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Dockerfile and docker-compose dev and prod

  • production official Dockerfile example
  • production multistage Dockerfile example
  • dev and prod docker-compose, Dockerfile gist
  • dev Dockerfile and docker-compose tutorial
  • multistage Dockerfile only for prod, other images aren't uploaded anywhere (dev, test)
  • if Dockerfile doesn't have CMD or entrypoint it has some default from base image
  • env_file vs --env-file docs

Next.js and Docker env vars

  • env vars Docker docs
  • env vars Next.js docs
  • buildtime, runtime Docker env vars table

Prisma Docker

  • prisma migrate prod tutorial

  • "migrate-prod": "npx prisma migrate deploy",

  • CMD instead of RUN

  • custom .env file (only for dev) docs

# dotenv works in yarn script but not in bash

"migrate": "dotenv -e .env.local -- npx prisma migrate dev --skip-seed",
  • npx prisma migrate deploy must be executed on production at runtime, so "prisma": "3.7.0" must be in prod dependencies
  • IMPORTANT: permissions - delete volumes, images and containers in Portainer everytime for Dockerfile and d-c.yml changes to take effect
  • solution: create volumes (/app, /app/node_modules, /app/.next) with current user:group (node:node), pass as ARGs or hardcode, dont mkdir /app
  • just node:node in Dockerfile works fine
  • run id to se uid, gid
  • .next doesn't update on create post - outdated user in session and database, logout/in
// pages/post/drafts.tsx

author: { id: },
// prisma node_modules permission error
// delete named volumes in Portainer after each Dockerfile change
- ./:/app
- np-dev-node_modules:/app/node_modules // this
- np-dev-next:/app/.next // and this

Next.js and Docker production build

  • Next.js build must connect to database to generate existing pages on Docker image BUILD time

  • use ARG docker build --build-arg ARG_DATABASE_URL=... to pass this temporary connection

  • ENV ARG difference...

  • Docker tutorial

  • Next.js and Docker tutorial

  • and are same file for Docker, services must have different names, it will rebuild the same image

  • ts-node seed in production error

  • move prisma to production dependencies

  • migrate seed.ts to javascript so @types don't need to be in prod dependecies, and call it with node

  • seed.js is separate build context invoked with npx, can't import code from next.js app, env vars must be passed separately

  • prisma generate writes to node_modules, needed after both dev and prod dependecies

  • static site generation needs data from db, both prisma migrate deploy and seed are needed - no?

  • better to connect to external db with data

  • prisma sqlite path is relative to schema file

  • this line is for typescript error in alpine in RUN apk add --no-cache libc6-compat

  • RUN openssl version openssl not found, node:16-alpine has no openssl

  • debug prisma:

ENV DEBUG=prisma:client,prisma:engine
prisma = new PrismaClient({
  log: ['query', 'info', 'warn', 'error'],
  • MISTAKE: should be COPY prisma ./prisma for prisma:client:fetcher Error: The table main.Post does not exist in the current database.
  • problem: can't access schema.prisma and dev.db sqlite write error in container (not in volume), solution: prisma folder must have x permission to cd into folder and files rw, so 766, (666 doesn't work)
RUN chmod 766 -R prisma uploads
  • debug size with dive
docker run --rm -it \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    wagoodman/dive:latest nextjs-prisma-boilerplate_nextjs-prisma-prod:latest
  • shrink image size:

    • don't do RUN chown -R node:node /app - 700MB
    • only dist, . next and volumes - uploads, prisma
  • env vars not expanded in production?

  • disk usage node_modules

/app # du -sh ./node_modules/* | sort -nr | grep '\dM.*'
123.8M  ./node_modules/@prisma
95.6M   ./node_modules/@next
59.3M   ./node_modules/prisma
41.2M   ./node_modules/react-icons
32.5M   ./node_modules/next
17.1M   ./node_modules/faker
5.0M    ./node_modules/moment
yarn add prisma
du -hs node_modules
133M	node_modules
yarn add @prisma/client
du -hs node_modules
143M	node_modules
yarn add prisma @prisma/client
du -hs node_modules
143M	node_modules
  • add migration-seed container with prisma

Next.js buildtime, runtime env vars

  • .env.* (development, production, local - secret, test) files docs
  • buildtime vars, env key in next.config.js docs
  • runtime vars serverRuntimeConfig (private, server), publicRuntimeConfig (public, client, server) docs
  • tutorial Youtube

Named volumes permissions chown -R node:node

  • AFTER deleting container you have to DELETE VOLUME TOO

DATABASE_URL Docker buildtime

  • wherever you replace getServerSideProps with getStaticProps it will read db buildtime and precompile page with data from db, you can switch getServerSideProps and getStaticProps to test

NEXTAUTH_URL required at build time

  • or error: login redirect to http:$protocol
  • in server.ts log:
  • pass build-args: in Github Actions, must use double quotes, single quotes fail
build-args: |
  • to reflect NEXTAUTH_URL in .env.production change you must rebuild container

  • NEXTAUTH_URL different values at build and runtime???

  • docker-compose up with force pull latest image?

Heroku Docker

  • port must not be hardcoded in Dockerfile
  • upload volume can't work

Migration container

  • separate container is needed and Github Action job, keep 2 images on Dockerhub, versions must match
  • keep migration in same image for simplicity

Run volumes as current (non root) user

# UID and GID env vars for Docker volumes permissions
export UID=$(id -u)
export GID=$(id -g)
# shell variable
echo $UID
# environment variable
printenv | grep UID  # no output
env | grep UID # same
  • solution:
  • UID is already defined variable in bash - for warning
  • only works from .bashrc, and not from .profile
# UID and GID env vars for Docker volumes permissions
export MY_UID=$(id -u)
export MY_GID=$(id -g)
  • must create .next, dist, node_modules manualy on host as user before d-c up for npb-app-test, although folders created in Dockerfile.test

Postgres volume non-root user solution:

  • Docker Postgres Arbitrary --user Notes docs, on Github docker-library/docs/blob/master/postgres/

  • simplest: use postgres:14.3-bullseye (133.03 MB) instead of postgres:14-alpine (85.81 MB)

  • in docker-compose.yml user: '${MY_UID}:${MY_GID}' (1000:1000)

  • and must create manually folder pg-data-test on host, and then it leaves it alone (maybe good enough)

  • it works: mount one dir above (prisma/pg-data) and set data dir as subdirectory (prisma/pg-data/data-test), add prisma/pg-data/.gitkeep

  • Gitlab example

# maybe hardcode 1000:1000 for prod
user: '${MY_UID}:${MY_GID}'
  - ./prisma/pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/data-test
# .gitignore, .dockerignore
# ignore data, commit .gitkeep

docker-compose override, extend

  • docs

  • remember this: services with 'depends_on' cannot be extended

ERROR: Cannot extend service 'npb-app-test' in /home/username/Desktop/nextjs-prisma-boilerplate/docker-compose.test.yml: services with 'depends_on' cannot be extended
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f config > docker-compose.stack.yml
  • extends with -f dc1 -f dc2 works, both containers have same name
// to run npb-app-test omit -f docker-compose.e2e.yml
// exits because it doesn't have start command
"docker:npb-app-test:npb-db-test:up": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -p npb-test up -d npb-app-test npb-db-test",

// to run npb-app-test (e2e) include -f docker-compose.e2e.yml
// container renamed with:
// container_name: npb-app-e2e
"docker:npb-app-test:npb-db-test:e2e:up": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml -p npb-test up -d npb-app-test npb-db-test",
  • for build both d-c.yml file are needed, because of other services
  • doceker-compose.yml is runtime configuration

docker-compose debugging

  • use docker-compose config to see if env vars are substituted, or for resulting docker-compose.override.yml
  • replace build, up ... with config in yarn script
    image: 'webapp:${TAG}'
docker-compose --env-file ./config/ config

docker-compose up for production

  • can pass custom ./my/path/ file to docker-compose up command
  • all vars must be in a single file, Github issue
docker-compose --env-file ./config/ up

docker-compose live production

  • staging:

  •, /envs/production-docker/ - this is staging practically, to test production locally

  • .env.production* - to reuse Next.js envs configuration, locally

  • don't build image on live server, 1GB RAM enough to host and 4GB to build image

  • live (real production): - other repo, no Traefik install here

  • you can pass many files into container (env_file:), but only one file to docker-compose.yml (--env-file option)

alternative 1 (all env vars in a single file):

  • put all (1. container's public, private, 2. docker-compose.yml) env vars in a single file and let docker-compose.yml forward them into container
  • Note: better comment out private vars here and set them on OS or use some dedicated vault (best)
# .env

# app container vars -------------------
# public vars
- APP_ENV=live
- PORT=3001
# private vars
- SECRET=long-string

# postgres container vars -------------------
# private vars
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres_user
- POSTGRES_DB=live-db

# docker-compose.yml vars
- SITE_HOSTNAME # already defined above for app container
- MY_UID=1001 # id -u && id -g in ~/.bashrc or here, used in postgres container
- MY_GID=1001

alternative 2 (separate app and docker-compose vars):

  • pass container's env vars with env_file: in docker-compose.yml
  • pass docker-compose.yml vars with docker-compose up or export them via shell before docker-compose up
# app container's public vars
- APP_ENV=live
- PORT=3001

# app and postgres container's private vars
# app
- SECRET=long-string
# postgres
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres_user
- POSTGRES_DB=live-db

# docker-compose.yml vars
- MY_UID=1001
- MY_GID=1001
  • docker-compose can build image but can't tag image in same command (will use tag from image: in d-c.yml), docker build can tag cheatsheet

yarn scripts for Docker

  • docker:dev:up is enough because source and .env* files are mounted via volume plus correct .env* files are passed in docker-compose.yml via env_file: (of course), no need for docker:dev:up:env, same for docker:tests

  • env files are only needed for docker:prod:build script (ARGs)

  • you can docker-compose up single service but you must remove entire docker-compose.yml file

// dev up
"docker:dev:up": "docker-compose -f -p npb-dev up",
// entire dev down, also db down, (always same args as up - file and project...)
"docker:dev:down": "docker-compose -f -p npb-dev down -v --remove-orphans",
// db up, no single db down
"docker:db:dev:up": "docker-compose -f -p npb-dev up -d npb-db-dev",
  • test containers explained:
// same scripts with 2 names, let it be
"docker:test:build": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build npb-app-test",
"docker:npb-app-test:build": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build npb-app-test",
// all build scripts are for app container (plus cypress for e2e)
// either APP_ENV name or service name
// docker:dev:build instead of docker:npb-app-dev:build
// only for tests service name
// -------------
// Dockerfile.test - src is passed as bind mount volume
// you need to rebuild container only on package.json change
// this container doesn't run app by default (in test)
CMD [ "yarn", "prisma:migrate:prod" ]
// -----------
// shut down test db
"docker:test:down": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down -v --remove-orphans",
// ------------
// these just need npb-db-test up (docker:db:test:up) and Dockerfile.test rebuilt (docker:test:build)
// they run on their own
"docker:test:client": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -p npb-test run --rm npb-app-test sh -c 'yarn test:client'",
"docker:test:server:unit": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -p npb-test run --rm npb-app-test sh -c 'yarn test:server:unit'",
"docker:test:server:integration": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -p npb-test run --rm npb-app-test sh -c 'yarn test:server:integration'",
  • running tests scripts order:
# order:
yarn docker:test:build
yarn docker:db:test:up
yarn docker:test:client
yarn docker:server:unit
yarn docker:server:integration
# shut down test db
yarn docker:test:down
  • e2e testing containers explained:
// all builds are with docker-compose, except live
// can be also with Dockerfile, just image name - tag, d-c better
"docker:npb-app-test:build": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build npb-app-test",
"docker:npb-e2e:build": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml build npb-e2e",
// 3 containers:
// 1. npb-app-test - app
// 2. npb-db-test - db
// 3. npb-e2e - cypress
// npb-e2e - service name - cypress
// npb-db-test:e2e:up - e2e is APP_ENV for tests

// start app and db - prepare for cypress
"docker:npb-app-test:npb-db-test:e2e:up": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml -p npb-test up -d npb-app-test npb-db-test",
// run cypress
"docker:npb-e2e:up": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml -p npb-test up npb-e2e",
// run all 3: app, db and cypress
// from docker-compose.e2e.yml override
"docker:test:e2e:up": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml -p npb-test up",
"docker:test:e2e:down": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml -p npb-test down",
// same db container as docker:db:test:up
"docker:db:e2e:up": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml -p npb-test up -d npb-db-test",
// ---------------
// this starts test app for cypress
"docker:test:start": "yarn prisma:migrate:prod && yarn build && yarn start",
// docker-compose.e2e.yml
// command: yarn docker:test:start
  • running e2e tests scripts order:
# order
yarn docker:npb-app-test:build # same as docker:test:build
yarn docker:npb-e2e:build
# prepare - start db and build and start app - better
yarn docker:npb-app-test:npb-db-test:e2e:up
# run cypress
yarn docker:npb-e2e:up
# or all at once
# avoid - leaves you in running app and db containers, ctrl C
# does not remove containers
yarn docker:test:e2e:up
# remove containers
yarn docker:test:e2e:down

Prod live containers explained

// use docker build to specify custom tag
// must have full username/image-name to be pushed
"docker:live:build": "dotenv -e ./envs/production-live/ -- bash -c 'docker build -f -t nemanjamitic/nextjs-prisma-boilerplate:latest --build-arg ARG_DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL} --build-arg ARG_NEXTAUTH_URL=${NEXTAUTH_URL} .'",
  • runtime vs build time env vars (Dockerfile ARGs)
DATABASE_URL - runtime var, buildtime for SSG, not inlined # actually app build failed
NEXTAUTH_URL - runtime var, used in Head buildtime for SSG, not inlined (but NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL is), coupled with React code
  • long story short: set both always, db can be local seeded db

  • cache IS reused in Docker, see log, but yarn install layer isn't..., if you dont touch package.json (scripts...) it will be reused, separate scripts from dependencies...

Step 6/37 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 22e75b91732a
  • push local live image to Dockerhub
docker login # username, pass
# build, must have full username/image-name
"docker:live:push": "docker push nemanjamitic/nextjs-prisma-boilerplate:latest",
  • add/remove tag
# add tag
docker tag image-id-or-tag old-tag new-tag
# remove tag (can have multiple)
docker rmi my-tag