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Open-source Django project crafted on top of Corporate Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim. Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites. Made of hundred of elements, designed blocks and fully coded pages, Corporate Dashboard is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps.

πŸ‘‰ VIDEO Presentation: Django File Manager (published on YouTube)

For a complete set of features and long-term support, check out Dynamic Django, a powerful starter that incorporates:

  • βœ… Dynamic DataTables: using a single line of configuration, the data saved in any table is automatically managed
  • βœ… Dynamic API: any model can become a secure API Endpoint using DRF
  • βœ… Dynamic Charts: extract relevant charts without coding all major types are supported
  • βœ… CSV Loader: translate CSV files into Django Models and (optional) load the information
  • βœ… Powerful CLI Tools for the GIT interface, configuration editing, updating the configuration and database (create models, migrate DB)

Manual Build

πŸ‘‰ Download the code

$ git clone
$ cd sample-django-file-manager

πŸ‘‰ Install modules via VENV

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

πŸ‘‰ Set Up Database

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

πŸ‘‰ Create the Superuser

$ python createsuperuser

πŸ‘‰ Start the app

$ python runserver

At this point, the app runs at

Codebase structure

The project is coded using a simple and intuitive structure presented below:

   |-- core/                            
   |    |--   # Project Configuration  
   |    |--       # Project Routing
   |-- home/
   |    |--      # APP Views 
   |    |--       # APP Routing
   |    |--     # APP Models 
   |    |--      # Tests  
   |-- templates/
   |    |-- includes/     # UI components 
   |    |-- layouts/      # Masterpages
   |    |-- pages/        # Kit pages 
   |-- static/   
   |    |-- css/                                   # CSS Files 
   |    |-- scss/                                  # SCSS Files 
   |         |-- corporate-ui-dashboard/_variables.scss # File Used for Theme Styling
   |-- requirements.txt   # Project Dependencies
   |-- env.sample         # ENV Configuration (default values)
   |--          # Start the app - Django default start script
   |-- ************************************************************************

Recompile SCSS

The SCSS/CSS files used to style the Ui are saved in the static directory. In order to update the Ui colors (primary, secondary) this procedure needs to be followed.

$ yarn                                                  # install modules
$ vi static/scss/corporate-ui-dashboard/_variables.scss # edit variables 
$ gulp                                                  # SCSS to CSS translation

The _variables.scss content defines the primary and secondary colors:

$primary:       #774dd3 !default; // EDIT for customization
$secondary:     #64748b !default; // EDIT for customization
$info:          #55a6f8 !default; // EDIT for customization
$success:       #67c23a !default; // EDIT for customization
$warning:       #f19937 !default; // EDIT for customization 
$danger:        #ea4e3d !default; // EDIT for customization

Deploy on Render

  • Create a Blueprint instance
  • Click New Blueprint Instance button.
  • Connect your repo which you want to deploy.
  • Fill the Service Group Name and click on Update Existing Resources button.
  • After that your deployment will start automatically.

At this point, the product should be LIVE.

Django File Manager - Django starter provided by AppSeed