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PHP Mods: Overview | PHP Mods: options.yml | PHP Mods: install.yml

Contributor Documentation: PHP Modules

PHP Module definitions

This document describes how to create new or alter existing PHP modules.

All PHP modules (for all PHP versions and both for amd64 and arm64 platforms) are defined in the php_modules/ directory in their corresponding sub directory. Modules defined in there will be built for the mods flavour.

Directory Structure:

└── <php-mod>/
    ├── install.yml
    ├── options.yml


In order to create new or altere existing PHP modules you need to have the following tools installed locally:

  • Python3
  • Python PyYAML module
  • Docker
  • The make command

Additionally you should have a brief understanding about what flavours exist and how they derive from each other: Documentation: Flavours.

How to add PHP modules?

Simply add your new module definitions into php_modules/ as shown in the above directory structure.

You can either look at existing modules to find out what needs to be added to install.yml and options.yml or you check out the documentation for that:

Below is a simple example of how the xls module was created:

# Enter the php_modules directory
cd php_modules/

# Create the xls directory
mkdir xls

# Create necessary empty files
touch xls/install.yml
touch xls/options.yml

Now let's edit options.yml:

name: xls    # The name must match the directory name
exclude: []  # Any PHP versions to exclude?

depends_build: [libxml]  # The libxml module must be built before xls

Now let's edit the install.yml:

  type: builtin
  build_dep: [libxslt-dev]  # This Debian package is required to build xls
  run_rep: [libxslt1.1]     # This Debian package is required during run-time

How to generate the Dockerfiles?

Dockerfiles are generated for all PHP versions with a single make command. If you do not specify any arguments, then all PHP modules found in the php_modules/ directory are being added to the Dockerfiles.

You can however also generate Dockerfiles only containing the module that you have created/altered. This makes the docker build process much faster and you can troubleshoot potential errors quicker.

Generate Dockerfiles for all PHP modules

Inside the root of this git repository execute the following:

# Generate Dockerfiles with all available PHP modules found in php_modules/ dir
make gen-dockerfiles

Generate Dockerfiles for a single PHP module

Inside the root of this git repository execute the following:

# Generate Dockerfiles with only xls module
make gen-dockerfiles PHP_MODS="xls"

🛈 Note: This will also add any modules that xls depends on (specified via depends_build: in options.yml)

You can also exlcude any dependent modules by specifying the -i flag.

# Generate Dockerfiles with only xls module and no dependent modules
make gen-dockerfiles PHP_MODS="-i xls"

⚠ Warning: The -i option might break your build.

Generate Dockerfiles for multiple PHP modules

Inside the root of this git repository execute the following:

# Generate Dockerfiles with only xls and xmlwriter module
make gen-dockerfiles PHP_MODS="xls xmlwriter"

🛈 Note: This will also add any modules that xls and xmlwriter depends on (specified via depends_build: in options.yml)

You can also exlcude any dependent modules by specifying the -i flag.

# Generate Dockerfiles with only xls and xmlwriter module and no dependent modules
make gen-dockerfiles PHP_MODS="-i xls xmlwriter"

How to build the Dockerfiles?

Once you have generated the Dockerfiles, pick a PHP version and an architecture (linux/am64 or linux/arm64) and then build it via make.

🛈 Note 1: PHP modules are generated into Dockerfiles of the mods flavour, so you will have to use STAGE=mods to build this flavour.
🛈 Note 2: The mods flavour depends on the base flavour, so you need to ensure to either pull this Docker image or build it yourself.

The following example will show the build for:

  • PHP version: 8.1
  • Architecture: linux/amd64

Ensure to have base flavour

Either build it yourself for the specific PHP version and architecture.

make build STAGE=base VERSION=8.1 ARCH=linux/amd64

Or pull it from Dockerhub

make docker-pull-base-image STAGE=mods VERSION=8.1 ARCH=linux/amd64

Build the mods flavour

This flavour will include the PHP modules you have generated above.

make build STAGE=mods VERSION=8.1 ARCH=linux/amd64