- Associativity tells the direction of the execution of operators. It can either be left to right or vice versa.
- / * -> L to R
- -> L to R
- ++, = -> R to L
- Here is the precedence and associativity table which makes it easy for you to understand these topics better:
Quick Quiz: How will you write the following expression in Java?
package com.company;
public class cwh_09_ch2_op_pre {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Precedence & Associativity
//int a = 6*5-34/2;
Highest precedence goes to * and /. They are then evaluated on the basis
of left to right associativity
//int b = 60/5-34*2;
= 12-34*2
// Quick Quiz
int x =6;
int y = 1;
// int k = x * y/2;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;
int a = 10;
int k = b*b - (4*a*c)/(2*a);