam('url2', '');
parameter alias: Instead of our standard encoded short url, you can specify the vanity alias. For example, instead of a random string of characters/integers, you can set the vanity alias as * Aliases are enforced to be unique and immutable per domain, and per link - they cannot be reused unless deleted.
More information about the parameters, verify Android documentation and iOS documentation
Generates a deep link within your app.
BranchResponse response =
await FlutterBranchSdk.getShortUrl(buo: buo, linkProperties: lp);
if (response.success) {
print('Link generated: ${response.result}');
} else {
print('Error : ${response.errorCode} - ${response.errorMessage}');
Will generate a Branch deep link and tag it with the channel the user selects.
Note: For Android additional customization is possible
BranchResponse response = await FlutterBranchSdk.showShareSheet(
buo: buo,
linkProperties: lp,
messageText: 'My Share text',
androidMessageTitle: 'My Message Title',
androidSharingTitle: 'My Share with');
if (response.success) {
print('showShareSheet Sucess');
} else {
print('Error : ${response.errorCode} - ${response.errorMessage}');
Note: Requires iOS 13 or higher, else call showShareSheet
Will show Share Sheet with customization.
Content - verify section Create content reference
Link Reference - verify section Create link reference
Title (String) - Title for Share Sheet
Icon (Uint8List) - Image for Share Sheet. Load image before from Web or assets.
buo: buo!,
linkProperties: lp,
title: "Share With LPLinkMetadata",
icon: iconData);
QR Code Access Required
Access to Branch's QR Code API and SDK requires premium product access. Please reach out to your account manager or to activate.
Will generates a custom QR Code with a unique Branch link which you can deep link and track analytics with.
Content - verify section Create content reference
Link Reference - verify section Create link reference
BranchQrCode object (QR Code settings)
Parameter | Type | Definition |
primaryColor | Color | Color name ou Hex color value |
backgroundColor | Color | Color name ou Hex color value of the background of the QR code itself. |
margin | Integer (Pixels) | The number of pixels you want for the margin. Min 1px. Max 20px. |
width | Integer (Pixels) | Output size of QR Code image. Min 300px. Max 2000px. (Only applicable to JPEG/PNG) |
imageFormat | BranchImageFormat | JPEG, PNG |
centerLogoUrl | String (HTTP URL) | URL to the image you want as a center logo e.g. |
BranchResponse responseQrCodeImage =
await FlutterBranchSdk.getQRCodeAsImage(
buo: buo!,
linkProperties: lp,
qrCode: BranchQrCode(
//primaryColor: const Color(0xff443a49), //Hex colors
centerLogoUrl: imageURL,
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
imageFormat: BranchImageFormat.PNG));
if (response.success) {
print('QrCode Success');
showQrCode(this.context, responseQrCodeImage.result);
image: responseQrCodeImage.result,
height: 250,
width: 250,
} else {
print('Error : ${response.errorCode} - ${response.errorMessage}');
- Method
returns the QR code as a Image. - Method
returns the QR code as Uint8List. Can be stored in a file or converted to image.
Allows you to deep link into your own from your app itself
Replace "" with your own link URL.
Handling a new deep link in your app will clear the current session data and a new referred "open" will be attributed.
- For iOs list BUO links in Spotlight
- For Android no action will be taken
- For WEB not supported
bool success = await FlutterBranchSdk.listOnSearch(buo: buo);
Privately indexed Branch Universal Object can be removed.
bool success = await FlutterBranchSdk.removeFromSearch(buo: buo);
print('Remove sucess: $success');
Mark the content referred by this object as viewed. This increment the view count of the contents referred by this object.
FlutterBranchSdk.registerView(buo: buo);
Use the BranchEvent
interface to track special user actions or application specific events beyond app installs, opens, and sharing. You can track events such as when a user adds an item to an on-line shopping cart, or searches for a keyword, among others.
The BranchEvent
interface provides an interface to add contents represented by BranchUniversalObject
in order to associate app contents with events.
Analytics about your app's BranchEvents can be found on the Branch dashboard, and BranchEvents also provide tight integration with many third party analytics providers.
BranchEvent eventStandard = BranchEvent.standardEvent(BranchStandardEvent.ADD_TO_CART);
FlutterBranchSdk.trackContent(buo: [buo], branchEvent: eventStandard);
You can use your own custom event names too:
BranchEvent eventCustom = BranchEvent.customEvent('Custom_event');
FlutterBranchSdk.trackContent(buo: [buo], branchEvent: eventCustom);
Extra event specific data can be tracked with the event as well:
eventStandard.transactionID = '12344555';
eventStandard.currency = BranchCurrencyType.BRL;
eventStandard.revenue = 1.5;
eventStandard.shipping = 10.2; = 12.3; = 'test_coupon';
eventStandard.affiliation = 'test_affiliation';
eventStandard.eventDescription = 'Event_description';
eventStandard.searchQuery = 'item 123';
eventStandard.adType = BranchEventAdType.BANNER;
eventStandard.addCustomData('Custom_Event_Property_Key1', 'Custom_Event_Property_val1');
eventStandard.addCustomData('Custom_Event_Property_Key2', 'Custom_Event_Property_val2');
FlutterBranchSdk.trackContent(buo: [buo], branchEvent: eventStandard);
accepts a list of Branch Universal Object.
You can register logs in BranchEvent without Branch Universal Object (BUO) for tracking and analytics:
BranchEvent eventStandart = BranchEvent.standardEvent(BranchStandardEvent.ADD_TO_CART);
FlutterBranchSdk.trackContentWithoutBuo(branchEvent: eventStandart);
You can use your own custom event names too:
BranchEvent eventCustom = BranchEvent.customEvent('Custom_event');
FlutterBranchSdk.trackContentWithoutBuo(branchEvent: eventCustom);
Sets the identity of a user (email, ID, UUID, etc) for events, deep links, and referrals.
//check if user is identify
bool isUserIdentified = await FlutterBranchSdk.isUserIdentified();
If you need to comply with a user's request to not be tracked for GDPR purposes, or otherwise determine that a user should not be tracked, utilize this field to prevent Branch from sending network requests. This setting can also be enabled across all users for a particular link, or across your Branch links.
You can choose to call this throughout the lifecycle of the app. Once called, network requests will not be sent from the SDKs. Link generation will continue to work, but will not contain identifying information about the user. In addition, deep linking will continue to work, but will not track analytics for the user.
More information here
Sets the consumer protection attribution level:
: Full Attribution (Default)
: Reduced Attribution (Non-Ads + Privacy Frameworks)
: Minimal Attribution - Analytics
: No Attribution - No Analytics (GDPR, CCPA)
Read Branch documentation for details:
Add key value pairs to all requests
FlutterBranchSdk.setRequestMetadata(requestMetadataKey, requestMetadataValue);
Starting with iOS 14.5, iPadOS 14.5, and tvOS 14.5, you’ll need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework to track them or access their device’s advertising identifier. Tracking refers to the act of linking user or device data collected from your app with user or device data collected from other companies’ apps, websites, or offline properties for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes. Tracking also refers to sharing user or device data with data brokers.
New methods have been made available to deal with App Tracking Transparency.
First, update Info.plist
file located in ios/Runner directory and add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription
key with a custom message describing your usage.
<string>App would like to access IDFA for tracking purpose</string>
AppTrackingStatus status = await FlutterBranchSdk.requestTrackingAuthorization();
Note: After the user's response, call the
Branch SDK method to monitor the performance of the ATT prompt.
AppTrackingStatus status = await FlutterBranchSdk.getTrackingAuthorizationStatus();
enum AppTrackingStatus {
/// The user has not yet received an authorization request dialog
/// The device is restricted, tracking is disabled and the system can't show a request dialog
/// The user denies authorization for tracking
/// The user authorizes access to tracking
/// The platform is not iOS or the iOS version is below 14.0
AppTrackingStatus status = await FlutterBranchSdk.getTrackingAuthorizationStatus();
In response to the European Union's enactment of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Branch Android SDK includes the setDMAParamsForEEA
method to help you pass consent information from your user to Google.
The setDMAParamsForEEA
method takes 3 parameters:
FlutterBranchSdk.setDMAParamsForEEA(eeaRegion: true, adPersonalizationConsent: false, adUserDataUsageConsent: false);
Parameter Name | Type | Description | When true |
When false |
eeaRegion | Boolean | Whether European regulations, including the DMA, apply to this user and conversion | User is included in European Union regulations. For example, if the user is located within the EEA, they are within the scope of DMA |
User is considered excluded from European Union regulations |
adPersonalizationConsent | Boolean | Whether end user has granted or denied ads personalization |
User has granted consent for ads personalization. |
User has denied consent for ads personalization. |
adUserDataUsageConsent | Boolean | Whether end user has granted or denied consent for 3P transmission of user level data for ads. | User has granted consent for 3P transmission of user-level data for ads. |
User has denied consent for 3P transmission of user-level data for ads. |
When parameters are successfully set using setDMAParamsForEEA
, they will be sent along with every future request to the following Branch endpoint.
Add or update the code below in AndroidManifest.xml
<!-- Set to `true` to use `BranchKey.test` -->
android:name="io.branch.sdk.TestMode" android:value="true" />
Note: Remember to set the value to false
before releasing to production.
Create an empty file called
. -
Paste the content below into the file or make download here:
"useTestInstance": true
Add the file
to your project using Xcode. Within your project, navigate to File → Add Files. -
Select the
file and make sure every target in your project that uses Branch is selected.
Note: Remember to set the value to false
before releasing to production.
See the example
directory for a complete sample app using Branch SDK.
See example in Flutter Web:
Here are a set of best practices to ensure that your analytics are correct, and your content is ranking on Spotlight effectively.
- Set the canonicalIdentifier to a unique, de-duped value across instances of the app
- Ensure that the title, contentDescription and imageUrl properly represent the object
- Initialize the Branch Universal Object and call
FlutterBranchSdk.registerView(buo: buo);
- Call
later in the life cycle, when the user takes an action that needs a link - Call the additional object events (purchase, share completed, etc) when the corresponding user action is taken
Practices to avoid:
- Don't set the same title, contentDescription and imageUrl across all objects.
- Don't wait to initialize the object and register views until the user goes to share.
- Don't wait to initialize the object until you conveniently need a link.
- Don't create many objects at once and register views in a for loop.
- Deep links with Short Links
- Deep links with Long links
- [Introducing Consumer Protection Preference Levels] (
- Consumer Protection Preferences
- Answering the App Store Connect Privacy Questions
- Answering the Google Play Store Privacy Questions
Read the iOS or Android documentation for all Branch object parameters:
- Android -
- iOS -
This project was authored by Rodrigo S. Marques. You can contact me at