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File metadata and controls

786 lines (592 loc) · 24.5 KB

Setup tests in Next.js (no type checking)

Setup tests in Next.js (ts-jest)

Install ts-jest

yarn add --dev jest ts-jest @types/jest

# create jest.config.js
yarn ts-jest config:init

Install React Testing Library

yarn add --dev @testing-library/react @testing-library/user-event @testing-library/dom @testing-library/jest-dom

# package.json
"test": "jest",
// jest.config.js
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
globals: {
    'ts-jest': {
        tsconfig: './tsconfig.jest.json',
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.ts'],

// jest.setup.ts
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';

Setup Eslint

# test with fit()
yarn add --dev eslint eslint-plugin-jest

# test with screen.debug()
yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-testing-library
  • rtlRender in unit tests, customRender with loggedin user and all providers in integration tests

React Query testing

Forms testing

React Testing Libraries queries

  • bug: TypeError: window.matchMedia is not a function, solution

  • Print element by class - screen.debug()

const postsList = document.querySelector('.home__list');
screen.debug(postsList, 20 * 1000);
  • if it has state (async) update debug has to wait (state wrapped with act() warning) if not already bellow waitFor(), findby()...
await waitFor(() => {
  const postsList = document.querySelector('.home__list');
  screen.debug(postsList, 20000);
  • better name element you are selecting
const title = screen.getByRole('heading', {
  name: /home/i,
  • select text input
// option 1
const searchInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', {
  name: /search/i,
// option 2
const searchInput = screen.getByLabelText(/search/i);
  • run only one test or describe
yarn jest -t "describe desc..." // single describe()
yarn jest -t "test desc..." // single test()
yarn test:client --onlyFailures // run only failed tests


  • problem: The above error occurred in the <Link> component, Error: Uncaught [TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch')], solution: jest.fn() must return promise (important, spent half day on it)
prefetch: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()),
reload: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(true)),
  • variable inside a regex
const title = await screen.findByRole('heading', {
  name: RegExp(`${searchTerm}`, 'i'),
  • integration tests - views folder, unit - components, hooks
  • ask afterEach() clear router.push: jest.fn()?
  • optimal query for spaces \s? screen.getByLabelText(/confirm password/i);, answer: use space
// space is space
\s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [\r\n\t\f\v ])
  • mock single property/fn from module import
// cast type
// jest.requireActual(...) - most important

// import
import { signIn, ClientSafeProvider } from 'next-auth/react';

// set
jest.mock('next-auth/react', () => ({
  ...(jest.requireActual('next-auth/react') as {}), // cast just for spread
  signIn: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ ok: false }),
const mockedSignIn = jest.mocked(signIn, true); // just for type .mockClear();

// assert
await waitFor(() => expect(mockedSignIn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(;
// cleanup mock
  • alternative way - spyOn(), difference?

  • views folder - integration tests

  • mock image File gist

  • mock URL.createObjectURL in jest-dom stackoverflow

  • how to use jest.spyOn() to mock local function tutorial

// jest.spyOn(object, methodName);
import * as data from './data'; // local import
const mock = jest.spyOn(data, 'getCharacter').mockResolvedValue('Bob'); // za promise
mock.mockRestore(); // oslobodi fju na kraju testa
  • image mocked as {} somewhere ??? next docs, bad way, use msw

  • msw mock image binary response docs

  • load .env.test and .env.test.local in tests stackoverflow

  • mock File and Blob in Node.js polyfill @web-std/file - doesn't work in jsdom, only node.js, don't use it

  • mock Blob with blob-polyfill

yarn add -D blob-polyfill

// jest.setup.ts
import { Blob } from 'blob-polyfill';

// mock Blob with polyfill
global.Blob = Blob;

// useUpdateUser.ts getImage()
// replace File with Blob - works
const file = new File([], 'default-image');

const file = new Blob([], { type: 'image/jpeg' });
file['lastModifiedDate'] = new Date();
file['name'] = 'default-image';

return file as File;
// debug
// const text = await file.text();
// console.log('text', text);
// jest.config.js
setupFiles: ['jsdom-worker'];
  • wait for more than one element to disapear
await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => [
  • jest log upside down, first error at bottom...
  • userEvent v14 breaking changes clear() (select text and delete input) and type() docs
// utils
userEvent.type(); // utility api; // convinience api
// keyboard, pointer...
const user = userEvent.setup();

await user.keyboard('[ShiftLeft>]'); // > hold key, /release
// v13 working
// edit name
userEvent.type(nameInput, `{selectall}${updatedName}`);

// click submit
const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
  name: /submit/i,

// ------------

// v14 working
// edit name
await userEvent.clear(nameInput);
await userEvent.type(nameInput, updatedName);

// click submit
const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
  name: /submit/i,

  • wrapped in act warning - something async is out of order and not awaited, race and state update, forms e.g., events, (react state update is always async)

  • submit form without button click

import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';

fireEvent.submit(searchInput); // or form element
// enter key
fireEvent.keyPress(input, { key: 'Enter', charCode: 13 });
  • problem: msw handler not fired and console logging, solution: order of handlers is wrong, route is overridden by other handler, move it to top, actually: routes overlap, must be in same handler with switch statement, Next.js handles priority by default

  • useSession in useMe needs SessionProvider to call msw /api/auth/session/ endpoint

const { result, waitFor } = renderHook(() => useMe(), {
  wrapper: createWrapper(), // here
  • who sets process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'

  • hooks test examples github

  • useViewport hook test github

  • assert element content expect(screen.getByTestId('my-test-id')).toHaveTextContent('some text');

  • problem: cant find element by role, solution: getByRole() is in describe block instead od test block

  • :root element screen.debug(document.documentElement), assert class expect(element).toHaveClass('some-class')

  • search input validation error message test toHaveErrorMessage docs github

  • Bruno Antunes Youtube

// aria tags for toHaveErrorMessage()
<p id="search-err-msg-id">err msg</p>

// no error message regex `.+` - at least 1 char
  • test happy path form onSubmit
// mock
const onSubmit = jest.fn();
// clear just that mock
afterEach(() => {
// pass
customRender(<SearchInput onSearchSubmit={onSubmit} />);
// assert
  • clear one and all mocks
// must be declared in describe scope to be cleaned in afterEach()
const onSubmit = jest.fn();

// ones with jest.clearAllMocks(); can be defined in local test scope

afterEach(() => {
  // one
  // all


  • when wrapped with Suspense and suspense: true in React Query initially always loader is dispalyed
  • await screen.findByText() IS solution because you need to wait a bit more, or you will get empty <body><div/></body>
  • point - wait for final wanted elements with findById, not all intermediate loaders one by one with waitForToBeRemoved
customRender(<Footer />);
// either wait for loader to disappear
await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByTestId(/loading/i));

// or retry first element - preferred solution
const contentText = await screen.findByText(/footer 2022/i);

Error 500 handlers

  • cant listen with 2 handlers on same route
  • mock console.log(), error(), warn()
  • run sequentionally with jest --runInBand, server.resetHandlers() is broken?
const mockedConsoleError = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation();
mockedConsoleError.mockRestore(); // clean
  • test error 500 useQuery, must be wrapped with <SuspenseWrapper />, and suspense: true, useErrorBoundary: true is in queryClientConfig so result.current.isError is undefined, you must assert message text on ErrorBoundary component, hook is rendered inside a component, use import { screen } from '@testing-library/react' screen from rtl import

  • only for mutations ErrorBoundary is disabled useErrorBoundary: false

// result.current=null

test('fail 500 query user hook', async () => {
  const mockedConsoleError = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation();

  const params: UserGetQueryParams = { username: fakeUser.username };

  // return 500 from msw
  renderHook(() => useUser(params), {
    wrapper: createWrapper(),

  // uses ErrorBoundary, isError is undefined
  // queries: { suspense: true, useErrorBoundary: true }
  // assert ErrorBoundary and message and not result.current.isError
  const errorBoundaryMessage = await screen.findByTestId(/error\-boundary\-test/i);

  • error handling with Axios interceptor for transforming error, for side-effects React Query global handler is enough
const queryClientConfig: QueryClientConfig = {
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      suspense: true,
      useErrorBoundary: true,
    mutations: {
      useErrorBoundary: false,
  queryCache: new QueryCache({
    onError: (error) => console.error('global Query error handler:', error),
  mutationCache: new MutationCache({
    onError: (error) => console.error('global Mutation error handler:', error),
  • msw concurrent run limitation issue

Node.js Api unit testing

  • unit services: input - argument object, mock prisma, assert service output
  • unit controllers: input - http supertest, mock service, assert http response and status, assert service mock calledWithArgs
  • always mock one layer bellow
  • any class can be unit tested

Services unit tests

  • Prisma client is mocked, singleton or dependency injection

  • Prisma docs - unit testing db services

  • assert rejected promise stackoverflow

  • assert ApiError toBeInstanceOf() and set correct constructor name stackoverflow

Controllers unit tests

  • controller needs to be isolated from db to be unit tested

  • TomDoesTech Youtube tutorial Github repo, mock service value .mockReturnValueOnce(userPayload); and assert service input args expect(createUserServiceMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(userInput);, unit for controllers, service mocked, controller forwards same input to service, supertest, ok

  • supertest testClient with Next.js tutorial, stackoverflow example

// match part of the object, ignore Date()
    title: fakePostWithAuthor.title,
    content: fakePostWithAuthor.content,

// partial match nested object
    payload: expect.objectContaining({
      specific: 'specific value',

Node.js Api integration testing

  • test database in Docker

  • Prisma docs

  • connect to test db with env.test.local, DATABASE_URL, so it can be remote db

  • entire test env should be decoupled from dev, db + node.js

  • seed/trunc db for each tests suite in beforeAll, afterAll, describe or test file

  • for each tests run create/destroy Docker container docker-compose up -d, docker-compose down

  • asserts with database queries

  • cannot start app without seed data

  • Hashnode Github Actions integration tutorial, Github

  • replaces PrismaClient with mock prisma/__mocks__/index.ts and jest.mock('./prisma/index'); (real file)

  • run Postgres directly in Github Actions

  • .env.test and

  • docs example testing-express, integration tests, supertest, sqlite, prisma-test-environment.js class

  • service unit with test db, asserts by reading db, integration with createServer(), fetch and test db, 2 containers Node.js and Postgres, Github Actions example code, tutorial, Github repo

  • productioncoder youtube, Github, pg_ready, migrations postgres volume

  • Github Actions postgres docker-compose up Github

  • must create user in db before post, so it can connect, and for logged in user mock

  • must mock logged in user for protected endpoints, maybe possible to manipulate req object

// mock logged in user
// todo: maybe this is possible without mock, manipulate req object
const mockedGetMeService = jest.spyOn(usersService, 'getMe').mockResolvedValue(author);
  • use describe blocks and afterAll() to delete all tables for new context

Multiple Jest projects - client, server

  • tutorial

  • stackoverflow

  • gist example

  • base config

  • for Api unit tests services layer is required

  • userEvent v14 click(), clear(), type() must be wrapped in act, bug, Github issue

  • all tests fail in parallel because of this

  • MUST run in sequence for msw 500

Docker test environment (local testing only)

  • both database and node.js containers

  • same env for integration api test and cypress e2e

  • derived from prod, no edit, no install packages, frontend prod build

  • both Dockerfile.test (from dev, simple enough) and docker-compose.test.yml (from prod) in pair

  • Docker only for local test run, in GA it runs directly in os

  • dont drop database, create and destroy container

  • POSTGRES_DB=nextjs_prisma_test_db in .env file will create db in container

  • order:

    1. Start the container and create the database
    2. Migrate the schema
    3. Run the tests
    4. Destroy the container
  • app works without seed, just migrated schema without data

  • app built in Dockerfile, no volumes and live reload, simple

  • no, build app in container runtime - cant rebuild while app is running, but it will rebuild just app without container

  • seed in beforeAll in tests only

  • change postgres port to 5435 so test-db container can run concurrently with dev-db

# docker-compose.test.yml
  # change internal port
  command: postgres -p 5435
  # expose it to host
    - '5435:5435'
# .env.test.local
  • app is not running so NODE_ENV=test probably? api integration test, Cypress production
  • basically you just need test database
  • cant run dev and test concurrently node_modules are shared, so use same port
  • volumes so you just rebuild app and not container, Dockerfile CMD too
  • PrismaClient singleton for seed stackoverflow
  • separate yarn script for integration tests because unit tests dont need database
  • seed not needed in beforeAll()
// singleton class example
class PrismaSingleton {
  constructor(prisma) {
    this.prisma = prisma;
    PrismaSingleton.instance = this;

  static getInstance() {
    if (!PrismaSingleton.instance) {
      PrismaSingleton.instance = new PrismaSingleton(new PrismaClient());
    return PrismaSingleton.instance;

Run tests in Docker, yarn scripts

  • ip:port needed only when tests run on host, otherwise depends_on works

Github Actions test CI


  • Github Next.js example Readme
  • ignore missing Tailwind inport for now...
yarn jest-preview

import { debug } from 'jest-preview';


Fix act Jest warning

  • if expect() isn't for element selected with await findBy() you need to retry with await waitFor() to assert state update on UI

await waitFor(() =>
  expect(titleInput).toHaveErrorMessage(/must contain at least 6 character/i)
await waitFor(() =>
  expect(contentTextArea).toHaveErrorMessage(/must contain at least 6 character/i)

userEvent v14 clear() bug

// views/Settings/Settings.test.tsx
// views/Create/Create.test.tsx

// NOTE: this fixes a bug in userEvent.clear() or React Hook Form
// field is frozen for first 2 characters
// user0 name + 123 -> user0 name3
await userEvent.type(nameInput, '123');

// edit name
await userEvent.clear(nameInput);
expect(nameInput).toHaveValue(''); // now it works

Wrapped in act() errors

  • me context that fetches me asynchronously, me resolves after test finishes
  • otherwise await findBy suspense in Wrapper
// pass me sync in test-client/Wrapper.tsx
<MeContext.Provider value={{ me: fakeUser }}>{children}</MeContext.Provider>
  • in components/SearchInput/SearchInput.test.tsx solution was to remove unnecessary submit fireEvent to trigger validation messages, they are onChange already, only first time

  • wrong way: (causes act error)

await userEvent.type(searchInput, searchTerm);

// submit form
act(() => {
  • right way:
// type and submit
await userEvent.type(searchInput, `${searchTerm}{enter}`);

Jest coverage

  • in some branch...? Kent Dodds repo

  • setup coverage folders (both test files and coverage report with html) for both jest.client.js and jest.server.js

  • just jest --coverage flag in existing commands, and that's it

// jest.config.js
// select tests
collectCoverageFrom[/**/*.ts] // by default ignores *.test.ts files

coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [

// coverage folder, default beside jest.server.js probably
// jest.server.js
coverageDirectory: path.join(__dirname, '../coverage/server'), // for server

// scripts - separate jest run for each project, don't use this
"test:coverage": "yarn test:coverage:client && test:coverage:server",
"test:coverage:client": "jest --config test/jest.client.js --coverage",
"test:coverage:server": "jest --config test/jest.server.js --coverage",
  • coverage must be defined once in root jest.config.js (where are projects), and not in jest.client.js and jest.server.js (jest coverage projects monorepo)

  • as stated here: github issue, and here stackoverflow

  • scripts final:

// deafult jest.config.js in root and /coverage dir
"test:coverage": "jest -i --coverage",
  • jest.config.js with --projects option, final:
module.exports = {
  projects: [
  // coverage must be set up in this file
  // and run all tests at once
  collectCoverageFrom: [
    // include -----------------------
    // client code
    // client hooks
    // server code
    // client + server
    // ignore, must come after -------
  // this is default, can be undefined
  coverageDirectory: 'coverage',
  coverageThreshold: {
    global: {
      branches: 25,
      functions: 25,
      lines: 25,
      statements: 25,
  • none of the jest tests needs prod built app, only app source; only e2e Cypress needs built prod app
"test:client": "",
"test:server:unit": "",

// does NOT need built app
// needs only migrated test-db
"test:server:integration": "",

// just uses mounted app source and overrides CMD from Dockerfile.test with run sh-c '...'
// maybe can use sh -c 'prisma:migrate:prod && yarn test:server:integration'",
"docker:test:server:integration": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -p npb-test run --rm npb-app-test sh -c 'yarn test:server:integration'",
  • increase timeout in findBy()
const title = await screen.findByRole(
    name: RegExp(`${}`, 'i'),
  { timeout: 2000 } // default 1000, failed in GA