Subscribie helps you automatically collect money from your customers, clients and members, without the hassle of manual payments. Save time by having people sign-up themselves, and easily track payments.
You don't need to be technical, and can integrate it with your existing business by creating your account.
Subscribie is an open source Subscription Billing management software.
- Features
- Demo & Hosting
- Why is this project useful?
- Quickstart
- Testing
- SaaS Deployment
- Contributing
- Logging & Debugging
- Themes- how to change the theme
- API based authentication with jwt token
- Database
- How new shops are created
- SaaS Deployment
- Where can I get more help?
- Docker help

View video demos
### subscriber-Ordering-recurring-plan Subscribie to collect recurring payments online.
Quickly build a subscription based website, taking weekly/monthly/yearly payments- including one-off charges.
- You have subscription service(s) to sell (plans)
- Each of your plans have unique selling points (USPs)
- Each have a different recurring price, and/or an up-front charge
Don't want/know how to code? Pay for the hosted service.
A lot of the hard work has been done for you. If you're a developer, you can impress your clients quickly, if you're a small business owner, you might want to try the subscription website hosting service but you can always host it yourself too.
- Low risk (not very expensive)
- No coding required
- Simple: Just enter your plans & prices
- Upload a picture
- Uses Stripe for subscriptions & one-off payments
Quickly run Subscribie from a container:
If you use podman
podman run -p 8082:80
Or, if you prefer Docker:
docker run -p 8082:80
Then visit:
Password: password
See and quickstart below.
git clone
cd subscribie
cp settings.yaml.example settings.yaml # Copy default settings to settings.yaml (read it)
# Read the .settings.yam file so you're familiar with the application settings/variables
(Optional) Set database path. Edit settings.yaml
and set DB_FULL_PATH
. (optional but recommended- do not store data.db in /tmp).
Notice that
starts with three forward slashes. So, if you want to store the database in/home/sam/data.db
then, you should putsqlite:////home/sam/data.db
(note four/
# Open the settings.yaml file, and change the database path to store somewhere else (e.g. your `/home/Documents/data.db` folder):
DB_FULL_PATH: /tmp/data.db
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: sqlite:////tmp/data.db
Create python environment and run flask:
python3 -m venv venv # Create a python3.x virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtualenv
# If you are on Windows, use: . venv/Scripts/Activate
pip install -r requirements.lock # Install requirements
export FLASK_APP=subscribie
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask db upgrade
flask initdb # (recommended- gives you some example data)
The database file is called data.db
. Note,
flask initdb
inserts pretend data into your database for testing.
You need a Stripe api key.
- Create a stripe account
- Go to api keys (test mode)
- Copy
Publishable key
andSecret key
- Paste the keys into your
Edit your settings.yaml
STRIPE_TEST_PUBLISHABLE_KEY: pk_test_<your-Publishable-key>
STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY: sk_test_<your-Secret-key>
export FLASK_APP=subscribie
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run
Now visit
If you like to use docker-compose workflow for local development:
git clone
cd subscribie
cp settings.yaml.example settings.yaml
# Start the container
docker-compose up
# Wait for it to build...
Then visit
To go inside the container, you can do: docker-compose exec web /bin/bash
from the project root directory.
Quick: edit your settings.yaml
file and set:
E.g. to reduce the amount of logs, to WARNING
The default log level is DEBUG
which means show as much logging
information as possible.
The possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL See
Flask does need to be restarted for the log level to change.
Edit your
- (optional) change
if you want to store themes in a different directory.
Stop & start subscribie
Complete. The other theme will now load
If you're creating a new theme, then change TEMPLATE_BASE_DIR
to a directory outside of subscribie root project.
Locally you'll need to create public/private keys for secure jwt authentication.
Generate public/private keys automatically
# Use the commands below to automatically create 'private.pem' file and key openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048 # Use this command to automatically generate your public.pem openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout > public.pem
Update .env file with PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY
PRIVATE_KEY: /path/to/private.pem PUBLIC_KEY: /path/to/public.pem
Provide the username & password in a POST request, and a jwt token is returned for use in further requests.
curl -v -d "" -d "password=password"
curl -v --user "fred:password"
Then use the bearer token in a request to a protect path. e.g.
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token> "
Example POST request:
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -d '
"interval_unit": "monthly",
"interval_amount": "599",
"sell_price": 0,
"title": "My title",
"requirements": {
"instant_payment": false,
"subscription": true,
"note_to_seller_required": false
"selling_points": [
Example PUT request:
curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT
-d '
"interval_unit": "monthly",
"selling_points": [
{"point": "Unique blend"}
"requirements": {
"instant_payment": false,
"subscription": true,
"note_to_seller_required": false}
Example DELETE request:
curl -v -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
The database store is SQL based.
The general steps are:
- Update
with new field - Run
flask db migrate -m 'added column title to plan model'
- which generates a new migration file The migration file will be in./migrations/versions/<hash>
- Update the migration , check it is correct (we generally don't add a
migration, see other migration files for an example). Warning: It is likely the generated migration will have more/less information than needed- edit it to be correct Note: We used to have to useop.batch_alter_table
however that is no longer needed (thanks sqlalchemy!) - Apply the migration to your local database:
flask db upgrade
- Test (+write test), commit and push
- New shop owner submits a form to create a new shop which hits
endpoint - Shop is created and a new shop is started (Shop owner sees "Please wait")
- New Shop is ready
- Shop owner is automatically redirected to the new shop, logged in using automated one-time login
Every shop owner gets a deployed flask application, with its own database.
If a Subscribie shop
connects to Stripe (it does not have to), then the shop
will announce it's Stripe connect id to the stripe-connect-account-announcer
The stripe-connect-account-announcer
stores the Stripe connect id, so that when Stripe webhook events
arrive, the stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router
knows which shop
to send the events to.
A Stripe webhook endpoint. Receives Stripe webhook events, which,
- Inspects the Stripe connect id from the webhook request
- Looks up the Stripe connect id (which has been stored by the
) - Forwards the webhook event (e.g. checkout-session-completed) to the correct Subscribie
- The
verifies the webhook from Stripe, and processes the event.
Note, in previous implementations there was one webhook endpoint per shop- this isn't compatible with Stripe when using Stripe Connect because there's a limit on the number of webhooks, and connect events need to be routed based on their Stripe connect id anyway, hence the
performs this role.
If the stripe-connect-account-announcer
suffers an outage, this means new shops can't announce their Stripe account to stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router
meaning, when a new Stripe event arrives from Stripe, then, Subscribie's stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router
would not know which shop to send it to. Stripe automatically retries the delivery of events which allows time for the system to recover in an outage.
uWSGI is used to run the application services.
Subscribie Saas uses the following key component of uwsgi: Emperor mode.
uWSGI Emperor mode starts and manages all running Subscribie shops as uWSGI
"If the emperor dies, all the vassals die." -Emperor mode
uWSGI - Emperor
- When a new shop is created, the emperor notices a new shop, and starts it as a vassal. - Every Subscribie shop is a vassal of the emperoruWSGI - vassal-template
- A vassal template is injected into every new shop by the emperor. - This avoids having to copy and paste the same config for every new shop. - It also means vassal config is in one place.subscribie
The uWSGI emperor and the vassals it spawns is defined as a single systemd service called `subscribie`.subscribie-deployer
Responsible for listening for new Shop requests, and creating the Shop config which uWSGI needs to spawn a new Shop (aka uwsgi vassal).Problem: Every shop uses ~45mb of RAM. With lots of Shops the RAM usage can be high. Since shops are not receiving web traffic all the time we can stop them to reduce RAM usage.
Solution: uWSGI vassals are configured to be OnDemandVassals
see OnDemandVassals
and also socket-activated (note that's two different things):
Result: A reduction of > 17Gb of ram observed on a busy node.
- OnDemandVassals: The application is not started until the first request is received.
- Socket-activation: If running idle with no requests after x seconds, the shop is stopped- but is re-activated when a request comes in for the shop
Socket activation is enabled by using the uWSGI feature emperor-on-demand-extension = .socket
in the emperor.ini
OnDemandVassals is enable by using the following config in the injected vassal config for every shop:
# idle time in seconds
idle = 60
# kill the application after idle time is reached
die-on-idle = true
See: Combining on demand vassals with --idle
and --die-on-idle
Needed components / services. Check the .env.example
for each of them.
- A redis instance, listening on localhost only (unless protected with iptables)
- A subscribie site with the Builder module installed. The builder module submits new sites for building
- Subscribie deployer is an endpoint which listens for
requests of new sites to be created. The Builder module submits to this endpoint. The server requires uwsgi to be installed. There is an example config in the README. - Stripe connect account announcer Each shop announces its stripe connect account id to a redis endpoint (key is the account id, value is the shop url)
- Stripe webhook router which routes webhooks to the correct shop
- A Redis hostname is set
- Redis is configured with password authentication
- Iptables are configured for redis
- Hostname is setup for stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router
- Hostname is setup for stripe-connect-account-announcer (listening on port 8001 by default)
- Read through all these docs
- Submit a detailed issue
Sometimes you need to rebuild the container if you've made changes to the Dockerfile
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate