This python script can be used to scrap twitter for a specific tweets according to there hashTags and then classify these tweets according to there sentiments example the tweet is positive, negative or neutral tweet
This provides features like :
- Tweets Scraping
- sorting the Tweets
- Finding out the polarity,subjectivity score of a tweet
- SentimentIntensityAnalyzer on the tweet
- based on these scores it differentiate them in different categories like Positive , Negative and more.
- Apply for a Twitter Developer Account here Developers site
- Create an Application a new Application
- Create the Authentication Credentials
- Copy and paste your credential_variables.env file
and done your credentials are setup for working
First of all install python on your system.
pip install nltk
pip install tweepy
pip install textblob
You can find me at:- Linkedin or Github .
Happy coding ❤️ .