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282 lines (257 loc) · 9.99 KB

Stack Dump

引言:在工程中经常需要在异常发生的时候打印相应的日志,或利用成熟的第三方日志库,或自己进行简单的实现,在相应日志输出的时候,常常会有不同的级别,当遇到 error 或者 panic 之类的情况的时候,通常需要输出相应堆栈信息来辅助我们进行问题的定位以及解决,那么,关于堆栈这块的信息我们该怎么获取,获取的时候需要注意什么,以及堆栈的获取会对程序造成什么影响,会带来多大的性能损耗?日志库的使用或者进行相关配置我们该怎么选择?本章的目的就是深入一下 golang 中 stack dump 的细节


  • debug.Stack
    • debug.PrintStack
  • runtime.Stack
  • runtime.Callers
    • runtime.Caller

debug.Stack & debug.PrintStack

package main

import (

func main() {


func Stack() []byte {
	buf := make([]byte, 1024)
	for {
        * 可以看到实质上 debug.Stack 调用的就是 runtime.Stack 方法
        * 并且会不断扩大 buf 大小直到读取完所有 stack 信息
		n := runtime.Stack(buf, false)
		if n < len(buf) {
			return buf[:n]
		buf = make([]byte, 2*len(buf))

而 runtime.Stack 方法入参为 buf []byte 以及 all bool 两个参数

  • buf []byte 是用来接收 stack dump 信息的
  • all bool 参数则是用来决定是否获取所有协程的堆栈

buf 参数比较好理解,而 all 参数如果设置为获取所有协程信息,则会触发 STW 操作,这是一个代价十分巨大的操作,整个 runtime 会被暂停以获取所有协程的堆栈信息而后再进行恢复,


func Stack(buf []byte, all bool) int {
	if all {
		stopTheWorld("stack trace")

	n := 0
	if len(buf) > 0 {
		gp := getg()
		sp := getcallersp()
		pc := getcallerpc()
		systemstack(func() {
			g0 := getg()
			// Force traceback=1 to override GOTRACEBACK setting,
			// so that Stack's results are consistent.
			// GOTRACEBACK is only about crash dumps.
			g0.m.traceback = 1
			g0.writebuf = buf[0:0:len(buf)]
			traceback(pc, sp, 0, gp)
			if all {
			g0.m.traceback = 0
			n = len(g0.writebuf)
			g0.writebuf = nil

	if all {
	return n

分析下具体调用过程,首先判断是否进行 STW,而后通过getg() 获取当前 goroutine

  • getcallersp(): 汇编实现,获取当前调用 stack pointer (SP)
  • getcallerpc(): 汇编实现,获取当前调用方的程序计数器 program counter (PC)
  • systemstack: 切换到系统栈执行传入函数(如果当前就在系统栈则直接执行),可以看到在传入的函数中再次调用 getg() 获取到了 g0 (主协程)。并且将传入的 buf 放置在了 g0 的 writebuf 上(slice 底层 data 地址不变)
  • goroutineheader 获取 gp 协程头部信息


func goroutineheader(gp *g) {
	gpstatus := readgstatus(gp)

	isScan := gpstatus&_Gscan != 0
	gpstatus &^= _Gscan // drop the scan bit

	// Basic string status
	var status string
	if 0 <= gpstatus && gpstatus < uint32(len(gStatusStrings)) {
		status = gStatusStrings[gpstatus]
	} else {
		status = "???"

	// Override.
	if gpstatus == _Gwaiting && gp.waitreason != waitReasonZero {
		status = gp.waitreason.String()

	// approx time the G is blocked, in minutes
	var waitfor int64
	if (gpstatus == _Gwaiting || gpstatus == _Gsyscall) && gp.waitsince != 0 {
		waitfor = (nanotime() - gp.waitsince) / 60e9
	print("goroutine ", gp.goid, " [", status)
	if isScan {
		print(" (scan)")
	if waitfor >= 1 {
		print(", ", waitfor, " minutes")
	if gp.lockedm != 0 {
		print(", locked to thread")

函数内部直接调用内置函数 print 将信息输入到刚才设置的 writebuf 中,print 内置函数具体实现可以查看 runtime/print.go,内部是将 print 的值通过 copy 复制到当前协程的 writebuf


func gwrite(b []byte) {
	if len(b) == 0 {
	gp := getg()
	// Don't use the writebuf if gp.m is dying. We want anything
	// written through gwrite to appear in the terminal rather
	// than be written to in some buffer, if we're in a panicking state.
	// Note that we can't just clear writebuf in the gp.m.dying case
	// because a panic isn't allowed to have any write barriers.
	if gp == nil || gp.writebuf == nil || gp.m.dying > 0 {

	n := copy(gp.writebuf[len(gp.writebuf):cap(gp.writebuf)], b)
	gp.writebuf = gp.writebuf[:len(gp.writebuf)+n]


  • traceback
func traceback1(pc, sp, lr uintptr, gp *g, flags uint) {
	// If the goroutine is in cgo, and we have a cgo traceback, print that.
	if iscgo && gp.m != nil && gp.m.ncgo > 0 && gp.syscallsp != 0 && gp.m.cgoCallers != nil && gp.m.cgoCallers[0] != 0 {
		// Lock cgoCallers so that a signal handler won't
		// change it, copy the array, reset it, unlock it.
		// We are locked to the thread and are not running
		// concurrently with a signal handler.
		// We just have to stop a signal handler from interrupting
		// in the middle of our copy.
		atomic.Store(&gp.m.cgoCallersUse, 1)
		cgoCallers := *gp.m.cgoCallers
		gp.m.cgoCallers[0] = 0
		atomic.Store(&gp.m.cgoCallersUse, 0)


	var n int
	if readgstatus(gp)&^_Gscan == _Gsyscall {
		// Override registers if blocked in system call.
		pc = gp.syscallpc
		sp = gp.syscallsp
		flags &^= _TraceTrap
	// Print traceback. By default, omits runtime frames.
	// If that means we print nothing at all, repeat forcing all frames printed.
	n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, flags)
	if n == 0 && (flags&_TraceRuntimeFrames) == 0 {
		n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, flags|_TraceRuntimeFrames)
	if n == _TracebackMaxFrames {
		print("...additional frames elided...\n")

	if gp.ancestors == nil {
	for _, ancestor := range *gp.ancestors {

函数首先判断了 cgo 相关信息,如果是处于 cgo 的模式中,那么输出一下 cgo 的堆栈信息(如果有的话)

而后调用关键的 gentraceback 函数

func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max int, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v unsafe.Pointer, flags uint) int

可以看到,通过 debug.Stack 函数调用时,max 参数传入的值为 _TracebackMaxFrames

// The maximum number of frames we print for a traceback
const _TracebackMaxFrames = 100

最大帧数为固定值 100,意味着在 stack dump 时需要追溯至多 100 个栈帧的信息,O(N) 复杂度。

runtime.Caller & runtime.Callers


// Caller reports file and line number information about function invocations on
// the calling goroutine's stack. The argument skip is the number of stack frames
// to ascend, with 0 identifying the caller of Caller.  (For historical reasons the
// meaning of skip differs between Caller and Callers.) The return values report the
// program counter, file name, and line number within the file of the corresponding
// call. The boolean ok is false if it was not possible to recover the information.
func Caller(skip int) (pc uintptr, file string, line int, ok bool) {
	rpc := make([]uintptr, 1)
	n := callers(skip+1, rpc[:])
	if n < 1 {
	frame, _ := CallersFrames(rpc).Next()
	return frame.PC, frame.File, frame.Line, frame.PC != 0

// Callers fills the slice pc with the return program counters of function invocations
// on the calling goroutine's stack. The argument skip is the number of stack frames
// to skip before recording in pc, with 0 identifying the frame for Callers itself and
// 1 identifying the caller of Callers.
// It returns the number of entries written to pc.
// To translate these PCs into symbolic information such as function
// names and line numbers, use CallersFrames. CallersFrames accounts
// for inlined functions and adjusts the return program counters into
// call program counters. Iterating over the returned slice of PCs
// directly is discouraged, as is using FuncForPC on any of the
// returned PCs, since these cannot account for inlining or return
// program counter adjustment.
func Callers(skip int, pc []uintptr) int {
	// runtime.callers uses pc.array==nil as a signal
	// to print a stack trace. Pick off 0-length pc here
	// so that we don't let a nil pc slice get to it.
	if len(pc) == 0 {
		return 0
	return callers(skip, pc)

以上两个函数最终调用的都是 callers 函数

func callers(skip int, pcbuf []uintptr) int {
	sp := getcallersp()
	pc := getcallerpc()
	gp := getg()
	var n int
	systemstack(func() {
		n = gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, gp, skip, &pcbuf[0], len(pcbuf), nil, nil, 0)
	return n

callers 函数大部分逻辑和之前的 runtime.Stack函数中 traceback 大同小异,唯一不同的就是 gentraceback 调用的入参 max 参数是人为设置的,并且仅针对当前 goroutine 进行


  • stack dump 操作是否会有性能损耗(是),损耗在哪儿

    • 与调用方式有关,如果是通过类似 runtime.Stack 方法打印所有堆栈信息的, 会触发 STW 操作,是一个代价比较大的操作
    • 与需要追溯的栈帧数量有关
    • 会触发协程的切换
    • 更细致化一些例如 stack dump 出的信息会进行 copy 操作等等
  • 如何更优雅地获取 stack dump 信息?

    • runtime.Callersruntime.CallersFrames 相结合代替 runtime.Stackdebug.Stack,避免使用默认的 stack dump 配置,根据自己的业务情况选择合适的栈帧数量(如不同级别的日志打印不同数量的栈帧信息),知名的开源日志库 正是使用这种思路


zap stacktrace 实现