All URIs are relative to https://<CONFLUENCE_URL>/rest/bootstrapi/1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApplicationLinkApi | createApplicationLink | POST /application-link | Create an application link |
ApplicationLinkApi | deleteApplicationLink | DELETE /application-link/{uuid} | Delete an application link |
ApplicationLinkApi | getApplicationLink | GET /application-link/{uuid} | Get an application link |
ApplicationLinkApi | updateApplicationLink | PUT /application-link/{uuid} | Update an application link |
ApplicationLinksApi | deleteApplicationLinks | DELETE /application-links | Delete all application links |
ApplicationLinksApi | getApplicationLinks | GET /application-links | Get all application links |
ApplicationLinksApi | setApplicationLinks | PUT /application-links | Set a list of application links |
AuthenticationApi | getAuthenticationIdps | GET /authentication/idps | Get all authentication identity providers |
AuthenticationApi | getAuthenticationSso | GET /authentication/sso | Get authentication SSO configuration |
AuthenticationApi | setAuthenticationIdps | PATCH /authentication/idps | Set all authentication identity providers |
AuthenticationApi | setAuthenticationSso | PATCH /authentication/sso | Set authentication SSO configuration |
CachesApi | flushCache | POST /caches/{name}/flush | Flushes a cache |
CachesApi | getCache | GET /caches/{name} | Read cache information for a specified cache |
CachesApi | getCaches | GET /caches | Read all cache information |
CachesApi | updateCache | PUT /caches/{name} | Update an existing cache-size. Only Setting maxObjectCount is supported. |
DirectoriesApi | deleteDirectories | DELETE /directories | Delete all user directories |
DirectoriesApi | getDirectories | GET /directories | Get all user directories |
DirectoriesApi | setDirectories | PUT /directories | Set a list of user directories |
DirectoryApi | createDirectory | POST /directory | Create a user directory |
DirectoryApi | deleteDirectory | DELETE /directory/{id} | Delete a user directory |
DirectoryApi | getDirectory | GET /directory/{id} | Get a user directory |
DirectoryApi | updateDirectory | PUT /directory/{id} | Update a user directory |
GadgetApi | createGadget | POST /gadget | Add a gadget |
GadgetApi | deleteGadget | DELETE /gadget/{id} | Delete a gadget |
GadgetApi | getGadget | GET /gadget/{id} | Get a gadget |
GadgetApi | updateGadget | PUT /gadget/{id} | Update a gadget |
GadgetsApi | deleteGadgets | DELETE /gadgets | Delete all gadgets |
GadgetsApi | getGadgets | GET /gadgets | Get all gadgets |
GadgetsApi | setGadgets | PUT /gadgets | Set a list of gadgets |
LicenseApi | addLicense | POST /license | Add a license |
LicensesApi | getLicenses | GET /licenses | Get all licenses information |
LicensesApi | setLicenses | PUT /licenses | Set a list of licenses |
MailServerApi | getMailServerPop | GET /mail-server/pop | Get the default POP mail server |
MailServerApi | getMailServerSmtp | GET /mail-server/smtp | Get the default SMTP mail server |
MailServerApi | setMailServerPop | PUT /mail-server/pop | Set the default POP mail server |
MailServerApi | setMailServerSmtp | PUT /mail-server/smtp | Set the default SMTP mail server |
PermissionsApi | getPermissionGlobal | GET /permissions/global | Get global permissions configuration |
PermissionsApi | setPermissionGlobal | PUT /permissions/global | Set global permissions configuration |
PingApi | getPing | GET /ping | Ping method for probing the REST API. |
SettingsApi | getBrandingColorScheme | GET /settings/branding/color-scheme | Get the color scheme |
SettingsApi | getBrandingFavicon | GET /settings/branding/favicon | Get the favicon |
SettingsApi | getBrandingLogo | GET /settings/branding/logo | Get the logo |
SettingsApi | getCustomHtml | GET /settings/custom-html | Get the custom HTML |
SettingsApi | getSettings | GET /settings | Get the general settings |
SettingsApi | getSettingsSecurity | GET /settings/security | Get the security settings |
SettingsApi | setBrandingColorScheme | PUT /settings/branding/color-scheme | Set the color scheme |
SettingsApi | setBrandingFavicon | PUT /settings/branding/favicon | Set the favicon |
SettingsApi | setBrandingLogo | PUT /settings/branding/logo | Set the logo |
SettingsApi | setCustomHtml | PUT /settings/custom-html | Set the custom HTML |
SettingsApi | setSettings | PUT /settings | Set the general settings |
SettingsApi | setSettingsSecurity | PUT /settings/security | Set the security settings |
UserApi | getUser | GET /user | Get a user |
UserApi | setUser | PUT /user | Update an user |
UserApi | setUserPassword | PUT /user/password | Update a user password |
- AbstractAuthenticationIdpBean
- AbstractDirectoryBean
- ApplicationLinkBean
- AuthenticationIdpOidcBean
- AuthenticationIdpSamlBean
- AuthenticationSsoBean
- CacheBean
- DirectoryCrowdAdvanced
- DirectoryCrowdBean
- DirectoryCrowdPermissions
- DirectoryCrowdServer
- DirectoryCrowdServerProxy
- DirectoryDelegatingBean
- DirectoryDelegatingConfiguration
- DirectoryDelegatingConnector
- DirectoryGenericBean
- DirectoryInternalAdvanced
- DirectoryInternalBean
- DirectoryInternalCredentialPolicy
- DirectoryLdapBean
- DirectoryLdapPermissions
- DirectoryLdapSchema
- DirectoryLdapServer
- DirectoryPermissions
- ErrorCollection
- GadgetBean
- GroupBean
- LicenseBean
- MailServerPopBean
- MailServerSmtpBean
- PermissionsGlobalBean
- SettingsBean
- SettingsBrandingColorSchemeBean
- SettingsCustomHtmlBean
- SettingsSecurityBean
- UserBean
- Type: HTTP basic authentication