issues Search Results · repo:aichbauer/node-convert-array-to-csv language:JavaScript
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inaichbauer/node-convert-array-to-csv (press backspace or delete to remove)As stated in helpers/check-special-chars-and-empty.js here used [\n ]+separator as chars to include in quote. But [\r]
needs to be added.
ref The ABNF grammar ...
- Opened on Feb 15, 2023
- #50
In the source code here in the repo we have const checkSpecialCharsAndEmpty = (value, separator = null), but if you npm
i convert-array-to-csv, in the node_modules/convert-array-to-csv/lib I don t have ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 9, 2021
- #42
If keys your objects are not sorted the same way the output will be wrong e.g. I switched handle and last from the last
const dataObjects = [
number: 1,
first: Mark ,
last: Otto ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 6, 2021
- #35
Currently, we only test if it is working on node 6 and 8. These versions are pretty old. We should consider, moving up
to 10+? Possible 12 and 14?
good first issue
- Opened on May 7, 2020
- #31
const { convertArrayToCSV } = require( convert-array-to-csv );
let csv = convertArrayToCSV([
[ valueIsTrue , valueIdFalse , valueIsTrueString , valueIsFalseString ],
[ true, false, true , false ...
- 3
- Opened on May 5, 2020
- #29
In the following example :
convertArrayToCSV([[ Hello , Hello, world , Hello world , , Hello ]]);
// = Hello, Hello, world , Hello world , ,Hello
The double quotes are necessary on the 2nd column ...
- 5
- Opened on Sep 12, 2019
- #22
Hi, I m using your library a lot, but when I want to generate a file, if the last row and last column there is a space
character, then the file occurs a bug, which transforms the last column of the wrong ...
- 5
- Opened on Jul 29, 2019
- #20
Contrary to the correct implementation of convertArrayOfArraysToCSV in,
the one for ...
- 1
- Opened on May 22, 2019
- #18
var thisElement = element.replace(/ /g, );
TypeError: element.replace is not a function ...
- 3
- Opened on Apr 10, 2019
- #16

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