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Evergreen Config Generation


Use Astral uv to run the config_generator/ script from the project root directory:

uv run --frozen .evergreen/config_generator/

Python binary and package requirements are defined in the project root directory's pyproject.toml file. When the pyproject.toml file is updated, omit --frozen to allow uv.lock to be updated.


The contents of this directory are organized as follows:

  • config.yml: the root Evergreen config file.
  • generated_configs: generated Evergreen config files included by config.yml.
  • config_generator: Python scripts used to generate config files under generated_configs.
  • scripts: shell scripts used by the generated Evergreen config.

Config Generator

Config generator scripts are organized into three subdirectories.


These scripts define Evergreen functions, tasks, task groups, and build variants. Components which only define Evergreen functions (for reuse by multiple components) are grouped under the funcs subdirectory. All other components (which define a task, task group, or build variant) are located outside the funcs directory.


These scripts define helper utilities used by components, but do not define any Evergreen functions, tasks, task groups, or build variants themselves. These scripts are only imported by scripts under components.


These scripts are imported by and are each responsible for generating an Evergreen config file under generated_configs ( generates functions.yml, etc.). These scripts only scan the contents of the components directory.