- A constant value that can be assigned to the variable is called a literal.
- 101 – Integer literal
- 10.1f – float literal
- 10.1 – double literal (default type for decimals)
- ‘A’ – character literal
- true – Boolean literal
- “Harry” – String literal
- Words that are reserved and used by the Java compiler. They cannot be used as an Identifier.
- {You can visit docs.oracle.com for a comprehensive list}
package com.company;
public class CWH_04_literals {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte age = 34;
int age2 = 56;
short age3 = 87;
long ageDino = 5666666666666L;
char ch = 'A';
float f1 = 5.6f;
double d1 = 4.66;
boolean a = true;
String str = "Harry";