package; // Groups classes
public class Main{ // Entrypoint into the application
public static void main(String[]args){
System.out.println(“Hello World”);
- Packages are used to group the related classes.
- The "Package" keyword is used to create packages in Java.
- Here, is the name of our package.
- In Java, every program must contain a class.
- The filename and name of the class should be the same.
- Here, we've created a class named "Main".
- It is the entry point to the application.
- This is the main() method of our Java program.
- Every Java program must contain the main() method.
- The above code is used to display the output on the screen.
- Anything passed inside the inverted commas is printed on the screen as plain text.
- For classes, we use Pascal Convention. The first and Subsequent characters from a word are capital letters (uppercase).
- Example: Main, MyScanner, MyEmployee, CodeWithHarry
- For functions and variables, we use camelCaseConvention. Here the first character is lowercase, and the subsequent characters are uppercase like myScanner, myMarks, CodeWithHarry