We appreciate your interest in contributing to PHP DevSuite, an all-in-one Docker-based PHP development suite for Laravel, WordPress, Magento, and more.
Your contributions help improve the project, making it more efficient and developer-friendly for everyone!
To ensure a smooth contribution process, please follow the guidelines below.
If you find a bug or want to propose a new feature, please open an issue.
Make sure to include:
- A clear description of the issue or feature request.
- Steps to reproduce the issue (if applicable).
- Expected vs. actual behavior.
- Any relevant logs, screenshots, or code snippets.
Before submitting changes, you need to sign the Focela Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
A bot will remind you to sign the CLA when you open a pull request.
To contribute, first fork the repository, then clone your fork:
git clone git@github.com:your_github_username/php-devsuite.git
cd php-devsuite
git remote add upstream https://github.com/focela/php-devsuite.git
git fetch upstream
Before making any changes, create a new branch:
git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main
git checkout -b feature/new-cool-feature
- Follow the project's coding style guide (PSR-12 for PHP).
- Write tests for any new functionality.
- Ensure that your code does not break existing functionality.
- Write clear and descriptive commit messages (commit guidelines).
Once you're happy with your changes, push them to your fork:
git push origin feature/new-cool-feature
Then, open a pull request (PR) on GitHub.
After submitting a PR:
- A maintainer will review your changes within a few business days.
- They may request changes or suggest improvements.
- If your changes meet all requirements, a maintainer will merge your PR.
To increase the chances of your PR being merged:
- Write tests for new features.
- Use clear commit messages.
- Ensure backward compatibility is maintained.
- Be respectful in all interactions (Code of Conduct).
- Follow best practices for security and performance.
- Keep contributions focused and well-documented.
Thank you for helping make PHP DevSuite better! 🚀