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HTTP server and client libraries via code generation.

A light (~80kb) wrapper to the JDK 11+ Java Http Client. Additionally, you can create Feign-style interfaces and have implementations generated via annotation processing.

  • Fluid API for building URLs and payload
  • JSON marshaling using Avaje Jsonb/Jackson/Gson
  • Light Feign-style interfaces via annotation processing.
  • Request/Response Interception
  • Authorization via Basic Auth or OAuth Bearer Tokens
  • Async and sync API

Use source code generation to adapt annotated REST controllers @Path, @Get, @Post, etc to Javalin, Helidon SE, and similar web routing HTTP servers.

  • Lightweight (65Kb library + generated source code)
  • Full use of Javalin or Helidon SE/Nima as desired
  • Bean Validation of request bodies supported (validation groups supported as well)

Add dependencies


Add the generator module for your desired microframework as an annotation processor.

<!-- Annotation processors -->

JDK 23+

In JDK 23+, annotation processors are disabled by default, you will need to add a flag to re-enable.


Define a Controller (These APT processors work with both Java and Kotlin)

package org.example.hello;

import io.avaje.http.api.Controller;
import io.avaje.http.api.Get;
import java.util.List;

public class WidgetController {
  private final HelloComponent hello;
  public WidgetController(HelloComponent hello) {
    this.hello = hello;

  Widget getById(int id) {
    return new Widget(id, "you got it"+ hello.hello());

  List<Widget> getAll() {
    return List.of(new Widget(1, "Rob"), new Widget(2, "Fi"));

  record Widget(int id, String name){};

DI Usage

The annotation processor will generate controller adapters to register routes to Javalin/Helidon. The natural way to use the generated adapters is to get a DI library to find and wire them. The AP will automatically detect the presence of avaje-inject and generate the class to use avaje-inject's @Component as the DI annotation.

There isn't a hard requirement to use Avaje for dependency injection. In the absence of avaje-inject, the generated class will use @jakarta.inject.Singleton or @javax.inject.Singleton depending on what's on the classpath. Any DI library that can find and wire the generated @Singleton beans can be used. You can even use Dagger2 or Guice to wire the controllers if you so desire.

To force the AP to generate with @javax.inject.Singleton(in the case where you have both jakarta and javax on the classpath), use the compiler arg -AuseJavax=true


Usage with Javalin

The annotation processor will generate controller classes implementing the AvajeJavalinPlugin interface, which we can register in javalin using:

List<AvajeJavalinPlugin> routes = ...; //retrieve using a DI framework

Javalin.create(cfg -> routes.forEach(cfg::registerPlugin)).start();

Usage with Helidon SE (4.x)

The annotation processor will generate controller classes implementing the Helidon HttpFeature interface, which we can register with the Helidon HttpRouting.

List<HttpFeature> routes = ... //retrieve using a DI framework
final var builder = HttpRouting.builder();



Generated sources

(Javalin) The generated WidgetController$ is:

public class WidgetController$Route implements Plugin {

  private final WidgetController controller;

  public WidgetController$Route(WidgetController controller) {
    this.controller = controller;

  public void apply(Javalin app) {

    app.get("/widgets/{id}", ctx -> {
      var id = asInt(ctx.pathParam("id"));
      var result = controller.getById(id);

    app.get("/widgets", ctx -> {
      var result = controller.getAll();


(Helidon SE) The generated WidgetController$ is:

public class WidgetController$Route implements HttpFeature {

  private final WidgetController controller;

  public WidgetController$Route(WidgetController controller) {
    this.controller = controller;

  public void setup(HttpRouting.Builder routing) {
    routing.get("/widgets/{id}", this::_getById);
    routing.get("/widgets", this::_getAll);

  private void _getById(ServerRequest req, ServerResponse res) throws Exception {
    var pathParams = req.path().pathParameters();
    var id = asInt(pathParams.contains("id") ? pathParams.get("id") : null);
    var result = controller.getById(id);

  private void _getAll(ServerRequest req, ServerResponse res) throws Exception {
    var result = controller.getAll();


Generated sources (Avaje-Jsonb)

If Avaje-Jsonb is detected, http generators with support will use it for faster Json message processing.

(Javalin) The generated WidgetController$ is:

public class WidgetController$Route implements Plugin {

  private final WidgetController controller;
  private final JsonType<List<Widget>> listWidgetJsonType;
  private final JsonType<Widget> widgetJsonType;

  public WidgetController$Route(WidgetController controller, Jsonb jsonB) {
    this.controller = controller;
    this.listWidgetJsonType = jsonB.type(Widget.class).list();
    this.widgetJsonType = jsonB.type(Widget.class);

  public void apply(Javalin app) {

    app.get("/widgets/{id}", ctx -> {
      var id = asInt(ctx.pathParam("id"));
      var result = controller.getById(id);
      widgetJsonType.toJson(result, ctx.contentType("application/json").outputStream());

    app.get("/widgets", ctx -> {
      var result = controller.getAll();
      listWidgetJsonType.toJson(result, ctx.contentType("application/json").outputStream());


(Helidon SE) The generated WidgetController$ is:

public class WidgetController$Route implements HttpFeature {

  private final WidgetController controller;
  private final JsonType<WidgetController.Widget> widgetController$WidgetJsonType;
  private final JsonType<List<WidgetController.Widget>> listWidgetController$WidgetJsonType;

  public WidgetController$Route(WidgetController controller, Jsonb jsonb) {
    this.controller = controller;
    this.widgetController$WidgetJsonType = jsonb.type(WidgetController.Widget.class);
    this.listWidgetController$WidgetJsonType = jsonb.type(WidgetController.Widget.class).list();

  public void setup(HttpRouting.Builder routing) {
    routing.get("/widgets/{id}", this::_getById);
    routing.get("/widgets", this::_getAll);

  private void _getById(ServerRequest req, ServerResponse res) throws Exception {
    var pathParams = req.path().pathParameters();
    var id = asInt(pathParams.contains("id") ? pathParams.get("id") : null);
    var result = controller.getById(id);
    //jsonb has a special accommodation for helidon to improve performance
    widgetController$WidgetJsonType.toJson(result, JsonOutput.of(res));

  private void _getAll(ServerRequest req, ServerResponse res) throws Exception {
    var result = controller.getAll();
    listWidgetController$WidgetJsonType.toJson(result, JsonOutput.of(res));
