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Prototype Design Pattern

Prototype is a creational design pattern that is aimed to create new instances of objects using a prototypical instance. That prototypical instance is cloned to produce new objects. The pattern is used in situations when subclassing needs to be avoided and when construction of a new object is inefficient. Another application of the pattern is it allows to create snapshots of a given state for an object.


We start off by declaring a common Prototype protocol:

protocol Prototype {
    func clone() -> Prototype

The protocol defined a common contract for all the types that need to support prototyping feature. Next we create an AIPatrolCharacter class for a hypothetical game.

enum PatrolBehaviorType {
    case land
    case air
    case underground

class AIPatrolCharacter: Prototype {
    // MARK: - Properties
    private(set) var name: String
    private var sprite: SKSpriteNode?
    var patrolBehaviorType: PatrolBehaviorType
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init(name: String, sprite: SKSpriteNode?, patrolBehaviorType: PatrolBehaviorType) { = name
        self.sprite = sprite
        self.patrolBehaviorType = patrolBehaviorType
    // MARK: - Conformance to Prototype prtocol
    func clone() -> Prototype {
        return AIPatrolCharacter(name: name, sprite: sprite, patrolBehaviorType: patrolBehaviorType)

The class presents an AI character that is designed to patrolls a specific area: land, air or underground. Next, let's take a look how Prototype pattern is used:

let landPatroller = AIPatrolCharacter(name: "Patroller", sprite: SKSpriteNode(fileNamed: "Patroller.png"), patrolBehaviorType: .land)
// Land Patroller:  name: Patroller, sprite: nil, patrol behavior type: land

// Prototype the AI character for air:
let airPatroller = landPatroller.clone() as? AIPatrolCharacter
airPatroller?.patrolBehaviorType = .air
// Air Patroller:  Optional(name: Patroller, sprite: nil, patrol behavior type: air)

We have created the initial character that patrols land area. Then we cloned it and changed the patrol type to air. As a result we got a new patroller for air space with a few lines of code. You may be thinking:

Well, we could just create that air patroller with a line of code.

Indeed, we could and can do that for the aforementioned example - it just changed a single property to create new patroller! But it's inefficient in cases when we need to reuse many more properties to change the state of an object. Also, remember the other, earlier mentioned benefits that we get using Prototype pattern.


Prototype pattern is pretty easy to implement from scratch and add to existing types. It also can be used in combination with Factory Method pattern, in order to further simplify creation of objects: rather than having one protocol as a resulting type of a factory, we can just use the concrete Prototype type, which is cloned and re-configured based on run-time requirements.