Total projects provide Source Codes/Guides/App, indeed down below represents. We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and several-party libraries so you can get started with as Spring Boot.
- Spring Boot Annotations Definiation and Practics
- Spring Boot @EnableAutoConfiguration Annotation with Example
- Spring Boot @SpringBootApplication Annotation with Example
- Spring Boot - Creating Asynchronous Methods using @Async Annotation
@Autowired @Qualifier("laptop") this may use component regarding laptop name... (ex>= Component("lap1") @autoconfiguration ------------------------- @Bean ------------------------- @Configuration @Control @Component @ComponentScan ------------------------- @Data ---> at the class level is provided by Lombok and tells Lombok to generate all of those missing methods. @DeleteMapping ------------------------- @EnableAutoConfiguration @Entity @EnableWebSecurity ------------------------ @ManyToMany (targetEntity=Ingredient.class_) @ManyToOne ------------------------ @NotNull @NotBlank @NoArgsConstructor ( access=AccessLevel.PRIVATE, force=true) ------------------------ @GetMapping ------------------------- @Service @SpringBootApplication @SpringBootTest @Size @Slf4j - Simple Logging Facade for Java. Lombok's @Slf4j annotation to create a free SLF4J Logger object at runtime. @SessionAttributes @SuppressWarnings("") ------------------------- @PostMapping @PutMapping @PatchMapping @PrePersist @Profile ------------------------- @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)---> prividing a test runner that guides JUnit in running a test. Plugin to JUnit to provide custom. @Repository @RequestMapping @RequiredArgsConstructor ------------------------ @Table ------------------------ @Query("") ------------------------ @Valid ------------------------ @WebMvcTest - set up Spring support for testing Spring MVC. Although it could be made to start a server, mocking the mechanics of Spring MVC.