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An open Source Ionic and React PayStack checkout page: integrate paystack payment payment into Ionic hybrid app.

This documentation provides instructions for setting up and using the Paystack payment system in your React Vite Ionic application.


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command:

npm install


The following dependencies are required for integrating the Paystack payment system:

  • @capacitor/android: "^5.0.4"
  • @capacitor/app: "^5.0.2"
  • @capacitor/cli: "^5.0.4"
  • @capacitor/core: "^5.0.4"
  • @capacitor/geolocation: "^5.0.2"
  • @capacitor/haptics: "^5.0.2"
  • @capacitor/ios: "^5.0.4"
  • @capacitor/keyboard: "^5.0.2"
  • @capacitor/status-bar: "^5.0.2"
  • @ionic/react: "^6.0.0"
  • @ionic/react-router: "^7.4.2"
  • @paystack/inline-js: "^2.13.0"
  • axios: "^1.4.0"
  • node-sass: "^9.0.0"
  • react: "^18.2.0"
  • react-dom: "^18.2.0"
  • react-router-dom: "^5.3.4"
  • sass: "^1.62.1"


  1. Add your Paystack API key to the appropriate configuration file.
  2. Implement the necessary UI components for collecting user information and triggering payments.
  3. Utilize the @paystack/inline-js library to initiate payment transactions.
  4. Handle payment success and failure scenarios appropriately.
  5. Test the payment flow thoroughly in development and staging environments.


  • Initialize capacitor: To Initialize capacitor, run npx cap init, npx cap sync, npx cap open ios or npx cap open android.
  • Development: To start the development server, run npm run dev.
  • View on Android: To view the application on an Android device or emulator, run npm run android.
  • View on iOS: To view the application on an iOS simulator or device, run npm run ios.


For any issues or inquiries regarding the Paystack payment system integration, please contact me at

Feel free to customize this documentation further to suit your specific requirements and provide more detailed instructions as needed.

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available: