A minimal working example of using a libretro core in Python based on nanoarch.c.
(tested on windows, linux would require slight changes - .dll -> .so etc)
Install requirements from requirements.txt
(pip install -r requirements.txt
Fetch sameboy_librertro
core from https://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/windows/x86_64/latest/sameboy_libretro.dll.zip and extract it inside the same directory as main.py
Run main.py
initializing libretro
rendering gameboy frames inside SDL2 as a texture
inputs for gameboy:
Keyboard Gameboy Left Dpad Left Right Dpad Right Up Dpad Up Down Dpad Down Z A X B ENTER START BACKSPACE SELECT -
inmemory state serialization (
key) & deserialization (D
Support for cores other than Game Boy due to hardcoded resolution, pixel format & controls (easy to modify - call
and use its information) -
Leaving it as is to keep code minimal, feel free to implement these in your own projects