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Mind & Machine Research Lab

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  1. disent-and-gen disent-and-gen Public

    Code from the article: "The Role of Disentanglement in Generalisation" (ICLR, 2021).

    Jupyter Notebook 22 1

  2. dl dl Public

    Docker image for deep learning

    Dockerfile 9 3

  3. lost-in-latent-space lost-in-latent-space Public

    Code from the article: "Lost in Latent Space: Examining Failures of Disentangled Models at Combinatorial Generalisaton" (NeurIPS, 2022)

    Python 5

  4. pytorch-project-template pytorch-project-template Public template

    Template repository for DL projects using PyTorch and Sacred.

    Python 1

  5. deep-unsupervised-learning deep-unsupervised-learning Public

    Course materials to accompany CS294-158



Showing 5 of 5 repositories
  • lost-in-latent-space Public

    Code from the article: "Lost in Latent Space: Examining Failures of Disentangled Models at Combinatorial Generalisaton" (NeurIPS, 2022)

    Python 5 0 0 0 Updated Jan 4, 2023
  • disent-and-gen Public

    Code from the article: "The Role of Disentanglement in Generalisation" (ICLR, 2021).

    Jupyter Notebook 22 MIT 1 0 0 Updated May 28, 2022
  • dl Public

    Docker image for deep learning

    Dockerfile 9 3 0 0 Updated Feb 26, 2021
  • deep-unsupervised-learning Public

    Course materials to accompany CS294-158

    Python 0 0 0 0 Updated Aug 30, 2019
  • pytorch-project-template Public template

    Template repository for DL projects using PyTorch and Sacred.

    Python 1 0 0 0 Updated Aug 16, 2019

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