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A lightweight Android (Kotlin) library for extract YouTube streaming URL. Port from HaarigerHarald/android-youtubeExtractor (Java) to Kotlin.


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Kotlin YouTube Extractor

Android Library for extract YouTube Stream URL

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A lightweight Android (Kotlin) library for extract YouTube streaming URL. Port from HaarigerHarald/android-youtubeExtractor (Java) to Kotlin.


  • Get YouTube stream Url with all format and itag
  • Get YouTube video metadata
  • Using Kotlin Coroutines for best performance

Using in your project


Add to your setting.gradle file:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Then, add dependencies in app level build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.maxrave-dev:kotlin-youtubeExtractor:0.0.7'

How to use

Using with Kotlin Coroutines

From version 0.0.3, this library change extract method and add more feature method.

Before start please add Kotlin Coroutines to your project

Call YTExtractor inside your activity or fragment

//If your YouTube link is "" so this videoId is "IDwytT0wFRM"
var videoId = "IDwytT0wFRM"
val yt = YTExtractor(con = context, CACHING = true, LOGGING = true, retryCount = 3)
// CACHING and LOGGING are 2 optional params. LOGGING is for showing Log and CACHING is for saving SignatureCipher to optimize extracting time (not recommend CACHING to extract multiple videos because it causes HTTP 403 Error)
// retryCount is for retrying when extract fail (default is 1)
var ytFiles: SparseArray<YtFile>? = null
var videoMeta: VideoMeta? = null
GlobalScope.launch {
            //Before get YtFile or VideoMeta, you need to check state of yt object
            if (yt.state == State.SUCCESS) {
                ytFiles = yt.getYTFiles()
                videoMeta = yt.getVideoMeta()

In above case, ytFiles is a map of available media files for one YouTube video, accessible by their itag value (in above code "251" is a audio itag) and videoMeta is an object that contains all metadata of this YouTube video (thumbnail, title, author, views, etc.).


After use getYTFiles() function, you will get SparseArray object. This object contains all available media files for one YouTube video, accessible by their itag value. You can get YtFile object by itag value like this:

var ytFiles = yt.getYTFiles()
var ytFile = ytFiles.get(251) // 251 is itag of audio
//Get stream URL
var streamUrl = ytFile?.url


After use getVideoMeta() function, you will get VideoMeta object. This object contains all metadata of this YouTube video (thumbnail, title, author, views, etc.). You can get all metadata like this:

var videoMeta = yt.getVideoMeta()
    var title = videoMeta?.title
    var author = videoMeta?.author
    //view count
    var views = videoMeta?.viewCount
    //video length in second
    var videoLength = videoMeta?.videoLength
    //video channel id
    var videoChannelId = videoMeta?.channelId

//Get thumbnail
    // Default resolution
    val thumbUrl = videoMeta?.thumbUrl
    // 320 x 180
    val mqImageUrl = videoMeta?.mqImageUrl
    // 480 x 360
    val hqImageUrl = videoMeta?.hqImageUrl
    // 640 x 480
    val sdImageUrl = videoMeta?.sdImageUrl
    // Max Res
    val maxResImageUrl = videoMeta?.maxResImageUrl


To get list of only video YtFile or only audio, you can call this function

    val ytFiles = yt.getYtFile()
    val videoYtFiles = ytFiles.getAudioOnly() // Return ArrayList<YtFile> of only video
    val audioYtFiles = ytFiles.getVideoOnly() // Return ArrayList<YtFile> of only audio

To get best quality of video or audio, you can call this function

    val ytFiles = yt.getYtFile()
    val videoYtFiles = ytFiles.getAudioOnly()?.bestQuality() // Return best quality video
    val audioYtFiles = ytFiles.getVideoOnly()?.bestQuality() // Return best quality audio

Not working?

If you have any problem with this library, please create an issue. In my case:

  • Can't get 1080p video with audio, you need to merge video and audio by yourself

List Itag and Format in this library:

Itag Format Extension Resolution Video Codec Audio Codec Bitrate Dash HLS Live Stream AUDIO ONLY
17 3gp 144 MPEG4 AAC 24
36 3gp 240 MPEG4 AAC 32
5 flv 240 H263 MP3 64
43 webm 360 VP8 VORBIS 128
18 mp4 360 H264 AAC 96
22 mp4 720 H264 AAC 192
160 mp4 144 H264 true
133 mp4 240 H264 true
134 mp4 360 H264 true
135 mp4 480 H264 true
136 mp4 720 H264 true
137 mp4 1080 H264 true
264 mp4 1440 H264 true
266 mp4 2160 H264 true
298 mp4 720 H264 60 true
299 mp4 1080 H264 60 true
140 m4a AAC 128 true true
141 m4a AAC 256 true true
256 m4a AAC 192 true true
258 m4a AAC 384 true true
278 webm 144 VP9 true
242 webm 240 VP9 true
243 webm 360 VP9 true
244 webm 480 VP9 true
247 webm 720 VP9 true
248 webm 1080 VP9 true
271 webm 1440 VP9 true
313 webm 2160 VP9 true
302 webm 720 VP9 60 true
308 webm 1440 VP9 60 true
303 webm 1080 VP9 60 true
315 webm 2160 VP9 60 true
171 webm VORBIS 128 true true
249 webm OPUS 48 true true
250 webm OPUS 64 true true
251 webm OPUS 160 true true
91 mp4 144 H264 AAC 48 true true
92 mp4 240 H264 AAC 48 true true
93 mp4 360 H264 AAC 128 true true
94 mp4 480 H264 AAC 128 true true
95 mp4 720 H264 AAC 256 true true
96 mp4 1080 H264 AAC 256 true true

I am trying to add more feature to this library. Keep in touch!!!


  • JsEvaluator (v6.0.0) - Running Javascript inside Android app




A lightweight Android (Kotlin) library for extract YouTube streaming URL. Port from HaarigerHarald/android-youtubeExtractor (Java) to Kotlin.






