- Constructors are similar to methods,, but they are used to initialize an object.
- Constructors do not have any return type(not even void).
- Every time we create an object by using the new() keyword, a constructor is called.
- If we do not create a constructor by ourself, then the default constructor(created by Java compiler) is called.
- The class name and constructor name should be the same.
- It must have no explicit return type.
- It can not be abstract, static, final, and synchronized.
- There are two types of constructors in Java :
1. Defaut constructor : A constructor with 0 parameters is known as default constructor.
- Syntax :
//code to be executed on the execution of the constructor
- Example :
class CWH {
System.out.println("This is the default constructor of CWH class.");
public class CWH_constructors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CWH obj1 = new CWH();
Output :
This is the default constructor of CWH class.
- In the above code, CWH() is the constructor of class CWH The CWH() constructor is invoked automatically with the creation of object ob1.
2. Paramerterized constructor : A constructor with some specified number of parameters is known as a parameterized constructor.
- Syntax :
<class-name>(<data-type> param1, <data-type> param2,......){
//code to be executed on the invocation of the constructor
- Example :
class CWH {
CWH(String s, int b){
System.out.println("This is the " +b+ "th video of "+ " "+ s);
public class CWH_constructors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CWH obj1 = new CWH("CodeWithHarry Java Playlist",42);
Output :
This is the 42th video of CodeWithHarry Java Playlist
- In the above example, CWH() constructor accepts two parameters i.e., string s and int b.
- Just like methods, constructors can also be overloaded in Java. We can overload the Employe constructor like below:
public Employee (String n)
name = n;
- Constructors can take parameters without being overloaded
- There can be more than two overloaded constructors
- Let's take an example to understand the concept of constructor overloading.
Example :
- In the below example, the class Employee has a constructor named Employee(). It takes two argument,i.e., string s & int i. The same constructor is overloaded and then it accepts three arguments i.e., string s, int i & int salary.
class Employee {
// First constructor
Employee(String s, int i){
System.out.println("The name of the first employee is : " + s);
System.out.println("The id of the first employee is : " + i);
// Constructor overloaded
Employee(String s, int i, int salary){
System.out.println("The name of the second employee is : " + s);
System.out.println("The id of the second employee is : " + i);
System.out.println("The salary of second employee is : " + salary);
public class CWH_constructors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee shubham = new Employee("Shubham",1);
Employee harry = new Employee("Harry",2,70000);
Output :
The name of the first employee is : Shubham
The id of the first employee is : 1
The name of the second employee is : Harry
The id of the second employee is : 2
The salary of second employee is : 70000
Quick quiz: Overloaded the employee constructor to initialize the salary to Rs 10,000
class Employee {
// First constructor
Employee(String s, int i){
System.out.println("The name of the first employee is : " + s);
System.out.println("The id of the first employee is : " + i);
// Constructor overloaded
Employee(String s, int i, int salary){
System.out.println("The name of the second employee is : " + s);
System.out.println("The id of the second employee is : " + i);
System.out.println("The salary of second employee is : " + salary);
// Overloaded constructor with salary 10,000
Employee(int salary){
System.out.println("The salary of third employee is : " + salary);
public class quick_quiz {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee shubham = new Employee("Shubham",1);
Employee harry = new Employee("Harry",2,70000);
Employee kishan = new Employee(10000);
class MyMainEmployee{
private int id;
private String name;
public MyMainEmployee(){
id = 0;
name = "Your-Name-Here";
public MyMainEmployee(String myName, int myId){
id = myId;
name = myName;
public MyMainEmployee(String myName){
id = 1;
name = myName;
public String getName(){
return name;
public void setName(String n){
this.name = n;
public void setId(int i){
this.id = i;
public int getId(){
return id;
public class cwh_42_constructors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//MyMainEmployee harry = new MyMainEmployee("ProgrammingWithHarry", 12);
MyMainEmployee harry = new MyMainEmployee();
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