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Exploiting BOF Vulnerability

An exploit is a piece of software or a sequence of commands designed to take advantage of a vulnerability in a system, application, or software component. The goal of an exploit is to trigger unintended behavior or gain unauthorized access to a computer system, network, or application. Exploits are used by security researchers, penetration testers, and hackers to identify and demonstrate vulnerabilities and weaknesses in software and systems.

Related Terms


A vulnerability is a weakness in a software application, system, or configuration that can be exploited to compromise the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of the system. Vulnerabilities can include buffer overflows, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.

Exploit Payload

The payload is the portion of the exploit that contains the code to be executed once the vulnerability is exploited. Payloads can range from simple actions like displaying a message to executing arbitrary commands, spawning a remote shell, or gaining administrative privileges.


The process of exploitation involves crafting a payload that takes advantage of a specific vulnerability. This often involves manipulating memory, input data, or system behavior to cause the desired outcome.

Zero-Day Exploit

A zero-day exploit targets a vulnerability that is not publicly known or patched by the software vendor. These exploits can be highly valuable to attackers, as defenders haven't had a chance to address the vulnerability.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hackers and penetration testers use exploits to identify security weaknesses in systems and applications. They follow ethical guidelines and work within legal boundaries to help organizations improve their security posture.

Black Hat and Malicious Use

Black hat hackers, also known as malicious hackers, use exploits for unauthorized and often illegal activities. Their motives might include financial gain, data theft, or causing disruption.


Organizations deploy security measures to mitigate the risk of exploitation. These measures include patching vulnerabilities, implementing intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and applying security best practices.

Exploiting Vulnerability

Part I

Find and understand the vulnerability in the program Give it an input string such that the control of flow move to some piece of code of our choice within the code section.


Part II

  • Write / Get the shellcode
  • Craft the input string such that the control of flow shifts to your shellcode residing on the stack.
  • Inject the shellcode by giving this input string to the vulnerable program.
  • Test it inside the debugger.
  • Test it outside the debugger.


Code Integrity Protection

By default protections by OS

  • The code integrity property is ensured by making the process stack, heap, and data sections as non-executable and the text section as non-writable, which is the default settings in most modern operating systems.
  • To make the stack executable we can set the NX (Non- Executable) bit in x86. A programmer can set this bit during linking phase by giving the -z noexecstack option to gcc.
  • The text section is also by default non-writable, and this is also enforced by memory access permissions using virtual memory (in the page table).

Bypassing Code Integrity Protection

  • You can bypass Code Integrity Protection by using a class of attacks known as return-to-libc, in which you divert the control flow to C library function system() with the /bin/sh parameter. The fact that the vast majority of programs are linked with the C library makes this pretty easy. This technique of attacks is also known as Return-Oriented-Programming (ROP), in which you reuse existing code in the program, the attacker may reuse small pieces of program code called “gadgets” to execute arbitrary (turing-complete) operations.
  • You can bypass Code Integrity Protection by making the stack executable at run-time, e.g., by calling mprotect(), which is used to change the access protections for the calling process's memory page containing the stack.

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)

ASLR randomizes the address of stack, heap and hared library sections in a process address space. Every time a program executes it is given different addresses, thus preventing an attacker from reliably jumping to an exploited function in memory.

  • Linux allows 3 options for its ASLR implementation that can be configured in /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space file. Writing 0, 1, or 2 to this will results in the following behaviors

    • 0: deactivated
    • 1: random stack, vdso, libraries; data is after code section
    • 2: random data too
    • The stack is easily randomizable, as all stack addresses are relative to rsp or rbp. Similarly data section can also be randomized, if address of data segment is set to a random value.
  • The Code can only be randomized by compiling the program as Position Independent Code/Position Independent Executable. This is the default for shared libraries, but otherwise executable code is usually placed at fixed addresses.

Note that randomization occurs at load-time, which means that the segment addresses do not change while the process is running.

Bypassing - Address Space Layout Randomization

  • Bruteforce. If the attacker is able to inject payloads multiple times without crashing the application, they can bruteforce the address they are interested in (e.g., a target in libc). Otherwise, they can just run the exploit multiple times until they guess the correct target.
  • NOP sled. In the case of shellcodes, a longer NOP sled will maximize the chances of jumping inside it and eventually reaching the exploit code even if the stack address is randomized.
  • Restrict entropy. There are various ways of reducing the entropy of the randomized address. For example, the attacker can decrease the initial stack size by setting a huge amount of dummy environment variables.
  • Information leak. The most effective way of bypassing ASLR is by using an information leak vulnerability that exposes a randomized address, or at least parts of it. The attacker can also dump parts of libraries (e.g., libc) if they are able to create an exploit that reads them. This is useful in remote attacks to infer the version of the library, downloading it from the web, and thus knowing the right GOT offsets for other functions (not originally linked with the binary).

Stack Protection (Canaries)

  • A stack canary is a known value or word that is placed just below the return address on the stack to monitor buffer overflow. A copy of this word is saved some where else as well. When the hacker overwrites the return address using a buffer overflow the canary will also be overwritten. When a function calls return this canary value is compared with a a saved else where copy and a mismatch indicates that the stack is over wirtten. To disable this security option we can compile the program using -fno-stack-protector option to gcc.
  • Stack canaries only protect against buffer overflows. Arbitrary memory writes (e.g. to offsets that can be controlled by the attacker) may be crafted so that they do not touch the canary value. Guessing the canary value, e.g. through an information leak or through brute force, is possible and will bypass the attack. Search out more options that can be used to override this protection mechanism.

Stack Canary
