Qs1. In cortx-s3 during init.sh installation an error occurs:
[Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: ssc-satellite1.colo.seagate.com; Unknown error".
Ans1. Use the following steps:
1. Step1: Navigate to the cloned repository
* `$ cd /root/cortx-s3server/ansible/files/yum.repos.d/centos7.8.2003`
2. Step2:
* `$ [root@localhost centos7.8.2003]# ls -lrt`
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178 Jul 8 21:25 epel7.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 216 Jul 8 21:30 cortx_s3_deps.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206 Jul 8 21:30 cortx.repo
3. Step3: Comment all the lines in the repository listed in Step2.
* `$ [root@localhost centos7.8.2003]# cat *.repo`
#baseurl = http://ci-storage.mero.colo.seagate.com/releases/cortx/github/main/rhel-7.8.2003/last_successful/
#gpgcheck = 0
#name = Yum repo for cortx builds - OS Centos 7.8.2003
#priority = 1
#baseurl = http://ci-storage.mero.colo.seagate.com/releases/cortx/s3server_uploads/centos7/
#gpgcheck = 0
#name = Yum repo for s3 dependencies rpms built for cortx - OS Centos/rhel 7
#priority = 1
#baseurl = http://ssc-satellite1.colo.seagate.com/pulp/repos/CORTX/Production/CentOS-7_8_2003/custom/EPEL-7/EPEL-7/
#gpgcheck = 0
#name = Yum repo for epel7
#priority = 1
Qs2: lctl list_nids command does not show any output.
Ans2: Check following entry:
1. Step1:
* `$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf`
options lnet networks=tcp(ens160) config_on_load=1
(Please ensure that the above command o/p contains this entry)
2. Step2: If any changes made in Step1 then:
* `$ systemctl restart lnet`
* `$ systemctl status lnet`
(status should show lnet in running state)
3. Step3:
* `$ lctl list_nids`
(O/p should be Eg: <ip address of VM>@tcp )
Qs3: rmmod: ERROR: Module m0tr is in use or rmmod: ERROR: Module galois is in use by: m0tr or
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /root/cortx-motr/extra-libs/galois/src/linux_kernel/galois.ko: File exists Error unloading /root/cortx-motr/m0tr.ko.
Ans3: This happens because previous runs may have exited abruptly or because the runs was forcefully stopped using ctrl+c.
1. Step1: List the modules.
* `$ [root@localhost ~]# lsmod`
Module Size Used by
m0ctl 48916 0
m0tr 13901353 1 m0ctl
galois 22944 1 m0tr
ksocklnd 183608 0
lnet 586401 3 m0tr,ksocklnd
(Note: lsmode o/p displays list of modules along with m0ctl, m0tr and galios.)
2. Step2: Remove the modules in order.
* `$ [root@localhost ~]# rmmod m0ctl`
* `$ [root@localhost ~]# rmmod m0tr`
* `$ [root@localhost ~]# rmmod galois`
You might couldn't see which module is using m0tr, in this case, reboot should solve the problem.
Qs4: Error: no package found for log4cxx_cortx.
Ans4: This issue is resolved in the section 'Create a local repository' in https://github.com/Seagate/cortx/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
This repository was archived by the owner on May 3, 2024. It is now read-only.