To use the Testing Framework, is enough to import the published package resulting from the development in the current repo. The package is located in src/data_factory_testing_framework.
- Set up an empty Python project with your favorite testing library
- To use the Testing Framework, install the data-factory-testing-framework package from PyPI via your preferred package
- Pip:
pip install data-factory-testing-framework
- Poetry:
poetry add data-factory-testing-framework
- Pip:
- Start writting tests
To use a Dev Container, you need to have the following software in addition to the previous pre-requisites:
- Docker
- Visual Studio Code Remote Development Extension Pack
In order to open the project in a container follow the following steps:
- Open Visual Studio Code and clone the repository.
- Hit Control-Shift-P to open the command palette and type Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container ...
- When prompted, select the examples directory of the Project
- Wait for the container to build, check the logs for more information.
When the container successfully starts you can start writing your data factory pipeline tests.
The samples seen below is the only code that you need to write! The framework will take care of the rest.
Evaluate activities (e.g. a WebActivity that calls Azure Batch API)
# Arrange activity: Activity = pipeline.get_activity_by_name("Trigger Azure Batch Job") state = PipelineRunState( parameters=[ RunParameter(RunParameterType.Global, "BaseUrl", ""), RunParameter(RunParameterType.Pipeline, "JobId", "123"), ], variables=[ PipelineRunVariable("JobName", "Job-123"), ], activity_results=[ ActivityResult("Get version", DependencyCondition.SUCCEEDED, {"Version": "version1"}), ]) # Act activity.evaluate(state) # Assert assert "" == activity.type_properties["url"].result assert "POST" == activity.type_properties["method"].result body = activity.type_properties["body"].get_json_value() assert "123" == body["JobId"] assert "Job-123" == body["JobName"] assert "version1" == body["Version"]
Evaluate Pipelines and test the flow of activities given a specific input
# Arrange pipeline: PipelineResource = test_framework.get_pipeline_by_name("batch_job") # Runs the pipeline with the provided parameters activities = test_framework.evaluate_pipeline(pipeline, [ RunParameter(RunParameterType.Pipeline, "JobId", "123"), RunParameter(RunParameterType.Pipeline, "ContainerName", "test-container"), RunParameter(RunParameterType.Global, "BaseUrl", ""), ]) set_variable_activity: Activity = next(activities) assert set_variable_activity is not None assert "Set JobName" == assert "JobName" == activity.type_properties["variableName"] assert "Job-123" == activity.type_properties["value"].result get_version_activity = next(activities) assert get_version_activity is not None assert "Get version" == assert "" == get_version_activity.type_properties["url"].result assert "GET" == get_version_activity.type_properties["method"] get_version_activity.set_result(DependencyCondition.Succeeded,{"Version": "version1"}) create_batch_activity = next(activities) assert create_batch_activity is not None assert "Trigger Azure Batch Job" == assert "" == create_batch_activity.type_properties["url"].result assert "POST" == create_batch_activity.type_properties["method"] body = create_batch_activity.type_properties["body"].get_json_value() assert "123" == body["JobId"] assert "Job-123" == body["JobName"] assert "version1" == body["Version"] with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(activities)
See examples folder for more samples