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C++ Notes

C++ Notes

Table of Contents

1 Requirements

This tutorial is based on C++11. Make sure you are using the latest IDE's - XCode (Mac) or Visual Studio (Windows). You can use other IDE's but make sure it supports the latest C++ version.

IDE's that I think are good:

  1. Visual Studio 2019 Community - Cross-platform
  2. XCode - Mac
  3. CLion - Cross-platform
  4. NetBeans - Cross-platform
  5. Eclipse - Cross-platform

1.1 Mac

Adding files to Xcode

  1. Download XCode from the App Store.
  2. Open Xcode application and click on File > New > Workspace....
  3. Name the Workspace as CPP-Notes.
  4. Click on the + sign and then click on Add Files to "CPP-Notes"... Add files to workspace

Creating Project

  1. Click on the + sign and then click on New Project... Creating a Project to Workspace
  2. Under OSX > Application select Command Line Tool and click next. In that, type in the name of the product and make sure you select the language as C++. Selecting command line tools
  3. Save it where every you want.

1.2 Windows

  1. Go to and download Visual Studio Community version. Make sure Visual C++ package is selected and continue the installation.
  2. Once installed, Click on File > New > Project or use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N.

Visual Studio New Project

  1. We are adding the preprocessing variable because of the way Microsoft has written its c++ compiler. For that to happen, we are creating a C++ file. Under Solution Explorer right click on Source Files > Add > New Item... name it as test.cpp and type int he following:
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    return 0;

From the menubar click on Build > Build Solution 4. Under Solution Explorer, right click on CPP > Properties Visual Studio Project Property As shown in the image above click on <Edit...>. In the text box type in the following:


Click on OK

Running the CPP files

  1. Open your command prompt, by doing WINDOWS + R and type in cmd.
  2. To execute the built test.cpp, You would have to go to the project folder CPP > Build > CPP.exe. Drag and drop CPP.exe on the command prompt the press Enter, this will output hello.


CMake is a build system for C++. See their website - CMake - for more information.

2 Basics

C++ inherits most of its code style from C language, but both are very different from each other. Let's consider an example:

See 2_1_HelloWorld.cpp

// This is a comment

  This is a block code.
#include <cstdio> //<- Libraries
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; //<- scope to identifiers

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  puts("hello"); // this statement outputs hello with a new line
  printf("hello\n"); // this is similar to puts but doesn't end with new line
  cout << "hello\n"; // more complex way to output without new line
  return 0; // 0 means success

A C++ program can also be written like this (though I wouldn't recommend it):

#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

argv) {
  return 0;

Things to remember

  1. A statement should always end with ;.
  2. #Include should always be in single line without any space followed by <> or "".

2.1 Identifiers

C++ follows the following standards

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • These identifiers cannot conflict with C++ 86 keywords (which includes 11 tokens)
alignas (since C++11) explicit signed
alignof (since C++11) export(1) sizeof
and extern static
and_eq FALSE static_assert (since C++11)
asm float static_cast
auto(1) for struct
bitand friend switch
bitor goto template
bool if this
break inline thread_local (since C++11)
case int throw
catch long TRUE
char mutable try
char16_t (since C++11) namespace typedef
char32_t (since C++11) new typeid
class noexcept (since C++11) typename
compl not union
concept (concepts TS) not_eq unsigned
const nullptr (since C++11) using(1)
constexpr (since C++11) operator virtual
const_cast or void
continue or_eq volatile
decltype (since C++11) private wchar_t
default(1) protected while
delete(1) public xor
do register xor_eq
double reinterpret_cast
dynamic_cast requires (concepts TS)
else return
enum short
  • Identifiers are case sensitive.

2.2 Defining Variables

See 2_2_DefineVariables.cpp

Identifiers (or variables) can be initialized by using the following syntax:

DataType VariableName = "String" or number;

You can also define a read-only variable or a constant in C++ by using the keyword const.

2.3 Pointer and Reference

see 2_3_Pointers_Reference.cpp

A variable can be called in two ways; call by value and call by reference.

A pointer and reference are a type of data type, which is commonly used in C/C++ programming. It is a very powerful and confusing concept. It will take some time to understand.

  • A pointer can take reference of another variable or a real value

Lets understand how identifiers work. When we say int a = 10;, an integer variable a has a value of 10 in the memory. When we say int b = a;, an integer variable b has a copy of variable a

int a = 10;
int b = a; // b = 10


So, When I say int *c = &a, it means that pointer c points to the reference of a.

int a = 10;
int *b = &a;
printf("%d\n", *b); // this will print the reference value of a, which is 10


References are the address of value in the memory. The pointer points to this address while calling.

  • A reference can only call a variable which is already initialized.

So, when I say int &d = b the address if b is stored in d.

int b = 20;
int &d = b;
printf("%d\n", d);

2.4 Arrays and Strings

See 2_4_1_Arrays.cpp and 2_4_2_String.cpp

There are two types of Arrays and String in C++, one using C style Arrays & String and the second one using Standard Library (STL), which will be covered later.


The syntax of a C-based array is

int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; // array[SizeOfArray] = {'contents'};
printf("%d\n", a[0]); // 1


A string is an array of characters terminated string or also called as null terminated string. A string is always terminated with 0.

char a[6] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 0};
printf("%s\n", a); // abcde

2.5 Conditions

See 2_5_Conditions.cpp

There are two ways to use conditional operators.

  1. Traditional conditional operator.
  2. Ternary conditional operator.

Traditional conditional operator

if..else.. are the common type of conditional statements.

int a = 10;
int b = 20;

if (a > b) {
} else {

Ternary conditional operator

Its a one liner conditional operator

int a = 10;
int b = 20;

printf("%d\n", a > b ? a : b); // if a is greater than b, print a else print b

2.6 Switch Case

See 2_6_Switch_Case.cpp

It is a conditional statement, which requires an expression which should satisfy a condition. If a condition is not satisfied, then it jumps to default. An expression should always be a constant of integer or a character. Syntax looks something like this

switch (/* expression */) {
  case /* value */:
    /* statement */

2.7 While Loop

See 2_7_While_Loop.cpp

There are two types of While loop in C++

  1. While loop
while (/* condition */) {
  /* code */
  1. do.. While.. loop
do {
  /* code */
} while(/* condition */);

2.8 For Loop

See 2_8_For_Loop.cpp

For loop is like while loop but with some extra features

for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  /* code */

2.9 Range base For loop

See 2_9_Range_For.cpp

Starting from C++11, we can use range based For loop

for (type var1 : var2) {
  /* code */

2.10 Using stdout

C++ also has a way to used object oriented way of printing out contents to the terminal/command prompt. So far we have used printf and puts.

std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;

The above code shows a bitwise stream of string to cout. The << shows left shift of the content.

Creating a compiled version of cout uses a lot of resources when compared to puts or printf, this is because to compile cout the whole standard library - STL - is copied.

3 Functions

A function can be defined as a block of code that is separate from the existing code; that is all the variables used in a function would only belong to that particular function. For example (pseudo code):

int a = 10;
int b = 20;

c = sum(a, b);

int sum (int a, int b){
  return a + b;

printf("%d\n", c);

From the above the variables a and b in function sum() are different from the initialized variable a and b.

This particular type of function is call call by value function. Another type of function is called as the call by reference or sometimes called as the call by address. For example (pseudo code):

int a = 10;
int b = 20;

c = sum(&a, &b);

int sum (int *a, int *b){
  return *a + *b;

printf("%d\n", c);

3.1 Defining a function

See 3_1_1_Define_Function

In C++, a function should be declared first before calling it. That is:

void name(/* arguments */) {
  /* code */

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  return 0;

C++ will not compile if the function being called is written after the main function.

See 3_1_2_Forward_Declaration

To overcome this problem, we have something called Forward Declaration. For example:

void name(/* arguments */);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  return 0;

void name(/* arguments */) {
  /* code */

void name(/* arguments */); is know as Forward Declaration or prototype of name()

See 3_1_3_Function_Header.cpp and 3_1_3_Function_Header.h

The common way to do Forward Declaration is to put the prototype in a header file. For example:


#include "3_1_3_Function_Header.h"

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  return 0;

void name(/* arguments */) {
  /* code */


#ifndef 3_1_3_Function_Header_h
#define 3_1_3_Function_Header_h

void name(/* arguments */);


3.2 Passing values to a function

There are two two ways to pass values to a function

  1. Pass by Value
  2. Pass by Reference

Pass by value:

See 3_2_1_Pass_by_Value.cpp

When you pass a value to a function, a copy of that value is stored in the argument.

void sum(int c, int d) {
    printf("%d\n", c + d);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    int a = 10;
    int b = 20;

    return 0;

Pass by Reference:

See 3_2_2_Pass_by_Reference.cpp

We will talk more about pointers in the coming chapters. In C/C++ (but not limited to theses languages), when you create a variable a memory is allocated to that variable, this memory space has an address (location of it), so the reference here means we are sending the address of the variable rather than the variable itself.

For example, let us consider int a = 10;, which means an integer variable a has a value of 10 if you convert this in a diagrammatically you will get the following:

int a = 10;
| a | 10 |  --> 123456

The number 123456 is the address/location of integer a in the memory. When passing the value by reference you send this address, that means you do not create extra space for data; you just use what you have.

void sum(int *a, int *b){
    printf("%d\n", *a+*b); // *a and *b pointing to the address given to them.

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    int a = 10;
    int b = 20;
    sum(&a,&b); // address of a and b
    return 0;

See 3_2_3_Pass_by_Reference_Const.cpp

There is one problem with pointers in C/C++, that is if you change the contents of the address in sum() function you will change the value of the variable. For example If we add a new integer a=30 or *a=30 variable to sum()

void sum(int &a, int &b){
    a = 30;
    printf("%d\n", a+b);

// or

void sum(int *a, int *b){
    *a = 30;
    printf("%d\n", *a+*b);

The value of a is completely changed, for this not to happen we will have to use a keyword called const.

void sum(const int &a, const int &b){
    a = 30;
    printf("%d\n", a+b);

// or

void sum(const int *a, const int *b){
    *a = 30;
    printf("%d\n", *a+*b);

3.3 Automatic variables vs. Static variables

Automatic variable

See 3_3_1_Auto_Variable.cpp

By default, C++ uses automatic variables in every function. Whenever the function is called the variable local to it is initialized on a stack. For example

void name() {
    int a = 10;
    printf("%d\n", a);
    a = 30;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    name();// this will always print the same thing
    return 0;

Static variable

See 3_3_2_Static_Variable.cpp

Unlike automatic variables Static variables do not get created on every function call, they just use whatever was previously defined. Don't forget to use const if you don't want to change the value.

3.4 Return a function call

See 3_4_Return_Function.cpp

To return a function, we would have to type in the return type and use the keyword return at the end of the function. For example:

int number(){
    return 10;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    printf("%d\n", number());
    return 0;

3.5 Function pointer

See 3_5_Function_Pointer.cpp

You can call a function by pointing to it, the same way you point to a variable. The only difference is that the data type of the function should match with the data type of the function pointer. For example

	void name( {

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	void (*function_pointer)() = name;
	return 0;

3.6 Overloading function names

See 3_6_Overloading_Fucntion_Names.cpp

In C++ you can have multiple functions with the same name, but the signature (data type) should be same all over the function.

3.7 Overloading operators with function

See 3_7_Oveloading_Operators.cpp

In C++ you can change the definition of the following 38 operators:

+ - * / % ^ & | ~ ! = < > += -=
*= /= %= ^= &= |= << >> >>= <<= == != <= >= &&
|| ++ -- , ->* -> ( ) [ ]

That means an addition operator can be turned into multiplication operator.

3.8 Variable number of arguments

See 3_8_Variable_Arguments.cpp

In C++ you can have multiple arguments given to a function, this can be achieved by adding ... in the function arguments space.

There are four macros that needs to be called when using a variable arguments:

  • va_list: va_list fa is used as a parameter.
  • va_start: va_start(ap, parameter) initialize a variable argument list.
  • va_arg: va_arg(ap, type) gets the next available argument of a data type.
  • va_end: va_end(ap) Ends using variable argument list

3.9 Recursive function

See 3_9_Recursive_Function.cpp

In C++ you can call a function itself. For example:

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	return 0;

These types of functions are called recursive functions. These functions as an alternate to For loops.

4 Preprocessors

The preprocessors are used to process the code before sending it to the compiler. The most common way is the file inclusion using #include <>. You can also use macro preprocessors by using #define NUMBER 1, these acts like a string substitution.

When you open a .h the contents of the file you often see looks something like this:

#ifndef main_h
#define main_h

void function_name();

#endif /* main_h */

They are called as an "include guard" which checks for inclusion.

Another type of preprocessor is used by using #pragma that are used (or targeted) for specific compilers and architectures.

4.1 Macro constants

See 4_1_Macro_Constants.cpp

You can define a macro constant by using #define macro. For example:

#define NUMBER 1

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	printf("%d\n", NUMBER);
	return 0;

When the above code is compiled the NUMBER is replaced by a literal value before the code reaches to the compiler. At this point you cannot get its address or use pointers.

4.2 Including a file

See 4_2_Include_File

To include a file in a C++ file you would have to use #include "file_name.h". This will place all the contents in the cpp before the code is sent to the compiler.

4.3 Conditions in preprocessor

See 4_3_Preprocessor_Conditions

Preprocessor consists of different types of conditional compilation

#if Opening `if` condition
#else `else` condition
#elif `else if` condition
#ifdef `if defined` condition
#ifndef `if not defined` condition
#endif `end if` condition

Also, there are two alternatives for #ifdef and #ifndef, they are:

#if defined(macro)
#if !defined(macro)

4.4 Macro expansion

See 4_4_Macro_Expansion.cpp

Macro's can also take parameters and replace them when called. For example:

#define ADD(a,b) (a+b)

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	printf("%d\n", ADD(10,20));
	return 0;

4.5 Problems with Macro's

See 4_5_Macro_Problems.cpp

You should always be careful when using parameterised macros. See 4_5_Macro_Problems.cpp for more details.

4.6 Line continuation

See 4_6_Line_Continuation.cpp

If you want to use complex macros you can use line continuation by add \ at the end of the each line. For example:

#define LOOPER(i) do \
                { \
                    printf("%d\n",i++); \
                } while (i < 3);

4.6 Include guard

See 4_6_Include_Guard

There might be a situation where you might have to define a header file in another header file and when called in a C++ file you might include both header files. When you compile this you will have a Build fail, to over come this we have to include something called as Include guard. It looks something like this


5 Classes and Objects in C++

C++ is a an Object Oriented Program, that's what makes it different from C programming language. A class is define by using class keyword followed by class name. For example:

class name_t {
	int i; // Data members
public: // Function members
	name_t (arguments); // Constructor
	~name_t (); // Destructor


Few points to remember:

  • A class can have multiple constructor and only one destructor.
  • A class when called and naming it is called an instance of that class. Example name_t name;, name is an instance of class name_t.
  • Using classes you can allocate memory properly.

More information can be found here.

5.1 Defining Classes and Objects

There are different ways to define a class. For example

See 5_1_1_Define_Classes.cpp

class name_t {
	int i;
	void some_name (arguments){ /* do something */};

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	name_t obj1;
	return 0;

Another way is to use private keyword, you can then use this to define private variables and function after public. For example:

class name_t {
	void some_name (arguments){/* do something */};
	int i;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	name_t obj1;
	return 0;

The public functions can be used outside, just declare it in the class file and define it outside the class. For example:

See 5_1_2_Define_Classes.cpp

class name_t {
	void some_name (arguments);
	int i;

void name_t::some_name (arguments){/* do something */};

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	name_t obj1;
	return 0;

The code can be divided into 3 stages:

  • Interface: Usually kept in the header file.

     class name_t {
     	/* data */
     	void some_name (arguments);
  • Implementation: Usually kept in an implementation file

     void name_t::some_name (arguments){/* do something */};
  • Usage: Usually kept in cpp file

     int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
     	name_t obj1;
     	return 0;

5.2 Data members

See 5_2_Data_Members.cpp

In C and C++ we can find keyword called struct, when used in C++ it is an object. The different between a struct and class is that, struct by default has public data members, where as class has private data members, everything else is the same. For example:

struct name_t {
	/* data */

is same as

struct name_t {
	/* data */

5.3 Function members

See 5_3_Fucntion_Members.cpp

You can define a same function with different signatures in C++.

5.4 Constructors and Destructors

See 5_4_Constructors_Dstructors.cpp

A constructor can be used to send in arguments while initializing a class. Destructors are used to clear the memory after the program ends, in C++ destructor are always called at the end of the program by default.

5.5 Implicit and Explicit conversion

See 5_5_Implicit_Explicit.cpp

By Default C++ does implicit conversion. To make an explicit conversion we need to use explicit keyword for a constructor.

For example:

class name_t {

	explicit name_t (arguments);
	virtual ~name_t ();


5.6 Namespaces

See 5_6_Namespaces.cpp

Namespace in C++ acts like a scope to a group of classes, functions etc... A Namespace can be created by using namespace keyword. For example:

namespace name {


5.7 Using this

See 5_7_Using_this.cpp

An object in C++ can access its own pointer, to do so, this keyword is used. You can print out the address of a pointer by using

printf("%p\n", this);

5.8 Operator overload: Member function

See 5_8_Operator_Overload_Member_Function.cpp

Any function that belongs to a class is called a member function. Operator overload can be a part of member function.

5.9 Operator overload: Non-member function

See 5_9_Operator_Overload_Non_Member_Function.cpp

Any function that does not belong to a class is called a non-member function.

5.10 Conversion operator

See 5_10_Conversion_Operator.cpp

You can use += to concatenate a string with a rational number that belongs to a member function.

5.11 Using new and delete

See 5_11_New_and_Delete.cpp

C++ allows you to allocate and delete memory for different data types using two keywords, new - To allocate memory and delete - To deallocate memory. For example:

class name_t {
	/* data */
	name_t (arguments);
	virtual ~name_t ();


int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	name_t *a = new name_t(); // to allocate memory
	delete a; // to deallocate memory
	return 0;

5.6 File IO

In this section we will look at how to read and write files using fstream.;

5.6.1 Reading Files


Reading a file in C++ can be done using ifstream, this data type has many functions associated to it but we want open, good and close. open opens a file from the memory, good checks if the state of stream is good or not and close closes the file after reading from it.

5.6.2 Writing File


Writing file can be done using ofstring, like ifstring, this data type provides the same functions - open and close. If a file already exists with that name, its over written, this can be changed using ios::app option that appends any string given to it.

6. Data Structures

A data structure is a group of data elements grouped together under one name. A structure can have multiple data types grouped together to form a way of representation.

6.1 Structs


It has a group of data types that can be called by name. It can be represented as:

struct STRUCT_NAME {

You can access them as:

STRUCT_NAME some_name;


Introduction to C++








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